
How to hug a thigh as a shark-kin

*Reverse harem* This is the story of a shark-kin girl who wanted to hug a thigh to escape her fate but instead dropped a stone on her own foot. She had instead awakened something within her 'thigh' that she could not control, making him as black-bellied as herself and drawing the attention of several other 'thighs' who offered themselves to her willingly. -- Step 1: Be cute Step 2: bootlick Step 3: make sure you know your target, you really don't want to f*ck yourself. Step 4: don't be a white lotus, don't be green tea, don't be on anyone's side but the thigh's. Step 5: have no boyfriend, limit your friends Step 6: be able to cook, wash, clean and drive like a boss, know how to speak, walk, and if push comes to shove socialise. Step 7 : make sure you know the worth of yourself and make sure it can be at least high enough for your thigh to become your shield when in need. He will not hesitate. Step 8: when you grow up, make sure you are still holding that thigh and have an extra or erm two. Step 9: don't fall for the thigh you are hugging. Step 10: forget it, escaping now is futile. I had hugged my thigh too well, sigh. there are two types of thigh hugging: cheap persistent and annoying, or the high-class version: act in a way the thigh will want to pamper and protect you. The answer is obvious. --- Take note: pov will change, but female lead will remain constant. This book has a sea world theme within but that is not fixed. World building, action, slight disturbing scenes. Romance is slow burn, so please take note but we will have fluff moments!!! --- (Cover not mine credit to the owner, if there are any issues, please let me know and I will take it down.)

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Let me eat you

Every school has a bully. This is all part of the hierarchy system. You can be invisible; thus easily being overlooked and living out your days peacefully, or you can be popular where all eyes are on you and no one would dare bully you simply because you are too high profile. Finally the bullies; they pick on the weaker, those who can not hide by being invisible or be popular becoming too high profile. Poor things, this is something that had become quite common within the school.

For some time now a group of students had been trying to catch me in an unoccupied area alone. Living is simply keeping your head down and doing what needs to be done but these students never seem to give up.

Is it because I have such a small form? or is it because I look like a person that can easily be bullied?

I could not help but to wrinkle my perfectly shaped brows in annoyance thinking what should be done with those who wish to bully me.

suddenly a mouthwatering aroma entering my nostrils, arousing my frenzy I had thought was lost. my gaze flinted around landing on my target releasing a low laugh.


That scent I can never forget.

Sirens are delicious.

They populate rather quickly similar to the air breathers. A female would birth a Skren in less than two months after intercourse and the daughter will mature within ten world tides.

They favour the bones of males carefully skinned and crushed to feed the young which helped with developing and strengthening their tailbone.

They had been my favourite thing to hunt as a Shark-kin, ah, a pity that their population suddenly became so scarce.

Plus there were the Orcas who had risen suddenly and dominated the waters with their pods.

Now though the scent had returned, near, yet so far.

Who would believe a delicacy would walk around me?

I licked my lips feeling the almost unbearable itching from my gums, my gaze fell on the girl not too far away who ate her meal silently while being surrounded by around eight others. Watching her eat seemed like an art. She, in particular, had a wonderful scent, not siren but another creature I had enjoyed eating previously. They would be fat and juicy most of the year coming to shore on ice islands to birth their young when the weather was at its coldest.

My mouth began to water as I thought about the taste and visual of my prey being devoured, suddenly the food before me became unedible.

Standing I walked towards the garbage and tossed it then walked from the lunchroom. It is best I eat outdoors next time. Pulling out a vial I drank the contents smoothly and continued on my way. Lunch will be finished in thirty-five minutes, so I can spend that time walking around but I felt too lazy and wanted to sit somewhere and just think a bit.

looking at the flowers and trees, I smiled to myself thinking of how I would devour my prey in the future. it had been so long since I had begun to eat only dead things. The blood was cold, and the body had only like warm heat.

I missed how they would struggle when I catch them or the scent of fear that penetrated my nose whenever they tried to flee for their lives.

my gaze turned in the direction of the vast water and thought of the copious amounts of prey dwelling within. Also since this world is nothing like my previous I am sure the food within the depths of this water would be even better.

releasing a sigh a voice came from behind me. "Well, well look who we found?" The girl who appeared almost made me roll my eyes in disgust. This air breather who has such a low rank really wanted to bully me? "Oh, it is student five hundred and forty-seven. The little miss knows it all and I am too good to bother with the rest of us." Another spoke in a moving tone, her face, when I turned and looked into it, was filled with unsuppressed ridicule. well, I suppose things will get a bit difficult. "It has been over a year and..." another spoke, her voice trailing off. Another filled in the rest in a chirpy tone. "Four months." I wanted to raise a brow but bowed my head trying to get the rising frenzy under control. "Right, that amount. And you have continued to escape each time we wanted to catch. In fact, student five hundred and forty- seven, why is it that you continue to escape us?"

I bowed my head trying my best to control my breathing. "Are you scared student five hundred and forty-seven?" the scent even though I tried so hard to keep my breathing even but the pain in my gums became a bit more difficult to manage. A groan escape from between my lips. "Pinnipeds, let me eat you." The words were said in a gasp, I felt the hunger and frenzy rise to a point that I just wanted to tear them apart devouring even their bones.

Ah, I could not resist going so far as to take a step to attack my first victim but my will was stronger than the urge. looking away I quickly fiddled with my wristband to retrieve the item.

It was such a struggle to pull out the specific vial but eventually, I achieved my goal and finally swallow the contents while the students who had not too long surrounded me fled. Cursing I used my power to first trap them then erased their memories before slipping away.

It is only after I had reached a certain distance that I froze. Suddenly I felt fear. What occurred should have not happened but I am a Shark-kin! I feed on prey when I am hungry! It is what we as Shark-kin do!

Why is it that now I am like this?

My rank is so high that I had already set my tree foundation, yet...I feel I am still not strong enough.

I closed my eyes and struggled to control my breathing, slowing my heart, my thoughts I forced them to be normal until I was once again able to blend in.



Pinnipeds: sea lions

I will be jumping a bit in the book. Don't worry everything will be explained and the skipping will not be to far apart.

SUPER_WEIRDOcreators' thoughts