
How I Conquered the World After Starting as an F-Tier Loser

In a world governed by an unforgiving point system, where strength and status are determined by one's accumulated points, Alivium finds himself at the bottom of the hierarchy, an F-Tier loser with a point score of zero. In a society where improvement is the key to success, he faces an insurmountable challenge with no apparent way to enhance his standing. However, a twist of fate occurs when the deity overseeing this point-based world takes notice of him as an exception. Presented with an ultimatum – face immediate demise as the weakest or embark on a perilous journey to become the strongest by following divine missions – our protagonist chooses the latter, embracing the chance to overturn his fate. As he delves into the missions bestowed upon him, our protagonist discovers a darker path to power, gradually succumbing to the allure of villainy. With each mission completed, he inches closer to becoming a formidable force in the world, leaving behind his initial status as a powerless loser. Along the way, he encounters a diverse array of intriguing characters, particularly a group of girls drawn to his newfound strength. As his reputation as a rising force in the point-based society grows, so does the number of admirers and adversaries alike. The protagonist must navigate the complexities of his evolving relationships while grappling with the moral dilemmas of his chosen path.

FreylyTheAcolyte · Urban
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6 Chs

Blessing or a Curse?

Alivium stared at the text message, still confused about who this could be and why they knew his ID. He started typing an asking before another ding rang.

''You have 10 seconds to answer my question before you will die. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)''

After today Alivium feared that his life could be taken at any moment which caused a spark, strong enough to create a message in his mind. Why must his life be in the hands of others constantly? He readied himself before he could even type the message the texter responded.

''Good boy, Here is your first task!''

o==[]::::::::::::::::> Land a strike on Alex's face. o==[]::::::::::::::::> Reward: Six Skill Points o==[]::::::::::::::::> Failure: Death

Alivium readied himself once more and ran full speed towards Alex's gang, his foot landing squarely between Alex's legs. A loud girlish shriek bounced against the nearby walls of the alleyway. A fist flew towards Alex landing squarely on his cheek, a little blood dribbled from his mouth before a quivering smile spread across his face. 

''Get him, boys!''

Alivium's grew in agitation as he grabbed a metal pipe from the nearby garbage dumpster, it was a bit bent but sturdy enough to pop out one or two kneecaps if necessary. 

The familiar window popped up in front of Alivium, a smile spreading across his face as he stared happily at it.

o==[]::::::::::::::::> Mission Complete o==[]::::::::::::::::> New Title Awarded: Fearless Loser

Alicium knew nothing of what a title was, but if his video game experience was correct it meant he just unlocked an achievement. He puffed his chest out and scrolled through the floating window before arriving at the window where his skill points could be allocated. Five of his points were allocated to speed and the remainder to stamina. Like a refreshing breeze, he felt his body rejuvenate to the point he felt as light as a feather. Before the others could react, he threw the metal pipe at them and took off sprinting in the direction of his house. He felt a rush of dopamine coursing through his brain as he ran as fast as ordinary kids he had envied before. It was a joy completely new to him, that he could definitely get used to.

Minutes passed before he arrived at the entrance of a large fancier-looking skyscraper, inside the lobby several people were sitting on the cushioned velvet couches sipping what smelled like strong coffees. Alivium's nose winced from the smell, he never was a fan of coffee, always shouting at his dad to drink it when he wasn't around. 

He wandered through the large lobby before arriving at the elevators, he pressed the silver button and the doors split open revealing a fairly small cabin. On the wall were over 250 buttons for each separate floor, his eyes scanned the wall before pressing the 223rd button which sat nearly out of his reach. The doors shut behind him and the lift started moving up.


Alivium whipped out his phone at the familiar noise. He mashed in his PIN and opened up the app.

''Congrats little bitch boy! (‐^▽^‐)You managed to succeed in your first mission!! I knew you were spineless but to kick him in the balls first? Quite ballsy! HAHAHAHA get it?''

