
How to re-write the Evil Stepmother

As she walked back to her room, her mind raced. "Oh no. I'm inside a novel. This novel," she thought, panic bubbling beneath her composed exterior. She was living in the world of the book she had been so engrossed in, reincarnated as the character everyone loved to hate. Determined to survive and rewrite her fate, Amelia resolved to navigate this treacherous new world with care. She would use her knowledge of the novel to her advantage, starting with maintaining her new persona as the overly friendly, reformed stepmother. And perhaps, just perhaps, she might even find a way to win the cold duke's heart.

BananaPeel_Group · History
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Chapter Thirty-Four - The Riding Competition

The sun rose over the palace grounds, casting a warm golden glow over the sprawling estate as preparations for the day's festivities began in earnest. Excitement buzzed in the air as nobles and commoners alike gathered in the courtyard, eager to witness the much-anticipated riding competition.

Amelia stood on the sidelines, her heart pounding with nervous anticipation as she watched the other couples saddle their horses and prepare for the race. She felt a pang of envy as she watched them, wishing she could join in the exhilarating competition.

As the couples lined up at the starting line, Amelia's attention was suddenly diverted by the approach of the crown prince and princess. They strode towards Alister and her with an air of self-assured confidence, their regal bearing unmistakable even from a distance.

"Ah, Alister and Amelia," the crown prince greeted them with a charming smile. "Are you ready to be bested by the reigning champions?"

Amelia felt a flush of annoyance at the crown prince's cocky demeanor, but before she could respond, he turned his attention to her with a flirtatious grin. "And you, my dear Amelia, look positively radiant today. Perhaps a victory celebration dinner with me later?"

Alister's jaw clenched with barely concealed jealousy at the crown prince's audacious flirting. He stepped forward, his tone firm as he addressed the royal couple. "I'm afraid you'll have to excuse us, Your Highnesses. We have a race to win."

With a final glance at the crown prince and princess, Alister led Amelia to the starting line in determined silence. As they mounted their horse, he shot her a reassuring smile, his eyes filled with unwavering confidence.

"We've got this, Amelia," he said, his voice filled with quiet determination. "Trust me."

Amelia nodded, her doubts fading in the face of Alister's unwavering belief. Together, they spurred their horse forward as the signal was given, their hearts beating as one in perfect synchrony.

As they thundered down the track, their determination never faltered, even as they faced fierce competition from the other couples. With each stride, they drew closer to the finish line, their spirits soaring with every passing moment.

And then, in a burst of speed and determination, they crossed the finish line, their victory assured. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, their voices ringing out in celebration of the triumphant couple.

Amelia felt a surge of joy as she looked up at Alister, her heart overflowing with pride and admiration. Without hesitation, she leaned in and pressed her lips to his, their kiss filled with the sheer exhilaration of victory.

As they pulled back, breathless and smiling, a sense of unity washed over them, binding them together in a bond stronger than ever before. In that moment, they knew that no challenge was too great as long as they faced it together.