
How I,Vandal Savage's brother, became a pirate king too early

A One piece fan gets the chance to reincarnate into One Piece World with no extra power or into DC world of his choosing with a few perks. Now what will he choose? MC: "I am a 100% OP fan so there is not even a moment of doubt... I choose option 2." ROB1: HUH?! But you could meet Luffy, Roger and even find the ONE PIECE. Why did you not choose that option. MC: If I don't have any extra power I'm as good as dead with the Yonko, admiral or even if a Celestial Cunt finds me while i'm still weak and there is no guarante that I would become stronger I migth be just a random character" ROB2: "HAHAHAHAHAHA. HE got you there. Well Done mortal as a thanks for showing me the sight of him losing you will have extra perks at his expenses!" All other ROBs: Agreed!! It's my first writing so don't expect some 10th level literature as Oda. I don't own any DC or One Piece or there respective Characters Edit: I added the "Too early" cuz I forgot to put it there

Isekai_enjoyer · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 4: A Pioneer isn't that bad

Atlas walked towards the forrest causing massive trembling on the ground that Marcus was standing on. Once he arrived inside the forrest.

Atlas: Hmm there a good spot for a nap better take out those trees, I don't want to be laughed again for having tree stuck on my himation. (Clothing for ancient Greek himation are for male only and chiton is for both female and male just different style)

he swept the trees. A chunck of them flew towards Markus. He evaded the first few with minimal movement but as one came dirrectly at him, he readied himself and punched the tree. Mere centimeter from his right fist, the tree broke apart and flew to the side. Once his vision was obstructed by the flying trees he saw the four armed titan sleeping like a log.


Since fighting Atlas was not a wise choice at the moment, Marcus chose to explore his new environment and find something to eat. he used his Haki to sense any living beings near him and found an amber of life at the end of his sensory range.

Marcus: SORU!!

He dashed towards it. After an hour of running at his full speed, he found humans growing fields of fruits and vegetables. he wanted to interact with them but his instinct told him to stay hidden.

Marcus: Tia what would happen if I were to go talk to them.

[You would be hunted down by the Titans]

he almost shouted but realized he was still supposed to hide.


[Because you look like a caveman. You are dirty, naked and they were created by the titans to have some intelligence so they can recognise that you are not one of them as you look like a primitive caveman.

"Right, I still look like a caveman. If I wanted to get the look I wanted the most I would've just put point in charisma but survival was more important", he thought.

Marcus looked at the humans. A transparent wave flew towards them.


Their eye became white as they rolled them and foam came out of their mouths. They all fell to the grounds at the same time.


Marcus: SORU!

He dashed towards the crope and took everything into his inventory then left. he rushed to a near river that was inside a forrest and stopped.

Marcus: Tia, how much food do I have in my inventory?

[You have enough meat to last 10 years and enough vegetables/fruits to last 3 months considering you eating habits. Before you ask, yes the calculation were done after factoring your next move.]

Marcus: That's good. Then Tia tak-

[It should be mentioned that Host should read the latest notifications.]

Marcus: Okay. Show me the latest notifications.

[*Ding* An action never seen before has been done. you have used an type of energy no Titans, gods or mortal has ever used.

*Ding* It is noticed you have created a new type of energy usage as well as naming it while also branching it to its full diversification.

*Ding* you have used a type of "Haki". You even an advanced level of it. Number of type used 1/3. (Kenbunshoku Haki)

*Ding* you have used another type of "Haki". You even an advanced level of it. Number of type used 2/3. (Busoshoku Haki)

*Ding* you have used the last type of "Haki". Number of type used 3/3. (Haoshoku Haki)

*Ding* You are the first to use Haoshoku Haki on a race created and ruled by the titans.

Haoshoku Haki +4 Lv

*Ding* Conqueror's (Haoshoku) Haki: Lv 60 (it takes level 70 to get to the advance stage for this haki)

*Ding* A new Title has been acquired.

*Error* Host does not have all three types at advance level

*Ding* The Title has been changed.


Haki Pioneer *New*: You have created a new type of energy usage. This feat has and would have never been created by anyone other then you in this world. You hold the most knowledge of Haki there is to know and will ever be known. Only you are capable of teaching it to someone else. It also helps learning any new types of advances Haki faster.

*Ding* A new Skill has been acquired.

Haki Teacher: Lv 1 *New*

It will let you impart the amount of knowledge you want to the one you want to teach.]

Marcus: Hmn. The skill isn't usefull right now but it will be in the futur. The title helps learn faster, I won't say no to that. Tia take away the inhebitor I put on my genes.

Marcus had put inhebitor on his hanma blood and viltrumite genes to learn haki faster as those two factor would have removed any danger he may have faced even excluding his immortality. Since Haki becomes stronger then more you use it in a deadly battle, limiting himself helped greatly in his progress.

