
How To be A Demon King

Red, a shut-in nerd obsessed with playing RPG games, spent a fortune creating demonic and non-human NPCs that were overpowered. One day, while immersed in the game, he suddenly finds himself transported into it as Lazarus, his character. To his shock, all the NPCs he created are now alive, no longer mere pixels. As he grapples with the challenge of ruling over them, a looming threat emerges in the game world, raising questions about his ability to maintain control and the survival of both himself and his creations

HermesRed · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Lazarus' Decree: Guardians Arise

Lazarus issued a firm command, "All pillars, be on high alert. Gifflet, terraform the surroundings, and summon some of your mycelium army to secure the perimeter of Babel."

"(Understood, my Lord)," replied Gifflet, bowing respectfully.

"Erebus, cast a shadow fog outside Babel, and command some shadow sentinels to keep a lookout," said Lazarus, directing Erebus.

"Indeed, my Lord. I shall execute thy command," Erebus affirmed, its movements flowing seamlessly.

"Lilith, let your children stand by. They will serve as expendables that we can spare," stated Lazarus, his gaze fixed on Lilith.

Acknowledging Lazarus's orders, Lilith offered a sultry gaze. "Yes, my Lord," she said, gracefully moving to a strategic position.

Lazarus continued, "I also wish to view the outside of Babel through my own eyes."

"I will accompany you, Father," Adam declared, his steps echoing determination.

"Yes, you may," Lazarus permitted. Turning to the rest, he declared, "Be on standby and maintain high alert."

The pillars, in unison, bowed respectfully.

Adam clapped his hands, creating a resonant crack in the air that formed a portal. Both Lazarus and Adam entered it, leaving the throne room in a blink.

The pillars visibly relaxed, their collective breath releasing as if the tension had dissipated.

Gojira remarked, "Finally, someone foolish enough to challenge us." The colossal creature shifted its weight, a low growl resonating.

Iraeferus, smiling, added, "Indeed, I hope they are strong enough to challenge us," his posture adjusting with subtle excitement.

Abel noticed Amara's tears and asked, "Amara, is something wrong? Why are you crying?"

Amara, with teary eyes and a joyful smile, replied, "Seeing our Lord is a blessing." She curtsied gracefully, her movements conveying reverence. "Breathing the same air, I'm so happy I could perish. But no, I will make our Lord known to this world," her smile widening as if her lips would rip.

Lilith teased, "Amara, you scare me sometimes." She sauntered over to a nearby pillar, her movements resembling a captivating dance.

"But I must agree," Lilith continued, "seeing our Lord, the true personification of beauty," with a lustful smile. Her fingers trailed delicately through the air.

Amara stared at Lilith with an annoyed look in her eyes.

Sol, attempting to be affectionate, said to Luna, "Shall we go to our floor and have some quality time?"

Luna replied, "Hush, dear. There will be time for that." She gently brushed Sol's cheek, her movements tender yet firm.

"But Luna, I want to hug you, smell you, and kiss you," pleaded Sol.

Luna blushed, annoyed, "Sol, if you don't stop, I swear I will not talk to you for a day." She took a step back, her eyes gleaming mischievously.

Sol froze, terrified by Luna's threat.

Lilith, finding it amusing, taunted Luna. "Come on, Luna, he's just a newbie."

"I will head first," Erebus announced, gliding towards the exit with an ethereal grace.

"Me too. I will do as our Lord commands," added Gifflet, his armored footsteps resonating in the chamber.

Outside the castle of Babel

 Lazarus stretched his back, and beautiful wings unfolded, as if they had been concealed there, as though he was accustomed to every part of his body.

"It's weird looking at my wings, as if I already know how to fly. Feels like I've had wings my entire life," Lazarus mused to himself.

Lazarus soared through the open sky, witnessing the vast expanse of green land beneath him. The freshness of the air filled his senses, and he could discern the scents that composed the symphony of life. 

Throughout his existence, he had been confined to his room, gripped by a fear of the outside world. 

Yet, even in his world, the grasp of nature seemed to banish, battered by the destructive forces of humanity.

In the midst of Lazarus's amazement, Adam arrived riding a griffin. "Father, please don't act hastily. Unlike you, I don't have wings, remember?" Adam playfully teased Lazarus, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Lazarus smiled, finding a sense of comfort in Adam. Perhaps it was because Adam was a product of his own creation, unlike the other pillars who were brought forth by his guild members.

"Adam, do you know who I was before I became your lord?" Lazarus inquired.

"No, Father. How could I know what comes first to a god?" Adam replied with a hint of humor.

