
How I Fell in Love with a College Girl and Ended with a 50k Bounty

Saki, the class beauty. As their unlikely friendship blossoms amidst the complexities of teenage life, they navigate the challenges of love, friendship, and danger. But when Leo's act of heroism attracts the wrath of a dangerous gang, their bond is put to the ultimate test. With a bounty on his head and their lives in jeopardy, Leo and Saki must confront their fears and fight for their future together. Will their love withstand the trials that await them, or will they be torn apart by forces beyond their control?

Zmeal_XD · Action
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24 Chs

Bonds Amidst Chaos (Chapter 4)

A popular girl approached Leo while Saki was momentarily distracted, teasing him with an invitation. Leo, taken back and flustered, struggled to find his words in response. Sensing his discomfort, Saki swiftly intervened upon noticing the interaction.

As soon as Saki caught wind of the girl's advances and witnessed Leo's stuttering, she stepped forward, locking eyes with the girl and asserting Leo's connection to her. The girl, caught off guard by Saki's assertiveness, hesitated in response, surprised by the quiet girl's sudden display of ownership over Leo. Unaware of Saki's intervention, Leo remained focused on trying to communicate with the girl who had approached him.

Eventually, the girl relented under Saki's declaration, her smile carrying a hint of mockery as if conceding to Saki's claim over Leo. Saki, undeterred, then extended an invitation to Leo for a shopping trip.

Saki's other friends, witnessing the exchange, were taken aback by Leo's inclusion in the shopping plans. They couldn't fathom why the reserved boy would be welcomed into the circle of the class beauty, especially considering the past teasing. However, a sense of intrigue lingered among them, suggesting there might be more to the situation than met the eye.

Standing alongside Saki and her friends once more, Leo accepted the invitation, signaling a newfound connection amidst the unexpected turn of events.

After school, they ventured into the bustling streets, accompanied by vigilant guards who shadowed Leo's every move. The sight of the once reserved boy now surrounded by a retinue of security drew curious gazes from passersby. As they entered a clothing store, Saki tried on various outfits, turning to Leo for his opinion. The other girls were puzzled by her choice, wondering why she sought his approval instead of theirs. Nevertheless, they smiled, happy to see Saki seemingly finding someone she liked.

Exiting the store, Leo opened up about the struggles he faced with his injured arm, lamenting how it hindered his ability to study. His confession surprised the other girls, who were unaware of his predicament at home—a father out of town and a mother working late, leaving him without assistance.

In a surprising turn, Saki proposed staying over at Leo's house to help him with his studies. The girls were taken aback by her audacious suggestion, questioning her sanity in wanting to visit Leo's home, especially with his parents absent and his vulnerability. Unfazed, Saki remained resolute in her decision, much to the astonishment of her friends.

Late into the night, Saki and Leo toiled away at their studies, pushing through exhaustion. As the clock struck midnight, Saki glanced up, visibly surprised. She turned to Leo, as if expecting him to say something.

Leo asked Saki would, you stay over...?

Leo's heart raced as Saki's warm breath tickled his ear, her body pressed intimately against his. He stuttered, unsure of how to react to her bold move. Did she truly want to stay, or was it just a fleeting whim? Yet, as their study session ended late into the night, he realized she had no way to return home. It only made sense for her to stay, but the thought still sent a thrill through him.

Agreeing to her stay, Leo hastily prepared a futon, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. Would she be comfortable here? Did she truly want to be with him? As he laid out the futon, he couldn't shake the nervous anticipation building within him.

Before he could retreat to his own bed, Saki surprised him once again. With a tender smile, she nestled close to him, her soft curves fitting perfectly against his side. Her closeness sent a shiver down his spine, and he hesitated, unsure if he should reciprocate. But her warmth was inviting, comforting, and he couldn't resist as she pulled him into an intimate embrace.

In the dim glow of the room, they lay intertwined, the air thick with unspoken desire. Each heartbeat echoed loudly in Leo's ears, his body thrumming with anticipation. Saki's closeness was intoxicating, her touch sending electric currents through him. It was as if they were the only two souls in the world, lost in the forbidden allure of the night.

As they drifted into sleep, Leo couldn't help but wonder what the morning would bring. But for now, he allowed himself to bask in the intoxicating presence of the girl he had long admired from afar, now so close, so nearby.


In the gentle light of dawn, Leo's mother entered the room, her presence warm and comforting. Saki, still nestled beside Leo, stirred from her slumber, her eyes fluttering open to meet the gaze of the caring mother figure before her. She had expected a stern disciplinarian, but instead found a woman overflowing with love and tenderness.

With a soft smile, Leo's mother roused them from their peaceful repose, her voice filled with a mother's concern. Yet, as her gaze fell upon the two of them entwined in sleep, a hint of surprise flickered in her eyes. They looked so sweet and innocent together, a sight that caught her off guard.

As they slowly roused from their sleep, Leo's mother couldn't help but pose the inevitable question. Did they do anything last night? Leo's quick denial brought a playful roll of her eyes, though a subtle skepticism lingered in her expression. Saki, now fully awake, rubbed her eyes and joined in the morning banter, her laughter ringing through the room.

Before they departed for school, Leo's mother showered them with care, serving up a hearty breakfast to fuel their day ahead. With each loving gesture, Saki couldn't help but feel touched by the genuine warmth emanating from Leo's home. Together, they shared a meal, savoring each moment of companionship before they embarked on their journey to school.

As they bid farewell to Leo's mother and stepped out into the morning sunlight, Saki couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected kindness she had encountered. With Leo by her side, she felt ready to face whatever challenges the day may bring, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

As they stepped into the bustling halls of their school, whispers and glances followed in their wake. Rumors swirled like autumn leaves, painting a picture of romance between Leo and Saki. The entire class buzzed with excitement, idolizing Leo and envying his newfound connection with the class beauty. Despite the attention, Leo felt a pang of discomfort beneath the adulation, his quiet demeanor ill-suited for the spotlight.

Taking his seat in the classroom, Leo was met with a barrage of stares and murmurs. The weight of their scrutiny bore down on him, suffocating him with its intensity. Though he longed to escape their prying eyes, Leo remained rooted in his place, weathering the storm of speculation. Saki's presence beside him brought a flicker of comfort amidst the chaos, her unwavering support a source of solace in the sea of uncertainty.

But even Saki's steadfastness couldn't shield Leo from the relentless onslaught of rumors. Frustration bubbled within him, his patience wearing thin as he finally spoke out against the gossip. His words fell like a stone into a pond, rippling through the classroom with their truth. Yet, despite his protestations, doubt lingered in the air, casting a shadow over their friendship.

After school, Leo lingered behind, grappling with his own insecurities. Saki's concern pierced through the veil of his self-doubt, her gentle inquiry a balm to his wounded pride. In her eyes, he saw a reflection of his own worth, a reminder that he was more than the whispers of his peers.

As they walked home together, the tranquility of the night shattered by the echo of gunfire. Panic surged through their veins as they sought refuge in the shadows, their hearts pounding in unison. Together, they watched as chaos unfolded before them, their bond forged amidst the crucible of danger and uncertainty.