
How to re-write the Evil Stepmother

As she walked back to her room, her mind raced. "Oh no. I'm inside a novel. This novel," she thought, panic bubbling beneath her composed exterior. She was living in the world of the book she had been so engrossed in, reincarnated as the character everyone loved to hate. Determined to survive and rewrite her fate, Amelia resolved to navigate this treacherous new world with care. She would use her knowledge of the novel to her advantage, starting with maintaining her new persona as the overly friendly, reformed stepmother. And perhaps, just perhaps, she might even find a way to win the cold duke's heart.

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Chapter Eight – A New Ally


Amelia rose early the next morning, her determination burning brighter than ever. She planned to approach her husband's nephew again, hoping to make further inroads into his heart. Dressed in a simpler gown that allowed for easy movement, she made her way to the training grounds with renewed vigor.

As she entered the training hall, the familiar sound of clashing swords and the sight of the young boy in focused practice greeted her. However, her confident stride faltered when she noticed a second figure beside him—a tall, imposing man with a regal bearing and golden hair that glinted in the morning light. It was the Duke, his presence commanding and undeniably striking in his training attire.

Amelia's heart skipped a beat, and she felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. The last thing she had expected was to encounter her aloof husband in the midst of his own training. His icy blue eyes flicked towards her, and she felt an inexplicable urge to flee.

"Good morning, Your Grace," she stammered, trying to maintain her composure. "I didn't realize you would be here."

The Duke's gaze remained fixed on her, unreadable and intense. "It is my usual practice," he replied curtly, his tone devoid of warmth. "What brings you here, Duchess?"

Amelia felt a flush creep up her cheeks. She had hoped to engage the boy in friendly conversation without the added scrutiny of her husband. "I wanted to watch the training," she managed, her voice slightly shaky. "And to offer some encouragement."

The Duke's eyes narrowed slightly, as if assessing her sincerity. "Very well," he said after a moment. "But do not interfere."

Feeling the weight of his gaze upon her, Amelia nodded quickly and took a step back. She felt out of place and awkward, the Duke's presence unnerving her more than she cared to admit. Unable to shake the feeling of being an intruder, she turned on her heel and fled the training hall, her heart pounding in her chest.

Hours later, when the sun was high in the sky, Amelia returned to the training grounds. This time, she found the boy alone, his practice more relaxed and less intense. She approached him with cautious optimism, hoping to mend the earlier awkwardness.

"Hello again," she greeted him softly, her voice gentle and reassuring. "I hope you don't mind if I watch your training for a while."

The boy glanced up, a hint of surprise in his eyes. "Of course, Your Grace," he said, his tone more relaxed than it had been that morning.

Amelia took a seat on a nearby bench, watching as he resumed his practice. She offered words of encouragement, praising his technique and dedication. As the session went on, she could see him gradually warming to her presence.

"You're really good with a sword," she remarked during a brief break, her smile genuine. "Do you enjoy training?"

The boy hesitated, then nodded. "Yes, I do. It helps me clear my mind."

Amelia's smile widened. "That's wonderful. It's important to have something you enjoy and excel at."

They fell into a more comfortable rhythm, their conversation flowing more naturally. The boy began to open up, sharing small details about his training and interests. Amelia listened attentively, her heart swelling with hope as their bond grew stronger.

As the training session drew to a close, Amelia stood up, ready to take her leave. "I hope we can talk more often," she said, her tone hopeful. "Perhaps we could have dinner together tonight?"

The boy's eyes lit up with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. "I'd like that, Your Grace," he replied, a small smile playing on his lips.

Amelia felt a surge of triumph and relief. "It's a promise then," she said warmly. "I'll see you at dinner."

As she left the training grounds, she couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. She had taken another step towards winning the boy's trust and affection. The road ahead was still long and uncertain, but for now, she was content in the knowledge that she was making progress.

With renewed determination, Amelia made her way back to the castle, her mind buzzing with plans for the evening. She would ensure that tonight's dinner was perfect.