
How to hug a thigh as a shark-kin

*Reverse harem* This is the story of a shark-kin girl who wanted to hug a thigh to escape her fate but instead dropped a stone on her own foot. She had instead awakened something within her 'thigh' that she could not control, making him as black-bellied as herself and drawing the attention of several other 'thighs' who offered themselves to her willingly. -- Step 1: Be cute Step 2: bootlick Step 3: make sure you know your target, you really don't want to f*ck yourself. Step 4: don't be a white lotus, don't be green tea, don't be on anyone's side but the thigh's. Step 5: have no boyfriend, limit your friends Step 6: be able to cook, wash, clean and drive like a boss, know how to speak, walk, and if push comes to shove socialise. Step 7 : make sure you know the worth of yourself and make sure it can be at least high enough for your thigh to become your shield when in need. He will not hesitate. Step 8: when you grow up, make sure you are still holding that thigh and have an extra or erm two. Step 9: don't fall for the thigh you are hugging. Step 10: forget it, escaping now is futile. I had hugged my thigh too well, sigh. there are two types of thigh hugging: cheap persistent and annoying, or the high-class version: act in a way the thigh will want to pamper and protect you. The answer is obvious. --- Take note: pov will change, but female lead will remain constant. This book has a sea world theme within but that is not fixed. World building, action, slight disturbing scenes. Romance is slow burn, so please take note but we will have fluff moments!!! --- (Cover not mine credit to the owner, if there are any issues, please let me know and I will take it down.)

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66 Chs


"Yes, yes, it is just exciting having a small child in the home once more,"

"En, grandmother," I heard the old meat's voice and the simple reply from my thigh soon after, but was focused on the name Ra.

In fact, a few hundred thousand years ago before the seas became smaller, the sharks were plenty but those gods...they were too much. Joining forces with those creatures to suppress us.

"Little Ra are you OK?"

Before I could delve deeper into those thoughts, recounting the grudges, I was called.

Lifted my head slowly the emotions had long been gathered to look like an innocent child.

Ra, why would he give me a name like that?

When did he give me this name?

While I had slept unable to move?

"Little Ra, do you like the name?"

Should I tell him no?

Those gods are not here and even if they were... Hehehe. I will not allow them to slaughter those I cared for to force my hand.

Ra, somehow it made me feel content whenever he called my name.

"Big brother, whatever you call me, little Ra likes," I said softly, after all, it is not spoken in the tongue of the elder gods but one of mortals and humans no less. There is no danger and I have nothing to fear, after all, I am an air breather now and worst; a human.

"Good that you like, but this will be the name for only grandmother and myself to use. No one else." I nodded.

"What a good child, ah,"

"Of course grandmother, not once did she cry or complain while we were within the forest."

"That is even better... It is just... Sigh-"

"Grandmother, now little Ra is with us. She will be fine."

"Yes, yes," she said, I simply listened while fighting hunger. "Au Fuji, you are the legal son of your father but he is excessively muddled to the point that he has yet to collect you."

"Grandmother, my father is busy-"

"Busy?! To busy for his heir? What he has, does he not fear that it can be taken away?"

I raised a brow but kept my head down, there was a pregnant pause.

Sigh, these humans are such complicated beings. If they simply used the basic logic they would have a higher hierarchy level but because of their various complicated ways, these humans are ranked relatively low, extremely close to being bottom feeders.

If not for becoming one, I would have still viewed them as just that. Even my sisters who had left to walk on land abandoning fins, fangs, and gills had abandoned the great seas to live among them, I still did not change my views til I met him.

"Fuji, before you leave to return home pad your stomach,"

"Grandmother bring enough portions for eight people,"

The old meat looked surprised for a moment but she waved at the 'server' by her side who then stepped back before slipping away.

"How are you feeling little one? Inform grandmother,"

I swallowed the saliva that gathered in my mouth quickly dipping my head to avoid her seeing the hunger in my eyes.

"Grandmother, little Ra is fine, little Ra is just happy that she can stay with brother."

"Dear child..." she spoke some comforting words, the food arrived distracting me immediately especially from the aromatic scent.

It is not as bloody and wonderful like the meat I ate back in the forest but this was not too bad either.

Four low tables were set up together, soon after the dishes were placed.

I fought the urge not to pounce on them.