[Understood Marcus.]



NAME: Marcus D. Nika

Race: Human/Vilrumite (Hanma) *New*

Level: 28

AGE: 69


One who outsmarted the gods

Luck that even Gods can't kill




One who inspired a God

Haki Pioneer *New*

HP: 2550/2550

MP: 5600/5600

STA: 2000/2000

STK: 750

AGT: 460

DEF: 860

DEX: 430

INT: 227

WIS: 140

CHA: 25

LUCK: 140


Gamer mind: Max Lv

Gamer body: Max Lv

Evolution: Lv 4

regeneration: Lv 36

Absorbtion: Lv 1 *Has not been used yet*

invulnerability: Lv 1

Flight: Lv 1

CQC: Lv 17

Observation (Kenbunshoku) Haki: Lv 61

Armament (Busoshoku) Haki: Lv 65

Conqueror's (Haoshoku) Haki: Lv 56

Twisted mind: Lv 4

Hunting: Lv 68

Tracking: Lv 54

Instinct: Lv 80

Poison resistance: Lv 82

Soru: Lv 59

Tekkai: Lv 33

Geppo: Lv 57

Shigan: Lv 59

Rankyaku: Lv 59

Kami-E: Lv 27

Craftmanship: Lv 20

Observation: Lv 12

Haki Teacher: Lv 1 *New*

Skill point: 0

Free points: 0]

[It will take time for your Viltrumite power to kick in.]

Marcus: it's alright I have enough time.

[You do not! you have 30 mins left before a Titan come to take the offering you took from the humans and hunt you down.]

Marcus: WH-hmn okay no need to panic. Wait I should be panicling right now but i'm fine.

[It is because of the Gamer mind]

Marcus: Gamer mind....That's it I can just create Illusion Barriers. No one can enter without my permission not even Gaia, I made sure of that during my wish. ZEHAHAHAHA

[Marcus....The laugh..... it's getting wor-more frequent. People will be put off by it]

Marcus: They get used to it. Okay now concentrate...Energy in my hand....Visualise...

Marcus lifted his right hand towards the sky and shouted but stopped midway

Marcus: ID- wait I don't need to shout just think...." Appear Illusion Barrier" he thought.

[Damn it he almost said it]

Marcus: What?


[*Ding* a new skill has been created by your action

Instant Dungeon (ID) Create: Lv 1 *New*

MP: 5200/5600]

Marcus did the same action and then thought "I want to get out".

[*Ding* a new skill has been created by your action

Instant Dungeon (ID) Escape: Lv 1 *New*

MP: 4800/5600]

Marcus: Okay I have 20 minutes left until they notice me.

[It is actual 22 minutes]

Marcus: Tia, I am going to level these two skills as much as I can. tell me when I am on my last creation before they detect me to stay in the Dungeon.

[Will do Marcus]

After 20 min of uninterrupted usage of those two skills, Marcus managed to level them up quite nicely as well as leveling up himself. Inside an unhabited Dungeon, that looked like the outside world, Marcus layed there panting.

Marcus: *Pant**Pant* Status *Pant*



NAME: Marcus D. Nika

Race: Human/Vilrumite (Hanma) *New*

Level: 29

AGE: 69


One who outsmarted the gods

Luck that even Gods can't kill




One who inspired a God

Haki Pioneer

HP: 2550/2550

MP: 5600/5600

STA: 2000/2000

STK: 750

AGT: 460

DEF: 860

DEX: 430

INT: 227

WIS: 140

CHA: 25

LUCK: 140


Gamer mind: Max Lv

Gamer body: Max Lv

Evolution: Lv 4

regeneration: Lv 36

Absorbtion: Lv 1 *Has not been used yet*

invulnerability: Lv 1

Flight: Lv 1

CQC: Lv 17

Observation (Kenbunshoku) Haki: Lv 61

Armament (Busoshoku) Haki: Lv 65

Conqueror's (Haoshoku) Haki: Lv 56

Twisted mind: Lv 4

Hunting: Lv 68

Tracking: Lv 54

Instinct: Lv 80

Poison resistance: Lv 82

Soru: Lv 59

Tekkai: Lv 33

Geppo: Lv 57

Shigan: Lv 59

Rankyaku: Lv 59

Kami-E: Lv 27

Craftmanship: Lv 20

Observation: Lv 12

Haki Teacher: Lv 1

(ID) Create: Lv 12 *New*

(ID) Escape: Lv 11 *New*

Skill point: 19

Free points: 10]

He slept while looking at the his skills. The next day, he woke up and ate till he was full.

Marcus: let's see if my Viltrumite (hanma) genes have kicked in yet....