
How I,Vandal Savage's brother, became a pirate king too early

A One piece fan gets the chance to reincarnate into One Piece World with no extra power or into DC world of his choosing with a few perks. Now what will he choose? MC: "I am a 100% OP fan so there is not even a moment of doubt... I choose option 2." ROB1: HUH?! But you could meet Luffy, Roger and even find the ONE PIECE. Why did you not choose that option. MC: If I don't have any extra power I'm as good as dead with the Yonko, admiral or even if a Celestial Cunt finds me while i'm still weak and there is no guarante that I would become stronger I migth be just a random character" ROB2: "HAHAHAHAHAHA. HE got you there. Well Done mortal as a thanks for showing me the sight of him losing you will have extra perks at his expenses!" All other ROBs: Agreed!! It's my first writing so don't expect some 10th level literature as Oda. I don't own any DC or One Piece or there respective Characters Edit: I added the "Too early" cuz I forgot to put it there

Isekai_enjoyer · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 2: The Wishes

MC: On second thought, I would like to decided my background before my whishes.

ROB 1: Very well.

MC: I would like to be reincarnated as Vandal Savage's brother. I would like to get my memories back when the both of us radiated with the meteor but my body will react differently then him. Like him, I will gain highten intelligence, eternal youth and immortality but my body will also be mutated to have the same physiology as a Thragg, the viltrumite, with 100% pure hanma blood minus the weakness and appearence. It will be able to absorb and discharge any radiation and energy, including magic, as well as not be bother by the eternal youth. By that I mean I will still get stronger as time goes like any Viltrumite all the while keeping my body to its peak form. The world will be a mix of Young Justice, Justice league and a couple of the new DC movie-

The ROBs let him finish before answering him.

ROB 1: That's not reasonable!

MC: You said that the "whishes" should be reasonable.

ROB 1: Still that is-

MC: Are SUPERMAN power's reasonable?

ROB 2: He got you there!

All other ROBs nodded.

MC: My appearence should be a mix of archer from fates and Acgnologia. I'd rather keep my skin color and avoid the whole trouble once I reach the 21th century.

ROB 1: *Sigh* Whatever. *Snap* Now for your wishes.

MC: My second wish is to have the power of " The Gamer" from The Gamer added an addition all knowing system that has mutiple solutions for every questions or problem I might have with a little twik in my original skills...

ROB 5: That's not reasonable!

MC: There are mind/reality/dimensional altering beings out there even Gods. Knowing what to do would be a very be help for my survival.

ROB 2: He's right.

ROB 1: Fine. *Snap* GRANTED!

MC: My third wish is to have the ability of 25th Baam from Tower of God. Only I want to be able to copy the ability if I take the hit from the attack and take the ability if I defeat, kill or eat the one in question.

ROB 6: isn't it too much?

MC: Darkseid!!

ROB 1: At this point I just want to get this over with. *Snap* GRANTED!

The second Rob kept holding his laughter but failed once in a while.

MC: My fourth wish is to have the all types of Haki powers . I would like it to be able to affect anything from magic to divinity for example just like it affectes DF users.

ROB 1 grinned for a moment.

ROB 1: Very well but you will lose your last wish to make it happen. "Now he won't be able to ask for his family to have a good life so he will reconsider his wish" he thought.

MC: Very well. I accept.

ROB 1: Now choose anothe- What!

ROB 2: You said it. Haha Now you have Hahah to do it.

ROB 1: ....*Snap* GRANTED! I never want to see you again. You bring me bad luck.


I opened my eyes and felt pain on my back and my chest. As soon as I looked I remembered what happened. Vandal got smarter and became the clan head under a week since it took more radiation for me to awaken. I was planning on helping him rule the world while I go do some adventure even fight Darkseid with him but you know what they say if you want to make god laugh tell him your plan. Vandal didn't even give me a chance by that I mean the fucker impaled me from behind as soon as I woke up. He still doesn't know about the eternal youth and immortality. Still this gives me the excuse I need to be free from him. After I took the wooden spear, that was piercing my heart, out of my chest, I saw what I was waiting for.








MC: *coughing blood* O-Open status...



Level: 1

AGE: 19 (was 35 before)

TITLE: One who outsmarted the gods *New*

Luck that even Gods can't kill *New*

Survivor *New*

Immortal *New*

Reincarnator *New*

HP: 45/500

EP: 30/50

STA: 80/150

STK: 40 (Average human is 5 but now he has viltrumite power + hanma blood)

AGT: 57 (Average human is 7 but now he has viltrumite speed + hanma blood)

DEF: 72 (Average human is 3 but now he has viltrumite power + hanma blood)

DEX: 10 (Average human is 5 but now he has viltrumite power + hanma blood)

INT: 20

WIS: 16

CHA: 04 (remember their Caveman)

LUCK: 100

Skills: *New*

Gamer mind: Max Lv

Gamer body: Max Lv

Adaptation: Lv 6

regeneration: Lv 15

Absorbtion: Lv 1

invulnerability: Lv 1

Flight: Lv 1

CQC: Lv 1

Observation (Kenbunshoku) Haki: Lv 1

Armament (Busoshoku) Haki: Lv 1

Conqueror's (Haoshoku) Haki: Lv 1

Skill point: 0

Free points: 0


MC:.....What's the latin version of knowledge?

[Answer: scientia. Received. I shall now be name scientia]

MC: ....Ok but I'll call you Tia for short.


One who outsmarted the gods: You have managed to trick a God. That is not a easy feat. You are able to trick someone more powerfull then you. +100% WIS when getting new points.

Luck that even Gods can't kill: It took 7 Gods to kill you. You have a luck not even Gods can kill. Anyone stronger then you will have a harder time to kill you.

Survivor: The more hardship you go through the stronger you become.

Immortal: Your body will heal through every injury. Depends on the Level of the skill regeneration.

Reincarnator: ....You reincarnated. That's it.


[....Host. How should I refer to you?]

MC:.....Marcus.... Marcus D. Nika

[*Ding* Name: Marcus D. Nika]

After checking his status, Marcus went into the forrest.

Marcus: Hmm. I should have 50 years before it starts. Let's get strong


[Marcus has recieved a message from $^^@^%&^$%]

Marcus: open it.

[Hello.... Marcus huh so you complete let everything go. I see that will make it more intresting. I have a few things I'd like to tell you but first you must have realize that Vicky disapeared right? Yeah we're the ones that killed you, I know you must've had your suspicion. Before I tell you, you should know my name. It's not ROB 2... Yeah we could hear your though but they forgot to do that.

My name is Nyarlathotep....HAHAHA.....]