

The arena's gotta have food stalls,right?"sai said to him self"As he rides his bike relentlessly.rice balls... Cup noodles... Puddings..."said said to him self". Unknown to sai a thief who stole an old lady purse was on the run for it. The thief in question was a man with black hair,black eyes wearing a white t-shirt,brown cargo shorts with a black cleavage on top of a blue motor bike. Passing sai that amount of speed,sai lost balance and crash at a rosebush.wow!!! What happened"sai said"while scratching his head. No!!!,Give that back!"the said"while crying. How awful...That poor old lady..."sai said".Heeeee!!! "The thief laughed".Stop!,Stop right now, you thief!,Give that old lady back that old lady's purse!,she need that to pay for her rent!"said shouted",as he rides his bike relentlessly along the highway.

       Shit!"the thief said"Stop right their,You get back here!"sai said"as he chases the bike along the highway.who is this guy"the thief said"trying to push sai off trail with his motor cycle, immediately sai hoped on his back living his bike riding it's self on the road and bite him in on the neck with his teeth. OW,OW,OW,OW!"the thief shouted", Noticing a green car heading towards them, thinking fast sai jumped back to his bike pushing the thief to the other lane,looks like l win!"the thief said"while raising his hands in the air.you sure make this fun"sai said as he headed to a ramp as it took him to the same lane as the thief.Pull over!"sai said"as the tries to catch up with the thief,pull over, thief!"said said"

      Unknown to sai,kitara was at the middle of the road still starring at the martial artists muscular muscles and glorious six pack abs while they strike a pose,I can't believe a girl like you is interested in martial arts!"tori said"while him and his martial artist friends strike their most various pose,well, I love strong people,and I think you're just-"said kitara".wow wow wow!!!"sai shouted"while using his bicycle tyre to crash into kitara face and breaking her glasses and  landing face down on the in a trash bin,I'm sorry! I'm very sorry! I'm just kind of in a hurry!"sai said"while still riding his bike.kitara starring at her broken glass,like hell"kitara said"while throwing a stick at sai bicycle tyre

WOW WOW!!!"the martial artist's said"Don't you run away from me,you idiot!!"kitara said "while holding said neck and hittimg him on the head.But the thief is getting away! I gotta-"said said"while blood driping down his nose.What?that's awful!"kitara said"as tear flow out her crystal brown eyes.


   Man... What was that guys problem?"the thief said"So that guy's the thief,is he?"kitara said"as she rides behind said bike.let's teach him a painfull lesson! You said said it"sai said excitedly. While on the side walk danny was walking while listening to music in his phone usinf his ear pods.Get back here,thief!"sai said" as he and the thief passed danny. WOW!!!"danny said"while starring at them. VROOOM VROOM!!!"the motir bike sounded"while sai was still on his trail,moving ahead of the thief kitara tried to hit him with her Kat a na,be he kept on dodging. You leave me no choice."the thief said" while a bright light shined upon glass on his helmet.my ten years of motorcycle experience...Now's the moment it pay's off. Can't handle cornering like this...can you"thief said" while trying to cut sai and kitara through a corner,thinking fast kitara shoved her katana into the ground,and cut the same way,No way"the thief shouted",give up already"sai said"Get him"sai said"okay!"kitara replied"while leading in the air with a bright light shining upon her Kat a na as she aim towards the thief,WIND STYLE,7 FORM-"kitara said" while missing her steps and landing a hotdog stand,yes!"the thief said excitedly"but unfortunately for him he was hit off his motor bike with a rod by danny and crashing into the back of a truck.Guess I caught up to him"danny said"Hey,what happened?"kitara said" while scratching her head.Then they stared at each other.

     Sorry to keep you waiting,everyone!the only thing that keeps the people going,the only thing you can trust is your fists.choose any wish,and it will be granted!such is the power of god!we begin the teen world fight!"the commentator announced"while the people cheared.

MEANWHILE IN THE LOCKER ROOM... Made it in time!"sai said"you'd better pay me back later."kitara said"while crossing her legs on the bench.for what"sai said"For my glasses!,I'd blame the purse snatcher,if anyone,why don't you send the bill to him?"danny said",it's our big fight,and I can't see anything!"kitara said"but I gotta say,thanks for your help back there,you saved my butt.I am sai kurosachi."sai said",danny hankai"danny said"as both sai and danny introduced their self as they fisted booped,starring at kitara waiting to introduce her self.Huh!Wh-what?I'm kitara Lee "kitara said confidently.Excuse me,participants,it's time,Get ready to come out.Here in the arena,we've gathered,brave martial artists directly recruited by our tournament administrators.This is all styles martial arts tournament,in which any teen is allowed.furthermore,there is no timer,nor any limitation on weapons used.The only way to win is to knock out your opponent, or get them to surrender!Now, everyone... Let's bring in our fighters!"the commentator said".yeeee yeeee!!!"the audience cheared"as the participant walked in,do your best "an audience said"Doesn't anyone... Have anything to eat?"sai said exhaustedly".We'll be using these bracelets to monitor all the contestants vituals,Nanomachimes injected into them when they entered the arena,will allow us to monitor their physical status in real time,and heal any injury immediately.So don't hold back,and it everything you've got!,whoever makes it through the quatar final and goes on to win the teens tournament will have any wish granted by our tournament adminstrators! Will that do for an explanation?We now ask you to begin the fight.Yes...Right now"the commentator said.Fight?Already?There aren't pairing or tournament bracket or...anything?"the audience said.Starting with"last man standing,"huh?"yaki said"A royal battle?"an audience said"Quit looking at me"participant 68 said"same to you man"participant 27 said"l've never liked your face"participant 68 said"what was that? Couldn't hear you!"participant 27 said"as they joined their head against each other and starred at their selves furiociously,His level is lower than mine..."participant 27 said"while starring that is participant 68 bracelet,then he gave him a punch right on his face. I get it...if I go after all the guys with a lower level than me..."participant 46 said"while sweeping participant 32 off this feet.

YES... You have to win here,or you won't survive!"the commentator said",looks weak,let's get him.Wanna fight?"sai said"while stretching his body and lifting into the air...