
Chapter Three

Huh? Why is Sasuke here again?

When I got up the next morning, I was stunned to see him standing on the front yard having a conversation with Itachi. I even had to rub my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things but he really was there!

"Does Sasuke often drop by here?"

Ameri glanced at them before turning back to me, a meaningful smile playing on her lips. "Not really. I wonder why he is here again..."

I looked at them again and tilted my head in wonder. I wonder if there is a problem. Why do they look so serious?

"Eh? Go back to Konoha?",I exclaimed in surprise, dropping the chopstick on my lap.

We barely started eating when Itachi told me about their suggestion regarding my circumstance making me glance at Sasuke who was already watching me. Is this what they were talking about awhile ago?

"Don't worry, it will be kept a secret. Only a few selected people will know about this.",Sasuke replied while I bit my lip feeling a bit reluctant.

 "Shizuru, we think that you should get yourself checked to ensure your body wasn't tampered with. We don't have the proper equipment here so that Ameri could examine you.",Itachi added.

They are right. The best way to check my condition is to go back but why is it that for some reason, I feel anxious. I closed my eyes tightly while they silently waited for my response.

"I understand."

Ameri who was sitting next to me, grabbed my hand and gave it a short squeeze. "You don't have to worry too much. I am sure everything is going to be just fine."

I looked at her and smiled. "Thank you, Ameri."

But what if something was actually wrong with my body?

It was already late in the afternoon when we got to Konoha. The sun was already setting from the distance, emitting a beautiful red-orange hue, gradually painting the sky.

"Shizuru.", Sasuke called when he noticed that I was no longer following him.

We were on the top of a high building that was overlooking the whole village. We were were supposed to head straight to the hokage's office when I stopped and turned to admire the view.

"What is it?"

I paused for moment before replying. "It's just...this feels surreal. Standing here with you while looking at the village, feels like a dream---"

"This isn't a dream. It's real. You're real.",he cut off seriously making me look at him.

Sasuke had an annoyed expression on his face while frustration was clearly playing in his eyes. I stifled a laugh instead and returned my gaze to the horizon.

I really am back in this place again. This familiar scenery, warm afternoon weather and lively sound of the village---everything just feels so nostalgic.

Breathing a sigh, I turned around and faced Sasuke. "Let's go?"

For a second, it seemed he like wanted to say something but I already looked away from him and jumped onto the next building.  I don't know why but for some reason, I didn't want to look into his eyes.

"I-It's really you...",Naruto stammered as he stared at me in disbelief. "You are alive."

I beamed at him and tilted my head. "You've changed. I almost didn't recognize you."

Gone was his usual long spiky yellow hair. His hair was now a short and plain buzz cut. It's quite opposite from Sasuke who has grown his hair, his bangs almost hiding his left eye.

"This is really...",Kakashi mumbled in shock, standing up from his desk.

Naruto grinned and pulled me into a hug. "I am really relieved to see you."

"So that was really you. Why did you run away from us?",Sakura asked after we exchanged hugs and greetings.

"I'm sorry, I got scared."

Her face softened in pity as she pulled me again for another hug. "I'm glad you are back."

I sneeked a glanced at Sasuke and sighed. Since awhile ago, I could feel his scrutinizing gaze following every little movement that I make. Seriously, what is it? His stares are making me nervous.

"It's really great to see you again.",Kakashi smiled as he reached out his hand.

"I feel the same way, sensei or should I say hokage now?",I joked shaking his hand. "Congratulations sensei! You really deserve it."

He beamed at me and patted my head. "You haven't changed at all, Shizuru."

"Shizuru, will it be alright if we have your check up on Friday? You just got here after all, you should take a small break.",Sakura suggested.

"No. We can't wait that long. She has to get checked as soon as possible.",Sasuke seriously protested making them turn to him.

"Sasuke is right. I have to know if I am potentially dangerous or not...",I trailed and took a deep breath to look at them straight in the eye. "And if my hunch is right, please get rid of me immediately."

Sakura gasped from my statement while Kakashi had a solemn look on his face. Sasuke on the other hand, was just staring at me with this unreadable expression on his face.

"But there is now way you could harm others! You are not that kind of person!",Naruto exclaimed.

I looked at him and gave him a warm smile. "Thank you, Naruto. It makes me happy to hear that."

Ever since the beginning, you always had a lot of trust in me. I will never forget that. Noticing the tense atmosphere, I scratched my head and acted brightly.

"Well anyways, it hasn't happened yet so let's not think too much about it, okay?"

"T-That's right! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'm sure, you'll be just fine.",Sakura replied now looking optimistic.

"Sakura's right. Let's wait for the result of your check up before deciding on some things.",Kakashi added."Since it is pretty late, we should take a rest now. Shizuru, where are you staying for the meantime?"

"Ah, I almost forgot about that. Are you going back to your old apartment?",Sakura asked.

"For now, I don't think I can go back there, the land lord might recognize me."

"Then...",she trailed as they all turned to Sasuke who was silently watching us from the sideline.

Sakura quickly looked away from Sasuke and I stilled when I caught the look of pain that crossed her face. My heart twinged in discomfort as I clenched my fist.

"No. I am not staying with Sasuke. I actually want to ask Naruto, if it would be alright if I stay with them for a short while.",I immediately replied turning to Naruto who seemed takenaback by my decision.

He glanced at Sasuke for a moment before looking back at me. "It's no problem. We have a spare room in the house and I'm sure Hinata would be happy to see you."

"Please don't show off in front of me just because you got married to Hinata.",I joked trying to act normally.

Naruto blushed and scratched the back of his head making me chuckle. From the corner of my eyes, I caught Sakura sigh out in relief as a smile formed on her lips.

I decided to check on Sasuke and I almost shivered at the coldness that was reflected in his eyes. Is it just me or does he look more irritated than before?