
How to Feel in Love

Jewel is a girl who has never fallen in love since her birth. She's the type of girl who only knows how to go to school from home and from school to her home. Then, when she starts working, she only needs to go to work from home and from the working place to her house. All in her mind is how to return the hard work her parents had given to her. Co-workers: Why are you still single?" Jewel: Because I don't have money to buy rice" Co-workers: "............" Lavor is a celebrity/idol who loves to party and famous for playing around. One night before having his concert, one of his friends in the country decided to invite him to the birthday party of his friend's sister. Dead drunk after the party, he left and escape from the hungry wolf in his friend's house without knowing the way. Without money and there's no phone, Lavor a foreigner in the country doesn't know how to go home. Never been in this kind of situation, drunk and desperate he decided to beg the first person who passes by for a roof to sleep tonight. It just so happen that a person who seems like just got out of work happens to pass by. Jewel: If I really don't have any integrity and can only see the money. Don't you think I should have already decided to sell my body a long time ago?" Lavor: I don't know. Isn't it because you're not beautiful?" Jewel: ".....(+.+")." __________ Jewel: Give me one good reason why should I accept you as my lover." Lavor: Isn't it because I'm handsome." Jewel: "............" Jewel: Can it be eaten?" Lavor: "............." Jewel a person who never really cares about the so-called sentence "falling in love" and Lavor who doesn't know about true love. Let's witness the journey of these two different people but are exactly alike in their journey to the world of love. _______________________ The cover pic was not mine. Credit to the owner of the pic. It's from this link https://www.wallpapertip.com/wpic/Thxoxx_boy-and-girl-looking-at-the-stars/

AG101 · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter 5


CHapter 5 - Jewel's Sharp Tongue

When Jewel got home, what she saw is something that she never expected.

She saw the guy that she saves last night eating with her brother and mother happily. They were so close with each other as if what she's seeing right now was a complete family.

She doesn't know why but she suddenly felt a sting in her heart.

Why do they look so happy? This was the question in Jewel's heart. It feels like she was left out.

Jewel felt sour in her heart.

Because of this, Jewel can't help it but the first sentence that comes out of her mouth was a bit mean.

"Why are you still here?"

That was the first sentence Jewel said after she gets inside.

She doesn't want to be mean but that was what comes out of her mouth.

Everyone's eyes looked at her, they were shocked by her arrival. They really haven't noticed that she was already here. They didn't even notice her getting inside the house.

"Oh, Jewel your home?" Jenny asked Jewel, she was surprised by Jewels' sudden entrance.

"Sorry, I'm home." Jewel was also embarrassed about what she did earlier. Suddenly intruding and saying bad words, what the hell is she doing.

"Come and eat." June, Jewel's brother helps her sister to get out of her embarrassing situation by inviting her in.

"Hmmm." Jewel nodded and accept the invitation.

What the hell is she thinking, they are her family. The person who is supposed to not be here would be that guy, how stupid.

Jewel silently scolded herself in her mind.

The table was square in shape so it happens to exactly have four sits. She sits in the middle of her mother and brother, in front of her was Lavor who was looking at her while smiling.

Before she sits Lavor stands up to greet her.

"Hello!" Lavor greeted her and raised his hand for a handshake. Jewel accepts it, not wanting to be rude.

Not wanting to be rude is a different thing, but a question is still a question that needs to be answered. So, after sitting down, Jewel asked again.

"So, why are you still here?" Jewel asked the same question earlier.

The same question with a different tone, maybe it's alright? She asked calmly this time. Jewel thinks but she still overestimated herself.

Her mother suddenly coughs, obviously fake as if reminding her of something.

Jewel looked at her shocked, eyes asking 'what'.

Jenny knows that her daughter has a sharp tongue but it as if her daughter already forgot how to speak normally?

Jenny gets her face closer to Jewel and started a whispered dialogue.

"By asking him that, are you trying to tell the person to go home already?" Jenny asked Jewel in a low voice.

Jewel looked at her mother with an innocent face and questioning eyes.

"Isn't that the real purpose of starting this conversation?" Jewel question her mother back, also using a low voice.

Hearing this, Jenny instantly looked at her daughter who lacks manners. Making her eyes big, she sharply looked at her daughter.

"Are you forcing your guest to go away?" Jenny was stupefied by her daughter's answer. Although there's a bit of anger in her tone she still remembers to maintain her voice in a low volume.

"Are you thinking of keeping the person? I lack the money to feed more people." Jewel was full of indignation in her tone. She even almost forgot to lower her voice but remembered to lower it in her second sentence.

"Why not? He's handsome anyway." Jewel's mother said in a very low voice but Jewel still managed to hear it.

But hearing it made her eyes turned big in shock and then sharply looked at her own mother.

Doing the same thing as how her mother looked at her earlier but this time she just looks at Jenny without saying anything making Jewel's stare a bit more intense.

"Ehem." Jenny pretends to cough. She was forced to lower her stance because of Jewel's intense stare.

"If, if you really want to let the person go away, don't you think it's also good for you to ask a bit of compensation. You know, for letting him stay here." Jenny

"Ehem!" It was actually June who coughs this time. He almost got choked to death from drinking water.

The two was indeed talking in a low voice but they forgot that it was also very quiet in their surrounding. There's no music or even the sound of the television in the background.

The two were indeed talking quietly but the two men can still hear them clearly.

June was feeling depressed because of them. He was thinking of stopping the two who continue talking nonsense that's why he drinks water to clear the food in his mouth.

At first, he didn't stop them immediately because he wants her mother to say something to Jewel, to tell her some lessons in life but he didn't expect to hear those words instead of his mother's mouth.

The mother and daughter both look at June at the same time. Both having the same questioning eyes.

June can't help thinking how both mother and daughter have the same personality, except for the fact that the daughter's personality is a bit more severe.

June cough again, but this time it is a fake cough. He wanted to tell them through this way that they can hear their conversation.

But the two didn't get what he meant.

This time, the two didn't just look at him but both of them even started to frown their forehead at the same time.

June wanted to facepalm from this action.

'Mother, you can't really judge sister. Both of you have the same personality, others can even tell that her bad personality might come from you. You don't have the right to judge her.'

June really wanted to tell his mother this long sentence, but considering their guests, he just keeps it in.

He also wanted to smacked the two who's only staring at him but his personality is holding him back. He's not really that kind of person.

To be continued......