
How to be a light fury in Harry Potter

An ordinary person died after filling out a survey on internet and reborn in Harry Potter

Sybaris · Movies
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11 Chs

An unexpected meeting

It's been a while since I started learning potions.

"Cure of boils, perfect potion as usual"May

My mother checked my potion after I finished it.Of course I didn't intend to hide my talent. I need to gain her trust to teach me more potions. Plus, I like the look of pride she gives me.

"Can I learn some more advanced potions? You can see that I have no problems with these simple potions"Arthur

"There is no need to rush. Who knows when these potions will help you. Even if you can prepare them by just reading the recipe, practice is still better."May


I sighed in defeat

But it doesn't matter, I'm satisfied with the current progress.However, I have improved greatly in other areas.

In magic and manifestation, I began to practice magic without wands.I haven't shown any progress yet but I'm sure I will soon.

I started learning about Legilimency and occlumency

It is not difficult, but the problem is that it requires a lot of time and training.

On occlumency's part, it needs to stay still and focus on building barriers for your mind, creating fake memories, etc

As for legitimacy, it is more difficult to train because it needs a goal to train on. I use Olga, my father's owl, for training.

It's just a regular brown owl by the way.

As for the most important things I discovered from the modern history of magic.

I discovered that the Boy Who Lived is not Harry Potter. In fact, there is no Boy Who Lived.The book says that Voldemort was killed by the Phoenix Flame in a battle between the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters.

Which caused the Order of the Phoenix to gain great fame in the wizarding world.

This means that Harry's parents are still alive. It also means that Neville's parents are not in the hospital. Since Voldemort died in front of his followers, they will not suspect his death and torture Longbottoms.

I think this is both good and bad

Good because Neville and Harry won't have a difficult childhood. Bad because it means this world isn't the same as the Harry Potter I know. Who knows what else has changed?

"Well, this forces me to train harder to prepare for what this world has to throw at me!"Arthur

I said, fire burning in my eyes


"Welcome, please come in"May

Me and the rest of the family stood to receive our guests.

"Lucas, thanks for having us today"Amos

"Anytime Amos"Locas

Our guests today are our neighbors, Diggory family.

I discovered that my father works in the Ministry of Magic, specifically in the Department of International Magical Cooperation.This means that his boss is Barty Crouch Sr.

Honestly, I don't really like him. Although I respect him for his intense hatred for the dark side, unfortunately his love for his wife trumps this hatred.

BUT, he is not a traitor so i don't need to be afraid of him.

Now let's go back to our guests. Although my father and Mr. Diggory are from different departments, they work together on some occasions, so they are friends, Plus they are neighbors.

"Welcome, Sofia and little Cedric"May

Sophia, Mrs. Diggory. I don't know anything about her since she's not mentioned in the movies.As for Cedric, as we all know him, he is a handsome eight-year-old boy.

I found out that I'm the same age as young Potter so I'll be going to school with him.

"Hello, my name is Cedric"Cedric

"Hello, my name is Arthur, nice to meet you"Arthur

"Arthur, why don't you go out with little Cedric and play together until lunch is ready?"May

"Of course, why not?"Arthur

"I want to go too!!"Kana


The three of us went for a walk in the village

"Good morning! Cedric"An old man

"Good morning, Mr. Geizer"Cedric

"Good morning! Little boy"Old woman

"Good morning, Mrs. Smith"Cedric

"You seem to be very popular"Arthur

As expected from the future Hufflepuff star

"Not...really, it's just that I helped the adults from time to time so they knew me"Cedric

He said shyly

I smiled in response

While we were walking, we found a little blonde girl, the same age as Kana, searching the ground for something.

"Hello, did you drop something?"Arthur

"No, I'm looking for Hijojovas."???

" you looking for what?"Arthur

"Hijojovas,Small purple creatures float beside the lakes, spreading peace and tranquility"???

"Ookaaaay?, so why are you looking for them here and not next to a lake? Also, don't they float? Why are you looking on the ground?"Arthur

"Because that's exactly where they think you'll look for them"???

The girl continued to look while we looking at her in surprise

I think I know who this girl is.

"Luna Lovegood if I'm not mistaken"Arthur

"Oh, do you know me?"Luna

"My name is Arthur, nice to meet you"Arthur

"I am Kana"Kana

"I am Cedric"Cedric


"It was a somewhat strange situation"Cedric

"I agree with you"Arthur

After a short talk, we left Luna to go back for food.