
How I Fell in Love with a College Girl and Ended with a 50k Bounty

Saki, the class beauty. As their unlikely friendship blossoms amidst the complexities of teenage life, they navigate the challenges of love, friendship, and danger. But when Leo's act of heroism attracts the wrath of a dangerous gang, their bond is put to the ultimate test. With a bounty on his head and their lives in jeopardy, Leo and Saki must confront their fears and fight for their future together. Will their love withstand the trials that await them, or will they be torn apart by forces beyond their control?

Zmeal_XD · Action
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24 Chs

Escape Amidst the Chaos (Chapter 11)

Leo, visibly injured and shaken, confronted Juko with a burning intensity in his eyes. "Why would you ever consider being with that man, Sauha?" he demanded, his voice tinged with disbelief and anger.

Juko's expression hardened as he began to explain, his voice filled with a mixture of regret and bitterness. "Leo, it's not as simple as you think. My father had ties to the government, and Sauha's father held a position of power within it. We were bound by their influence, forced to obey their commands," he confessed, his voice trailing off with a sniffle.

As Leo absorbed the revelation, Juko continued, his tone growing somber. "But then, everything changed. My father was killed by Sauha's father for disobeying their orders. Life took a dark turn for me... They tormented people, did unspeakable things," he admitted, his gaze haunted by the memories.

Leo nodded in understanding, his sympathy for Juko evident despite his own chaos. "I wanted to save Saki, but I couldn't," Juko confessed, his voice filled with frustration. "Sauha is too powerful, both physically and politically. The only way to end his tyranny is to eliminate him," he concluded, his words heavy with resignation.

Suddenly, a loud bang reverberated through the air, causing Saki to cower in fear in the corner, trembling from the trauma she had endured. Leo sprang to his feet, scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger. There was nothing at first, but then another deafening bang echoed through the town, signaling the outbreak of a full-scale civil war among its citizens.

Leo's gaze hardened as he turned to Juko, urgency etched into his features. "Damn it, we need to get out of here now. This civil war won't just blow over anytime soon. It's too dangerous to stay." Juko nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring Leo's concern. Meanwhile, Saki, still trembling and barely able to move, remained silent, her fear palpable in the air.

Suddenly, the sharp crack of gunfire shattered the tense silence, prompting Leo to spring into action. "Juko, search for any planes leaving Russia, now!" he commanded, his voice laced with urgency. Juko wasted no time, his fingers flying over the keyboard as he frantically researched their options.

As Juko's eyes widened in panic, he relayed his findings to Leo. "There might be a small airstrip near the border with Finland. It's not much, but it could be our only chance. We need to move fast before Sauha's men catch wind of it."

Leo's frustration boiled over, his knuckles whitening as he clenched his fists. "Damn it all! How much money do we have left?" he demanded, his voice tinged with desperation. Juko's response was grim. "I only have 1,000 yen. It's not enough for a taxi." Leo cursed under his breath. "Then we'll have to go on foot. How far is it to the airstrip?" he asked, already dreading the answer.

"About 50 kilometers," Juko replied, his tone grave. Leo's heart sank as he glanced at Saki, realizing the enormity of their predicament. "She won't be able to walk that distance, not in her current state," he muttered, his brow furrowing with worry. Determination flickered in his eyes as he decided. Gently lifting Saki into his arms and draping a blanket over her trembling form, he donned a mask himself. With resolve in their hearts, they set off towards the airstrip, their path fraught with danger but their spirits unbroken.

As they navigated through the bustling streets filled with chaos and conflict, Leo, Juko, and Saki faced a relentless onslaught of danger at every turn. Arguments erupted, fights broke out, and the distant echoes of gunfire and explosions filled the air. Despite the perilous journey, they pressed on, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

Night descended, casting eerie shadows over the desolate alleyways they traversed. Exhausted and wary, they pushed forward, their senses alert for any sign of danger. Finally, they reached the nearby town, where they hastily stocked up on water and food before the cover of darkness enveloped them once more.

Finding solace in a deserted location, they set up camp, the stillness of the night broken only by the occasional rustle of the wind. Saki, still reeling from the trauma of the abuse and violation and therefore, remained withdrawn and unresponsive. Leo, overcome with concern, drew her close, offering comfort and sustenance as he gently fed her, his touch a reassuring anchor during chaos.

As they kept vigil throughout the night, their weary bodies yearned for rest, but the specter of danger loomed ever-present in their minds. With dawn's first light, they resumed their journey,

their resolve unshaken despite the exhaustion that weighed heavily upon them.

Finally, they arrived at the airstrip just in time, their hearts pounding with anticipation as they stealthily boarded the waiting plane. Huddled beside the luggage, they braced themselves for the journey ahead, their nerves taut with apprehension.

Suddenly, Juko's phone buzzed ominously, a chilling harbinger of impending danger. With trembling hands, he read the message from Sauha, his blood turning to ice as he realized the gravity of their situation. "I know you're on the plane. In approximately five minutes, we're taking over control," the message read, sending a shiver down their spines.