
How To be A Demon King

Red, a shut-in nerd obsessed with playing RPG games, spent a fortune creating demonic and non-human NPCs that were overpowered. One day, while immersed in the game, he suddenly finds himself transported into it as Lazarus, his character. To his shock, all the NPCs he created are now alive, no longer mere pixels. As he grapples with the challenge of ruling over them, a looming threat emerges in the game world, raising questions about his ability to maintain control and the survival of both himself and his creations

HermesRed · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Babel's Veil: Illusions, Shadows, and Elegance

In the outskirts of Babel's castle, 

Erebus executed a strategic move with a spell: [illusion fog]. This spell not only served as a spectacle but also added a layer of complexity to the area, making navigation challenging for those not well-versed or easily disoriented. The fog, a concoction of illusions, created a mysterious atmosphere that cloaked the surroundings.

Erebus gestured towards the fog, and shadowy figures materialized, seamlessly blending into the mist. These humanoid shadows weren't combatants; their expertise lay in stealth and deception. Proficient in mimicking voices with uncanny precision, they added an element of intrigue to the mystical defense strategy.

As the fog thickened and numerous shadowy figures emerged, the first pillar turned his attention to the ninth pillar and spoke, "It's your turn now, Gifflet."

Gifflet's nod conveyed a silent acknowledgment and understanding of the task. His massive, earthy hand descended to the ground, infusing the surroundings with vitality. The earth responded, and a plethora of fungi, ranging from humble to majestic, sprouted. Enchanted mushrooms dotted the landscape, weaving a tale of Gifflet's connection to the natural world.

Simultaneously, a mystical phenomenon unfolded. Mycelian entities, manifestations of the symbiotic bond between magic and nature, emerged. Varied in appearance, they created a captivating presence around Babel. Some were whimsically short, while others exuded an ancient, majestic aura, wielding imaginative weaponry crafted from enchanted fungal matter.

The collaboration of illusion fog, shadow people, enchanted mushroom forest, and mycelian entities painted Babel as a fortress intricately tied to the mysteries of both magic and the earth.

Observing from above, Adam's watchful gaze ensured that every mycelian entity played its role in the intricate defense. His griffin, a majestic companion in the skies, circled with a keen eye for detail.

Gifflet signaled the completion of his task, prompting Adam to initiate a conversation as Erebus prepared to depart for his pillar.

"What's on your mind, Gifflet?" Adam inquired, detecting a hint of concern in the ninth pillar's gaze.

Gifflet, hands resting on the uneven terrain, continued scanning the surroundings, his melodic language flowing like a harmony of nature.

"is tus ski su ki u? (Is the lord not with you?)" he asked, the unfamiliar yet melodic tones carrying a note of worry.

"No, he's returned to his bedroom. Father seems to be grappling with some issues when interacting with the other pillar, perhaps stress from the current events," Adam explained with a touch of concern.

Gifflet's mood shifted, a hint of sadness showing as he absorbed the news.

"Don't worry, Gifflet. I'll report everything to father, and your efforts won't go unnoticed," Adam reassured with a warm smile.

As Gifflet's mood shifted with a trace of sadness, and Adam reassured him with a smile, Erebus interjected.

"I believe I've done my job. It's time to go to my pillar and brief my underlings on the current situation," declared Erebus.

Adam nodded in acknowledgment as Erebus began walking toward the entrance.

"How about you, Gifflet? Are you done?" asked Adam.

Gifflet nodded in confirmation.

"Since you're from the 9th pillar, I will open a gate that will lead you to your floor," Adam stated.

Gifflet nodded again, and Adam clapped his hands. In an instant, a crack in the air formed a portal. Gifflet entered, and the portal closed behind him.

In the king's bedroom, Lazarus read a book about refined manners, struggling to comprehend its contents. His furrowed brow and tight grip on the book reflected the difficulty he faced in embracing sophistication.

While deeply engrossed in his reading, Lazarus was startled by a sudden portal that appeared. "Arghhh!" he yelped, caught off guard.

Adam emerged, witnessing his father's startled reaction. "Father, it's just me, alright?" he chuckled, his voice teasing. "How's your training to be the so-called elegant going?" he asked playfully.

