
How to re-write the Evil Stepmother

As she walked back to her room, her mind raced. "Oh no. I'm inside a novel. This novel," she thought, panic bubbling beneath her composed exterior. She was living in the world of the book she had been so engrossed in, reincarnated as the character everyone loved to hate. Determined to survive and rewrite her fate, Amelia resolved to navigate this treacherous new world with care. She would use her knowledge of the novel to her advantage, starting with maintaining her new persona as the overly friendly, reformed stepmother. And perhaps, just perhaps, she might even find a way to win the cold duke's heart.

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Chapter Sixty-Three: The Calm Before the Storm

The morning sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the breakfast table. Amelia, Alister, and Ethan were seated, enjoying a peaceful meal together. Amelia's pregnancy cravings had been insatiable lately, and today she was indulging in fresh strawberries and cream.

"This is simply divine," Amelia said, savoring a particularly juicy strawberry. "I don't think I've ever tasted anything so wonderful."

Alister chuckled, watching her with adoration. "I'm glad you're enjoying it, love. You deserve every bit of happiness."

Ethan leaned forward, grinning. "You know, Amelia, if you have any other cravings, just let us know. We'll make sure you get whatever you want."

Amelia smiled, appreciating their attentiveness. "Thank you, both of you. I feel so spoiled."

Alister reached over, taking her hand. "You should feel spoiled. You're carrying our children, after all."

As they continued their meal, the conversation flowed easily. They spoke of the upcoming preparations for the twins, and the excitement of welcoming them into their lives.

"I was thinking," Ethan began, "maybe we should start planning a garden for the children. A place where they can play and explore. What do you think, Amelia?"

Her eyes lit up at the idea. "That sounds wonderful, Ethan. I can already imagine them running around, playing hide and seek among the flowers."

Alister nodded, his mind already racing with ideas. "We'll make it perfect. A place filled with joy and laughter."

The conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door. A servant entered, bowing respectfully. "Your Grace, there's a visitor. Lady Constance is here to see you."

"Lady Constance?" Amelia began.

"The sister of Lady Constance, also Lady Constance." The servant explained. 

A shadow passed over Alister's face, his expression hardening. "What does SHE want?" he muttered under his breath.

Amelia squeezed his hand, sensing his tension. "It's alright, Alister. Let's hear what she has to say."

Alister nodded reluctantly, turning to the servant. "Show her in."

Lady Constance entered the room with a practiced grace, her eyes scanning the room before settling on Amelia. "Good morning, Your Graces," she said, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "I hope I'm not intruding."

Alister's response was curt. "What brings you here, Lady Constance?"

Constance's smile faltered slightly, but she maintained her composure. "I came to apologize for any misunderstandings that may have occurred. I assure you, I have no ill intentions."

Amelia, ever the diplomat, forced a polite smile. "We appreciate your apology, Lady Constance. However, your actions have caused quite a bit of distress."

Constance's eyes flicked to Alister, then back to Amelia. "I understand, and I am truly sorry. I hope we can move past this and perhaps even become friends."

Ethan, who had been silent until now, couldn't hide his skepticism. "Forgive me if I find that hard to believe, Lady Constance."

Constance turned to him, her smile never wavering. "I understand your doubts, Lord Ethan. But I assure you, I only wish to make amends."

Alister's patience was wearing thin. "Very well, Lady Constance. We accept your apology. But know this—any further disruptions, and there will be consequences."

Constance's smile tightened, but she nodded. "Of course, Your Grace. I appreciate your understanding."

With that, she turned and left the room, her departure leaving a tense silence in her wake.

Amelia let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Do you think she was sincere?"

Alister shook his head. "I don't trust her. She's up to something."

Ethan nodded in agreement. "We need to keep an eye on her. She's not going to give up that easily."

Amelia sighed, her hand resting on her growing belly. "I just want peace, for us and for our children."

Alister wrapped his arm around her, his voice softening. "We'll have peace, Amelia. I promise you that."

Later that afternoon, as they were relaxing in the garden, Alister turned to Amelia, his expression thoughtful. "I've been thinking about what Lady Constance said. We can't let our guard down, but we also can't let her disrupt our lives."

Amelia nodded, leaning into him. "You're right. We need to stay strong, for each other and for our children."

Ethan, who had been listening quietly, spoke up. "And we will. We'll face whatever comes our way, together."

As the sun set, casting a golden glow over the garden, the three of them sat in a comfortable silence, the future uncertain but their resolve unwavering.

That evening, as Amelia prepared for bed, she felt a sense of calm settle over her. Despite the day's events, she knew they were stronger together. As she lay down, Alister joined her, his presence reassuring.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice gentle.

"Better," she replied, snuggling closer to him. "I just wish things could be simpler."

He kissed the top of her head. "We'll get through this, Amelia. Together."

Ethan entered the room, a tray of tea in his hands. "Thought you might like some tea before bed," he said with a smile.

Amelia accepted a cup, grateful for the gesture. "Thank you, Ethan. You're always so thoughtful."

As they sipped their tea, the conversation turned to lighter topics—the upcoming preparations for the twins, the garden they would create, and the future they were building together.

Alister's voice was filled with determination. "No matter what happens, we'll face it together. We're a family, and nothing can change that."

Amelia felt a surge of love for both Alister and Ethan. They were her rock, her support, and with them by her side, she knew they could overcome anything.

As they finished their tea and prepared for sleep, Amelia felt a sense of peace she hadn't felt in a long time. The future was uncertain, but with Alister and Ethan by her side, she knew they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Alister leaned over, kissing her softly. "Goodnight, my love. Sweet dreams."

Ethan echoed the sentiment. "Goodnight, Amelia. We'll be here if you need anything."

With a contented sigh, Amelia closed her eyes, feeling safe and loved.