
How to be O.P.


Nakirii_ · Others
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20 Chs

CH 6 - Sparring Swords with Saeko

----- [Back to the mc]-----

Another day at school. After the class finish, Rei walks to me and invites me to join a club. Of course I come with her. Takashi and Hisashi looks at me as we walk through the school. They look conflicted to see me laughing with Rei.

We go to different clubs but I don't have interest in them. Rei invites me to join Sojutsu club but I don't have that much interest in spears so I decline. Then I stop walking as I saw Saeko, eyes closed and in meditating position. Saeko has straight and shiny thigh-length straight purple hair that has a triangular fringe at the front which barely touches the ridge of her nose. She has blue eyes, is quite tall for a Japanese girl, and her relatively long limbs contribute leverage to her powerful sword swings. (Copied from fandom.)

As Rei saw me stop, she notice the place where I'm looking.

"You want to join that club? That is the Kendo club. You want to go in?" Rei ask me as my eyes have a look of expectation.

I just nodded at her and we go to the Kendo club.

As we walk, the other members of Kendo club stops practicing as they look at me, blushing. They didn't expect someone like me would go to their club. The place got silent as someone walks straight to me.

"I'm the captain of the Kendo club, Busujima Saeko, what are you all doing here?" Saeko inquired as she looks at us.

"I'm Dell Creed, a junior. I have interest in swords since I was a children. If you wouldn't mind, can I join this club?" I ask as I know not that much in swords. In my old life in organization, I practice sword for longer reach weapons, guns and knife. I want to perfect my swordsmanship as I'll need to use sword weapons in fighting.

"Of course you can. Welcome Creed-kun. " Saeko smiled sweetly as she talk. I got mesmerized and want to steal that beautiful red lips of her but control myself. I could see Takashi froze too. As far as I know, he got a crush on Saeko on canon but he's not proficient in sword so he just watch sidelines. They just start talking when zombie apocalypse happens.

"Call me Dell, Saeko. I'm not good at honorifics. " I said politely while bowing.

"Alright Dell. " Saeko bows too. I could see Takashi grinding his teeth on jealousy as Saeko and I use our first name but I ignored him of course.

Saeko give me the training sword she's holding right now and I try swinging it. After swinging for a few seconds I got the hang of it. I try my sword technique, the speed slash-thrust. I swing vertically then horizontally while using my sword to thrust the middle as I lunge. I keep doing it and I start to improve. Saeko got surprised as Rei and the others too.

"I got the hang of it now." I spoke as I keep swinging. My sword technique have does fencing moves to it. I'm interested in sword so I also practice fencing and others.

"That's a good swordstyle you have there Dell. You're quite fast for a normal person. Would you mind if I can spar with you?" Saeko ask while smiling as she found a prey for training.

"Of course Saeko. I'm happy to face a strong opponent like you." I said as I get excited.

We walk in the middle as other people watch us with interest. Rei got worried if I got hurt as Saeko is the champion in regional championship in Kendo but I just smile at her to ease her worry.

We bowed to each other and starts to get in our form. I use the fast reach stance. I use my right hand to bring the sword near my face and bring my left hand forward.

We start as I run and swing from down to up. Saeko block it as she spins her body and thrust at me. I dodge as I bring my hands on my back and got into fencing stance. I lunge but she swings her sword at me. I parry and lunge again as I riposte. I win. My sword is near her neck.

Other students cheer as Rei shouts my name. Takashi got jealous of me but didn't show it.

"You're good Dell. I never thought that someone can beat me in swords." Saeko looks at me admirably.

"You're good too Saeko. You're fast and good at balancing your attack. " Dell said to Saeko as he smile heartily.

Saeko got red as she thought 'That smile! That's dangerous for my heart!'.

I applied for Kendo club to join. I talk with Saeko while we train for a while before we leave.

"I never knew that you're that good at swords. You just said your average. Hmphhh! "Rei pouts as she never thought of me being good with swords so when she saw me defeating Saeko she got happy.

We part ways as I wait for Kyoko and start to drive home.

I enjoy this day.


Name: Dell Creed

Race: Human

Age: 17

Health: 5000 (extremely healthy)

Mana/Energy: 30000 (increased Mana/Energy and regeneration because of energy reactor)

Strength: 30 (10 points for a normal man) (defense placed here)

Speed: 21 (10 points for a normal man)

Charm: 37 (it depends on people but 10 points is for normal)


* Learner - Increase mastery and speed in learning and improving anything. (-)

* Adaptation - You can adapt in any environment, any opposing concept and power and mutation. (-)

* Space Magic - Can control space and use any skills related to it. (60% mastery)

* Gravity Magic - Can control gravity and use any skills related to it. (50% mastery)

* Eidetic Memory - Can remember anything. You can think more faster. (-)

* Limitless Body - You can exceed the body limit and increase your strength infinitely. (-)

* Telekinesis - Can control and levitate anything just by thinking it. (30% mastery)

* Energy Reactor - Combined with your heart. A magic item that can store unlimited energy. You can gain energy infinitely from any light source. (-)

* Parallel Thinking - Can create 5 separate minds to think different things in one go. (-)

* Identify - Can identify the status of the person you're looking. (-)

* Plot Armor Stopper - Can stop plot armor of any character you wants to. (-)

* Inventory - Can place items in an inventory. Mentally speak 'Inventory' to see the items in the inventory. (changed as it combines with the function of interface.)

* Spatial Magic - Can create portals to another place and fire spatial orbs. When touched, you can make them teleport in any place. (30% mastery)

* Aether Slash - Can cut space, light and basically everything that exist. (20% mastery)


* Swordsmanship - A passive skill. Mastery percentage shows your swordsmanship level. (40% mastery)