"Adam, it's too much! I have to read all of this, memorize it, and engage in role-playing. It's like having too many homework assignments. I can't handle it; it's so hard, and I'm stressing out!" Lazarus complained.

"Why not just be yourself, Father?" asked Adam with a kind smile.

Lazarus sighed, "No, the pillars view me as a lord, and you're the only one who knows I'm from a different world. I need to act as they see me. Who knows what will happen if they see me as incompetent?"

Adam reassured, "There will be nothing happening, Father. I'm sure they will accept you if you just be yourself. How about this? I will fetch the head maid and let her teach you some elegant manners. How does that sound?"

Lazarus furrowed his brow, trying to grasp familiarity. "Wait, the head maid... sounds familiar. Did I really create her?" he mused, grappling with the enigma of his own creation.

Adam, with a playful smile, teased, "Father, the head maid—did you forget? You made her too. You must be getting old already."

As Lazarus continued to ponder, a realization illuminated his face. "Ahh, yes! I remember now. I created her after you... together," he exclaimed, acknowledging the collaborative effort in creating the head maid with Adam.

As Lazarus delved deeper into his recollections, he remembered that the head maid managing the entire Babel, overseeing cleaning and restoring damages, was none other than Eve, Adam's wife.

"Oh yeah, right, Eve," Lazarus remarked. However, a peculiar detail resurfaced in his memory. He recalled creating Eve to be the opposite of Adam—a tsundere or a strict person, adding an interesting dynamic to her character.

A shiver ran down Lazarus's spine as a sense of terror gripped him. The realization hit him hard he had coded Eve as a character with a cold, harsh, and temperamental exterior, only to unveil a warm and affectionate core deep inside. The complexity of his creation, now manifesting in the head maid, left Lazarus both intrigued and unnerved.

In Lazarus's mind, a blend of reflection and fear unfolded. "Yeah, I remember basing her on the anime character 'My Mafia Boss Wife.' Maybe Eve isn't as bad as she seems, hehehe." Lazarus chuckled, but his anxious feelings persisted, creating a mix of emotions.

As he reminisced about learning quickly under the guidance of his terror teacher in high school, the thought struck him – perhaps he needed a terror teacher for this too. Hesitating initially, he finally said, "Okay, Adam, let your wife help me."

"Good father, um, just be careful, alright? Haha, she seems kinda moody right now; all the floors are busy. But don't worry, she's moody all the time. Haha," Adam chuckled nervously about his wife.

"I'm still his creator, though; maybe she will show consideration," Lazarus added with a hopeful tone.

Both Lazarus and Adam burst into laughter, finding amusement in the situation.

Eve, a Yuki Onna, exuded an elegant and enchanting presence. Her hair, a cascade of blonde strands, flowed with grace, reminiscent of moonlight dancing on water. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of silver, held the secrets of starlit nights and the gentle strength of a caring mother. Her figure was a graceful fusion of celestial beauty and maternal resilience, radiating a cold aura.

Eve bowed gracefully.

"Father Adam told me to teach you how to become more elegant in your actions and manners," she stated with a composed demeanor.

Lazarus stuttered, "Y-yes."

"I see. Then why did you not call me earlier ?" Eve questioned, her gaze sharp as she corrected, "And don't stutter. I'm not going to eat you Father " She sharply looked at Lazarus.

"So, you're having more fun with my dilly-dolly husband?" Eve teased.

"It's not about that," Lazarus replied, his voice tinged with terror.

"Haha, I just somehow got busy," Lazarus chuckled nervously.

"Fine, you need to act like a king from now on. I will teach you the basics of proper speaking. We will start tomorrow after," Eve declared.

As Eve was about to leave, she noticed Adam trying to hide behind a curtain. "I know you're there. Open the portal so I can leave," she said, a bit annoyed.

Adam, surprised by Eve's discovery, quickly opened the portal. His expression changed from surprise to a sheepish smile. Eve gave him a knowing look, showing that she found the situation more amusing than upsetting. With a subtle eye roll, she left through the portal, leaving Adam a bit flustered.

Adam teased, "Told you she's scary. Why did you make her that way?"

Lazarus chuckled nervously, "Well, I didn't expect her to be this intimidating when I created her."