It became, so much that I could not help but to lick my lips.

"Eat, eat. Those present would not mind, after all, you are still young."

This old meat calling me young, quite laughable when you think about it but the body is small in size and only two in age.

She was correct, therefore I reached for the first dish and began to eat.

"Little Ra, look at this," in one of his hand were two sticks, he held the expertly and picked up various types of food. "This is called a chopstick. It can be mostly used for most meals, this chopstick is your main chopstick for eating, once entered into your mouth do not place it into the central dish. Instead do like so..." even though hungry, eating like humans is something I am aware of must learn.

This thigh--big brother of mines is patient when teaching. Each move I have to admit for both an air breather and lowly human is still elegant though far inferior to a Shark-kin male or Serpentine.

While he described the food, how to eat and its taste, I attentively listened.

At first, it was a struggle but I thought to myself, slowly, my thigh will teach me so I was in no way impatient.

"Little Ra is a fast learner, your grip on the chopsticks are quite pleasant to these old eyes; not too light or with too much force, your hand extends not too far and though you have eaten plenty you still have a decent form. This shows that your foundation is good."

The old meat said in a pleasant tone. I spared her a smile but did not stop eating.

A while later the dishes were cleared leaving me quite satisfied though not nearly full.

"Grandmother, little Ra I will step out a moment,"

I nodded, seeing the grandmother wave him off. Soon after I was left alone with this old meat I wished to devour without hesitation.

"Little Ra, if you wish, the other things used called utilises can be taught to you later,"

"Grandmother, just like the bone knives?"

The old meat looked quite stunned for a moment but quickly recovered. I knew of the boned knife and other eating 'equipment' but they were not as complicated like now. Even the memories from this body's life were not so complicated. The food was served in a flat bowl and placed on the ground where the body had to go on all fours and eat.

At that time I didn't think anything of it, because as a true born Shark-kin I hunted, tore and swallowed my food without complications.

In fact, I thought at the time it was common, until my thigh pointed it out.

All of this, only solidifies the need to get away from that family. They truly were a bunch I can not afford to have them catch me.

"OK, Grandmother,"

"Come have some tea," when she offered the tea I did not hesitate to take it, it is just the tea was warm.

It felt uncomfortable, so I simply blew on it. Pursing my lips I stared at the cup for a long while before a 'Server' appeared.

"Little miss, would you like some chilled tea instead?"

Pausing, I looked up at the air breather 'server' the almost indistinguishable scent of fear bleed off of her, making my mouth become moist from the need to take a small bit.

would her skin be as tender as it looks?

A simple bite with no need to even chew?

lost almost in thought I reacted slowly but what I thought, thankfully was not displayed on my face, instead I blinked, staring up at her with a steady gaze then nodded like what I had just thought of meant nothing really.

Soon after she turned and held a small container with a strange-looking thing in her hand.

Curious I watched her every move, the old meat temporarily forgotten. Reaching my side, she then used the strange thing to pick up a chilled cube and placed it in my cup.

"What is that silver thing in your hand?"

This is called a prong little miss."

"What is that chilled cube called that you have placed in my cup?"

"Little miss, it is called an ice cube. Little miss it is frozen water."

I nodded, then it is similar to those Blocks of frozen water back on Gaia located on the north and southern area.

"Little Ra, was the tea too hot?"

How to explain this to the old meat?

Tea is fine, but too hot and my body would simply release the much needed moisture.

There is no need, just drink it chilled.

"Grandmother, I forgot to mention this before but, little Ra can not drink things that are too hot or meat that is well down. The first, she will sweat which is not a good thing because she will become weak and her skin will begin to dry out. The second is that she will become sick, cooked meat is OK but not well done. When I had asked little Ra before she refuses to say. Grandmother, isn't little Ra pitiful?"

I kept my head down to hide my emotions.

Am I pitiful?



Server: after this chapter, I will no longer highlight the word 'server' I think everyone should become accustomed by then. Also, it will slowly change to servant because the time skip will begin soon and of course the Fl have to grow up.

Ra: short for Zephyra.

The first 40 chapters will be 1-1300 words and published every other day unless I specifically asked.

After chapter forty I will release 2 chapters a day or raise to 1500-1600 words.

For those who have taken a chance to read my book, I would like to say thank you and please vote.

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