
How I Fell in Love with a College Girl and Ended with a 50k Bounty

Saki, the class beauty. As their unlikely friendship blossoms amidst the complexities of teenage life, they navigate the challenges of love, friendship, and danger. But when Leo's act of heroism attracts the wrath of a dangerous gang, their bond is put to the ultimate test. With a bounty on his head and their lives in jeopardy, Leo and Saki must confront their fears and fight for their future together. Will their love withstand the trials that await them, or will they be torn apart by forces beyond their control?

Zmeal_XD · Action
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24 Chs

United Against the Darkness (Chapter 5)

The gang members had swiftly overwhelmed the remaining guards, their victory a chilling testament to their power. Saki and Leo trembled in fear as they witnessed the gang's triumph unfold before them, a sea of faces contorted with triumph.

Amidst the chaos, the gang leader's booming voice cut through the air, commanding his men to hunt down the duo. Saki and Leo clung to the shadows, praying to escape the gang's notice. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as they held their breath, their hearts pounding in sync with the rhythm of their fear.

Their hope dwindled with each passing second until, finally, the inevitable happened. Two pairs of hands seized them, dragging them into the darkness of an abandoned building. Saki and Leo exchanged a silent glance, their eyes reflecting the terror that gripped their souls.

Trapped in the clutches of their captors, Saki and Leo braced themselves for the unknown horrors that awaited them. With no means of escape and the specter of impending doom looming overhead, they could only wait in dread for the fate that awaited them at the hands of the merciless gang.

Saki, her body still quivering with fear, caught sight of the three menacing gang members who had threatened her before. Their presence loomed over her like a dark cloud, suffocating her with dread. Every fiber of her being screamed for escape, but she knew there was nowhere to flee. Trapped in the clutches of her assailants, she braced herself for the nightmare to unfold.

As the gang members drew closer, their predatory gaze burning into her, Saki shut her eyes tight, hoping to shut out the horrors that awaited her. But then, a sudden surge of courage rippled through the darkness as Leo, her silent protector, rose to his feet. With swift determination, he struck out against the man who dared to lay a hand on her, his actions a defiant stand against the encroaching darkness.

Amidst the tension, one of the gang members taunted Saki, his words dripping with malice as he sought to instill fear in her heart. But Leo's intervention shattered the oppressive atmosphere, his courageous act a beacon of hope in the midst of despair.

As Leo stood his ground, ready to face the gang alone, Saki's heart swelled with admiration and concern. With a solemn resolve, she urged him to flee, knowing that the danger looming over them was too great for him to confront alone. Despite her own fears, she couldn't bear the thought of him risking his life for her sake.

Surveying the daunting odds before him, Leo understood the grim reality of their situation. Outnumbered and outmatched, he knew that facing the gang head-on would be futile. But even as he grappled with the weight of their predicament, his unwavering resolve to protect Saki burned brightly within him.

As the gang members' grins twisted into grotesque expressions of depravity, Leo felt a cold shiver run down his spine. Their sickening display of cruelty laid bare their lack of humanity, leaving Leo with a sinking realization—he would have to sacrifice Saki if he hoped to escape this nightmare unscathed. The thought weighed heavy on his heart, a bitter pill to swallow.

With a resigned sigh, Leo conceded defeat. "Well, shit... I guess this is the end then. You win," he muttered, his voice tinged with defeat. Slowly, he began to back away, his spirit crushed under the weight of their overwhelming numbers. It seemed as though all hope had been extinguished, leaving Leo with a sense of resignation.

As Leo retreated, the gang members' twisted grins widened, their anticipation palpable. They relished the prospect of claiming their prize, reveling in the power they held over their helpless victims. Saki's fate hung precariously in the balance, her life in grave danger with each passing moment.

But just as the gang leader taunted Leo with a chilling promise of what awaited Saki, Leo's resolve flickered to life once more. Summoning the last shreds of his courage, he spoke up with newfound determination. "No, actually... not right now. I need more time," he declared, his voice steady despite the fear gnawing at his insides.

The gang leader's shock quickly gave way to rage, his frustration boiling over at the defiance before him. He barked orders to his men, commanding them to eliminate Leo and remove the obstacle standing in the way of their desires. With a menacing glint in their eyes, the gang members closed in on Leo, ready to unleash their wrath upon him.

Leo fought with all his might, evading the gang members' blows and striking back with ferocity. His punches packed a powerful punch, bringing a few of his assailants to their knees within mere minutes. Yet, despite his valiant efforts, the relentless onslaught seemed never-ending, with more gang members swarming in to take their place.

After a prolonged struggle, Leo found himself on his knees, his body weary and battered from the relentless assault. The gang leader loomed over him, a cruel smirk playing on his lips as he aimed a gun directly at Leo's head. Saki watched in horror, tears streaming down her face as she witnessed the dire situation unfolding before her.

In a desperate attempt to stall for time, Saki screamed out a name—"Sauha," the gang leader's identity revealed. Leo, facing imminent death, defiantly taunted the gang leader, daring him to pull the trigger. The tension in the air was palpable, the silence deafening as the two adversaries stared each other down.

Suddenly, the piercing sound of an alarm shattered the silence, echoing through the abandoned building. Within moments, the military stormed in, swiftly taking control of the situation. Amid the chaos, they apprehended several members of the gang, including the vice leader, but the gang leader managed to slip away, his thirst for revenge burning brighter than ever.

As the dust settled and the immediate threat subsided, Leo and Saki realized that their ordeal was far from over. With the gang leader still at large and hell-bent on retribution, they knew they would have to remain vigilant, prepared to face whatever dangers lay ahead. Their bond forged in the crucible of adversity, they resolved to stand together against the looming threat, determined to protect each other at all costs.

As they watched the livestream of the harrowing event unfold on live TV, Saki and Leo were both stunned by the unexpected turn of events. The shock of seeing their ordeal broadcasted to the world left them reeling, their emotions raw and palpable.

Leo, despite his own injuries, rushed to Saki's side, enveloping her in a tight embrace as she cried. His heart ached at the sight of her distress, and he held her close, offering what comfort he could. In the midst of their embrace, Leo gently inquired about Saki's connection to the gang leader, his concern evident in his voice. Saki, her tears still flowing, revealed the painful truth—that the gang leader was an ex-boyfriend who had turned obsessive.

Moved by Saki's vulnerability and determined to protect her at all costs, Leo reassured her with unwavering resolve. With a whispered promise to shield her from harm, he vowed to stand by her side and face whatever challenges lay ahead. Saki, touched by Leo's unwavering support, found solace in his comforting embrace, grateful for his steadfast presence.

The following day, Leo and Saki were conspicuously absent from school, having met privately with the military chief to discuss a plan of action against the gang. United in their determination to eradicate the threat once and for all, they eagerly embraced the chief's strategy. With a shared sense of purpose and resolve, they prepared to confront the gang leader head-on, knowing that their actions would determine not only their own fate but also the safety of countless others.