"Adam, back then, I was something that none of you could have imagined. I was weak and fragile, moments away from ending my own life due to the depression brought on by the outside world. However, when I found Pandora, and one by one, discovered happiness with my guild members through adventures, that's when I realized Pandora was my life. Together, we built our home, Babel, and gave life to our NPCs," Lazarus revealed, his words carrying the weight of a past filled with both darkness and eventual hope.

"Father, from now on, the pillars and I will stand by you and make you feel at home in this world too. But, Father, why did the other lords leave?" Adam inquired, a sense of curiosity and concern in his voice.

"Adam, in my world, we had to work for everything, including our meals. Various factors led to the departure of the other lords. Some chose to travel to different countries, seeking new experiences, while others needed to focus on matters they deemed more important," Lazarus explained, sharing insights into the diverse reasons that prompted the other lords to leave.

"More important than their child? I understand it's a master and apprentice relationship, but, Father, they are the ones who gave life to the other pillars. I'm sure, like me, they would see their creators as their parents," Adam expressed, a tinge of concern in his voice

"It seems that you're still a child despite creating you with an adult body," Lazarus smiled. "Someday, Adam, if I have the courage, I will explain it to you and all the pillars why they left. Will you wait for that day, my son?"

Adam smiled, hearing the word "son," and felt a comforting warmth to the depths of his soul.

"Yes, Father, I and the other pillars can wait, even if it's forever," Adam replied with unwavering loyalty.

Earlier today, in the kingdom nestled next to towering mountains, Eldermere, 

outside the castle walls, a father was seen teaching his son, the next heir. They practiced intricate moves inherited by their family

possessing a hero's bloodline was not just a desirable trait but considered an essential prerequisite for attaining true nobility.

In the noble House of Jofesti, the father and son earnestly passed down their inherited techniques, carrying the weight of a storied legacy that transcended generations. Blessed with the bloodline of a renowned hero of the great sword class, their training sessions resonated with the echoes of heroic ancestry.

Led by the patriarch Volkov Jofesti, the distinguished members of the house included Sven Stalhelm Jofesti and his younger sister, Nadia Jofesti. Within the hallowed halls of Jofesti, a heritage of strength, tradition, and honor thrived, forging a legacy that endured through the ages.

While in the midst of taking a break, the father signaled his son to be quiet. "What is it, Father?" Sven inquired.

"Hush. Someone or something is watching," the father replied.

Sven swiftly grabbed his sword, his senses alert, and scanned the surroundings, searching for the unseen presence.

His father whispered a word

[Ki Sense]

using the ki energy that flows within and around all living things, this spell allows the body to keenly sense the presence and fluctuations of ki 

His father swiftly grabbed his giant great sword and shouted, "[Vertical Slash]!" With a powerful swing, the blade cut through the air, and the surrounding trees fell. There, revealed in the aftermath, were three black knights watching them. 

However, there was something strange about these black knights; they resembled humans, but beneath their armor, the father sensed an otherworldly presence. "Not human," he muttered to himself, recognizing that beneath the dark armor lay beings of an unknown origin.

"Be careful, Sven. Do not attack," warned the father. "I don't know why they choose not to attack and remain watching. Every single one of them is powerful enough to kill me in one swing." He observed the creatures' auras, their ki resembling a fiery force, a potent indication of their formidable strength. The father's caution stemmed from the realization that these beings were not to be underestimated.

The black knights looked at each other and abruptly fled. The sudden retreat left the father puzzled, but he didn't miss the chance as they showed their backs. "You show your back to your enemy; you've made a mistake. [Cross Slash]!" With decisive precision, he executed a cross slash, aiming to exploit their vulnerability.

As one of the black knights fell, it strangely turned into smoke, dissipating as it perished. The remaining two halted their escape, and one of them, facing its fallen comrade, showed no intention of engaging in combat. Instead, its focus was on stopping the father from chasing the last of the three. The peculiar behavior added a layer of mystery to the encounter, leaving the father cautious and intrigued.

One of the knights nodded to its fellow knight and began to run. "Oh no, you don't," said the father. "[Vertical Slash]!" He aimed for the escaping one, but the knight who had stayed behind swiftly blocked the attack, showcasing unexpected teamwork between the mysterious creatures. The father now faced a more complex situation, realizing that these black knights possessed not only individual strength but also a coordinated strategy.

The knight did not hold its sword, indicating that its sole purpose was to buy time for its comrade to escape. The father, now realizing the self-sacrificial nature of the creature, confronted it. "You do not fear death. Your aim is to die to ensure your fellow's escape. What creature are you?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mix of admiration and concern

"[Cross Slash]!" The black knight fell, and its form dissipated into smoke. The other one managed to escape. "Huh, I shall report this to His Majesty," declared the father,