
How to hug a thigh as a shark-kin

*Reverse harem* This is the story of a shark-kin girl who wanted to hug a thigh to escape her fate but instead dropped a stone on her own foot. She had instead awakened something within her 'thigh' that she could not control, making him as black-bellied as herself and drawing the attention of several other 'thighs' who offered themselves to her willingly. -- Step 1: Be cute Step 2: bootlick Step 3: make sure you know your target, you really don't want to f*ck yourself. Step 4: don't be a white lotus, don't be green tea, don't be on anyone's side but the thigh's. Step 5: have no boyfriend, limit your friends Step 6: be able to cook, wash, clean and drive like a boss, know how to speak, walk, and if push comes to shove socialise. Step 7 : make sure you know the worth of yourself and make sure it can be at least high enough for your thigh to become your shield when in need. He will not hesitate. Step 8: when you grow up, make sure you are still holding that thigh and have an extra or erm two. Step 9: don't fall for the thigh you are hugging. Step 10: forget it, escaping now is futile. I had hugged my thigh too well, sigh. there are two types of thigh hugging: cheap persistent and annoying, or the high-class version: act in a way the thigh will want to pamper and protect you. The answer is obvious. --- Take note: pov will change, but female lead will remain constant. This book has a sea world theme within but that is not fixed. World building, action, slight disturbing scenes. Romance is slow burn, so please take note but we will have fluff moments!!! --- (Cover not mine credit to the owner, if there are any issues, please let me know and I will take it down.)

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A year had passed.~

So many things have happened with the most frustrating being my thigh has not returned.

No worries though, there seems to be another thigh I can hug, of course, it is slightly inferior in my eyes but still a thigh.

His scent though seems oddly familiar but I could not understand exactly from where.

Either way, it is time for me to first leave my own courtyard and be introduced as the adopted granddaughter of old madam Quai. For some explicit reason, I felt oddly excited.


Frowning, I struggled not to shudder when the secondary thigh leaned forward.

He was the only one who returned during this time but I suppose his school gave him much more freedom and there is the fact he could appear suddenly.

Especially after he recovered his rank increased at a rapid pace and he went from the scrawny boy of twelve to a towering teen of nineteen.

Looking at my small form I felt injustice. My rank was high. I hand ranked up three times, surprisingly, in this year alone and my power had been recovered by a wonderful two percent.

"Ra, why is it that whenever I am close to you, you avoid me? Am I hideous in your eyes?"

How should I answer him?

He seems to set off subtle warnings in my mind.

Should I tell him so?

Should I tell him that his scent makes my mouth water? To the point, I want to devour him whole?

"Second Young master Dai, I am merely a small child. You on the other hand..." I waved my small hand to include his full person. Right now he did not wear the illusionary form but rather his true form. It felt too overwhelming.

How can someone be so beautiful even as an air breather and smell so delicious at the same time?

It was too much no?

"Would you like me to show you my image like yourself?" I bowed my head and pouted at these words, this air breather. I clenched my fist and said nothing, this image will never drop unless I absolutely have to. There was a rich chuckle suddenly, something inside of me moved, immediately I turned to look at the male in disbelief.

"Say little Ra, what if what you are seeing is only a part of my true self?" my heart sped up, thundering in my chest.

I was shocked by this betraying body but after all, it was an inferior thing by being an air breather. I sneered at him raising my aura suddenly using it to subjugate him. A normal male would be angry or cower but him, he simply took it in stride.

"Second Young master Dai, please understand something. This is my territory, don't step too far out of bounds." his smile disappeared and his gaze became serious, both of us stared at each other. Him looking down, while I looked up. "Little Ra, you know I will be your husband right?"

I raised a brow, before suddenly looking away.

Six months prior the old madam Kai had informed me that I will be marrying the son of my General lecturer. Of course, this was a request. I had thought about it a few days before accepting that fact.

He was not bad and his rank rose rapidly, he also smelled delicious.

All in all, he was perfect for an air breather but still lacking in some areas. To them he as a rank six, level fourteen he could be called a genius.

On the other hand, my official thigh is a rank eight, level twenty-one, following the old madam Kai who is at present rank nineteen, level forty-five.

As for me? I am rank thirty level seven a large boost to me in power but still not enough.

At least I am able to unlock some useful features able to help with ranking up much faster, even if they are pathetic in my eyes as a Shark-kin.

Taking a sip of my cold tea I stated plainly to the sticky male, "It is not officially recognised. I can still discard you." his beautiful eyes looked at me trying to invoke pity but all I saw was a meatbag I want to eat but can not eat. Well, there is always later.

"Little Ra, don't be too fierce to me, today is your official recognition into society and adoption." He said while scooping out a few spoonfuls of porridge in a large bowl and placed it before me. "En. I am aware," while placing down the cup of chilled tea, I replied leaned forward slightly after receiving the spoon and picked up the small bowl of porridge he placed in front of me. Even though I may be a bit disgruntled with the young Dai second master, I liked that he knew my likes and dislikes almost as good as my official thigh. "Do you like the shoes I have selected?"

"Mmm, they are fine. They go well with the dress grandmother Kai have selected and the jewellery the young master has sent over."

He smiled indulgently at me while I ate the porridge then began with the feast.

A while later I sat lazily with half-lidded eyes as the table was being cleared. "Young miss, the bath has been drawn. We must prepare for the ceremony." yawning I stood slowly looking around before my gaze fell on the sleeping second young master Dai.

Staring at him, I could not help but admire his looks.

I am contented with this air breather for now I will nurture him so I can eat him later.

Why hug one thigh, when you can hug many? ~Zephyra

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