
How To be A Demon King

Red, a shut-in nerd obsessed with playing RPG games, spent a fortune creating demonic and non-human NPCs that were overpowered. One day, while immersed in the game, he suddenly finds himself transported into it as Lazarus, his character. To his shock, all the NPCs he created are now alive, no longer mere pixels. As he grapples with the challenge of ruling over them, a looming threat emerges in the game world, raising questions about his ability to maintain control and the survival of both himself and his creations

HermesRed · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Shadows of Eldermere: Intrigue and Sorcery

In the hallway of Eldermere Castle, an obese noble was observed, seemingly harassing a maid.

Lord Jigskin, a man with a bulbous nose and a greasy chin, adorned himself in expensive clothes that barely fit his bloated body. Jewels and furs adorned him, signaling wealth that contrasted sharply with his distasteful behavior. Despite boasting a hero bloodline from his ancestor, he lacked the ability to manifest it.

However, he had a power of connection through other novels as well. He used this power to gain wealth and influence and to indulge in his dark hobbies.

He was also the man behind the slave auction, though it was illegal. The officials couldn't do anything about it because Jigskin was the one who bribed the higher-ups to maintain his business. He had a network of spies and informants who helped him capture and sell people from different nobles who needed sex slaves or slaves.

While walking in the hallway of the castle, Patriarch Volkov Jofesti met Count Jigskin, and the patriarch and the count greeted each other.

"So, Sir Jigskin, how have your ventures been faring lately?" inquired the patriarch, attempting to navigate the conversation toward safer waters.

Jigskin grinned, his features barely visible in the darkness. "Ah, Sir Volkov, you know how the world operates. Wealth and influence are elusive mistresses, but one must grasp them firmly."

"Anyways, it's kind of unusual to see you around the castle, Sir Volkov," Jigskin remarked casually.

Despite the seemingly friendly exchange, an unspoken tension lingered beneath the surface. Volkov responded with a polite nod, "Well, I need to speak with His Highness privately."

While their words suggested a cordial conversation, the reality was quite different. Volkov couldn't stand Jigskin's shady dealings, especially his exploitation of women for profit. The count's lack of skill despite having a hero bloodline irked Volkov.

As Jigskin exchanged pleasantries with Sir Volkov, his internal monologue revealed a darker narrative.

"Look at you, acting so highly, speaking with the king. I hope you go die in battle," he thought, his resentment bubbling beneath the surface. "And when that day comes, I'll be there to snatch your daughter from your grasp." Jigskin's sinister thoughts unfolded.

"May I inquire about the purpose of this visit to His Highness?" Jigskin asked, his smile appearing genuine but hiding his true intentions.

Sir Volkov, maintaining a composed demeanor, responded, "Official matters, Count. His Highness and I need to discuss pressing issues concerning the realm."

Jigskin's eyes flickered with curiosity and a hint of suspicion, though his false smile persisted. "Ah, of course, matters of great importance. I hope your discussions prove fruitful."

At the end of the hallway, the two nobles departed on their respective ways. Sir Volkov continued towards the grand chambers of the king, his mind focused on the impending discussions and the delicate matters at hand. The weight of responsibility and duty bore down on his shoulders.

Count Jigskin, however, strolled away with a smug attitude, his fake smile still in place as Sir Volkov's figure faded into the distance. Little did Volkov know, the count was filled with schemes and trickery, his intentions going well beyond the friendly act he had put on.

Count Jigskin expressed his displeasure with a disdainful "tsk" sound, followed by a disrespectful act of spitting on the ground.

In the grand chambers of Eldermere Castle, Patriarch Volkov Jofesti sought an audience with King Eldermere the VII. The air was heavy with the scent of aged wood, and the flickering light from strategically placed torches cast dancing shadows on the regal tapestries adorning the walls.

King Eldermere, a ruler with a crown on his graying hair, sat on his fancy throne. Even though the situation was serious, he seemed relaxed, as if he didn't feel the burden of leading the castle.

Volkov walked up, moving with a careful and polite stride. "Your Highness," he said, "I need to tell you something strange. We found three dark knights in the castle. They don't seem human, and I believe there's a great threat behind it."

King Eldermere, appearing unfazed, leaned back on his throne, looking at Volkov with a disinterested gaze. "Dark knights, huh?" he thought aloud, tapping his fingers on the armrest. "The realm has faced stranger things. What do you think we should do about it?"

Inside, Volkov felt a bit frustrated. The king's casual reaction to the serious situation made him doubt how much the king cared about the realm's safety. Still, he kept himself composed.

"Their presence is a potential threat, Your Highness," Volkov explained, choosing his words with caution. "I recommend a thorough investigation and heightened security measures. We cannot afford to underestimate these beings."

King Eldermere sighed, looking uninterested in Volkov's urgent report. "Patriarch Jofesti, the castle has faced challenges for centuries. If these dark knights are a threat, we'll handle it when needed. There are also problems in our kingdom, and we can't waste time and gold on nonsense."

As Volkov heard the king's dismissive tone, he had a private conversation in his mind. Is the king truly indifferent, or is he just pretending? How can he stay so calm when there's potential danger? Despite these inner questions, Volkov stayed polite, giving a slight bow before leaving.

After the patriarch left, the king spoke, "Are you there, Magnas?" Suddenly, a wizard appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

His long, flowing robes shimmered with ethereal patterns, and a deep blue cloak adorned with celestial symbols draped around his shoulders. A pointed hat, equally adorned with mystical symbols, sat atop his head, casting a shadow over his piercing eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of ancient knowledge.

His long, white beard flowed gracefully, a testament to the years spent delving into the arcane.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I am always at your service," replied Magnas, the wizard.

The king, his eyes gleaming with a hint of greed, said, "I want you to track those dark knights. Find out if they're from some hidden dungeon. There might be treasures or ancient artifacts. We could benefit from such discoveries."

Magnas, bowing respectfully, replied, "As you wish, Your Majesty. I will use my magical abilities to trace their origin and report back to you with my findings."

"Also, Magnas," the king continued with a stern expression, "we can't let the other nobles get wind of this. I suspect the beings that you witnessed and Patriarch Jofesti encountered are from a dungeon, manifesting a surrounding and conjuring monsters. I believe a dungeon with such powerful manifestations may hide a great artifact. It is crucial that the royal family be the first to secure and possess this potential artifact."

With a solemn nod, Magnas acknowledged the gravity of the situation. In an instant, he muttered the incantation "[Teleportation]," and a shimmering glow enveloped him. As the ethereal light dissipated, Magnas was no longer present in the chamber, having vanished into the mystic realms with a purposeful determination. The king, left alone with his thoughts, awaited the wizard's return and the unfolding of the arcane mysteries that lay ahead.