

Beep beep beep!!! "The alarm ranged",walking up a teenage otaku from bed.Noticing he was late for a meeting.Ahhh!!! "Sai shouted".rising up from bed he rushed to the shower immediately,and headed out on his bicycle.riding his bicycle with a tremendous amount of speed. Sai is a average height boy,about 16 years with blue hair,blue glowing hair, wearing a typical japanese uniform."sorry"sai shouted,to the people he ran into at the sidewalk.  Why?,why today of all days?!.why'd you have to sleep in,dummy."sai said to him self". Unknown to sai that and old lady was at the the middle of the sidewalk, thinking fast sai moved his bicycle out of the way while screening.Hey! Get off that bicycle and apologize, sai!."the old lady said".

    It's getting started all over the world, the trend martial art tournament for teenagers all over the world...the teen fight. it will be held at hong's arena.The newscaster announced on the news.l heard the guys from the shop got a ticket!,and in front row of the arena!"yaki said joyfully.yaki is a middle school boy with brown hair,brown eyes,wearing a typical japanese uniform with glasses.No way! How's they pull that off?"kiva said"(yaki's friend).I mean streaming is fine...But l'd love to see it live!"yaki said".


Thanks for coming by."the "receiptionst said".Oh,you can place that there."the receiptionst said".well,l'd better be headed out."Danny said".it's time already,eh?. Thanks for working the night shift."the receiptionst said".That's what I do."Danny said" while stretching his back. Danny in question is a tall teenager, with black hair,black eyes wearing a white shirt,black long pants with a tie;

   Walking along the sidewalk, Danny brought out his envelope and counted the money inside.I might need more shifts." Danny said".

  Meanwhile at the park,a group of martial artist putting on a typical dojo uniform.How come we didn't qualify for trend martial art tournament?"tori said".it's just weird."tung said"(a martial artist).Gotta wonder how their picking 'em."tori said". Excuse me...I am very sorry i appear to be lost...Do you think you could tell me the way to hong's arena?"kitara said".Um... The arena's that way,right?"tori said while pointing left and blood dripping down his nose".No! You have to cross the bridge."tung said".kitara is a teenage girl about the size of loli,with orange hair, brown eyes with glass, wearing a typical japanese uniform, with a giant katana on her hand.i love men with muscles!"kitara said joyfully",while joining her hands together. Meanwhile,sai still riding his bike along the sidewalk. You can do this!"sai said"trying to encourage himself.You'll make it! And when you do...