Alivium stared at the message with disgust, clearly not entertained by what the mysterious texter had to say. He rolled his eyes before shoving his phone back into his pocket. Several minutes passed by before another ding rang from the phone.

''You can't just do that to me! Don't you know who I am? t(>.<t)''< p>

Alivium gave up trying to type anything, he just heaved a sigh and spoke. ''How would I know who you are if you haven't told me anything about you?''

The chatbox remained empty for several seconds, the typing sign popped up and disappeared frequently before it materialised in a text.

''I guess you are right...well, I can't reveal my name just yet. So you may call me God. (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥''

Alivium blinked hastily, refreshing the chatbox to see if what the weirdo said was actually written there. To his amusement it was, he couldn't help bursting into a fit of laughter, falling to his knees barely hanging on to the metal bar. It took a few minutes to regain his composure and look at the message again. ''Pfft- Alright God. Why did you text me?''

''Well, I chose you because I thought you were interesting. Mainly what happened earlier at school where you managed to survive that terrorist explosion! I am now a fan of yours~''

A shiver ran down Alivium's spine as he gripped his phone tighter. It was no longer funny, it was creepy, a cold sweat breaking out along his nape. Out of his pocket, he grabbed a handkerchief which he proceeded to dry the sweat patch.

''No need to be like that kid, I am here to support your growth from the weakest loser to the strongest hero! ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`▭´)ノ︵ ┻━┻'' 

Alivium stood in the middle of the elevator dumbfounded at the texter's weird proclamation, he never considered the possibility to grow his power and rising above his current status. He gave up after a field trip to the nursing home where he found out all of the elderly residents had a higher power ID than him. 

''So what do I have to do to reach those heights?''

''I knew you would succumb to my offer. You simply have to complete all of the missions I provide you with. Failure to do so will bore me, and you know what happens if you bore me right? (≖_≖ )''

Alivium nodded as fast as he could.

The elevator doors opened and he was hit with an air much different than the one in the lobby. The floor was heated by tens of heaters in every possible place you think you could hide one from view. His little legs carried him towards a door that read ''2230''. The key slid straight in and the lock clicked as the door swung open revealing a large high ceiling apartment decorated with strange colours. His father is a collector of vintage furniture and strange items. It was a blessing in disguise that he had no friends to bring over since they would most likely make fun of him. 

He threw his bag onto the pink sofa and headed towards the kitchen. On the counter sat a plate covered in cling film with a small sticky note on top. 'Make sure to have this before you head to bed, I will be home late. They are finally selling the ''Bastion Baston'' at the auction house.' Alivium smiled and took the clear film before placing it in the microwave. Since his mother died it was only himself and his father. Despite the emotional hardships Alivium never complained to his father as he knew it affected him more. 


''Hey Hey, stop it with the sob story, no one gives a shit. (≖᷆︵︣≖)👎'' 

Alivium cursed under his breath at the mocking texter, if he could a punch would have already landed on 'God's' jaw. He set the timer for three minutes and headed back into the living room where he switched on the giant flatscreen TV. 

''Ronald are you home?'' Alivium screamed at the top of his lungs calling for the family butler, but after waiting a few moments no one showed up. He smiled and threw himself on the couch, flicking through the channels to relieve some stress.


''So you are just going to laze around for the rest of the day?! ᕙ( ︡'︡益'︠)ง'' 

''What else do you want me to do? I am a student so I can't just go out and fight bad guys!'' 


''You are right, you can't. So I have a gift for you!''

A red window popped in front of him, revealing the next mission. 

o==[]::::::::::::::::> Do 1000 Push-ups o==[]::::::::::::::::> Rewards: Fifteen Skill Points o==[]::::::::::::::::> Failure: Death

''Are you mentally ill?! How am I meant to do 1000 push-ups when I could barely do 5 for Physical Education? You have to lower it!''


''Sigh I guess since you are such a pussy bitch I could lower it. Do just 10 and you can have three skill points. ಠ_ಠ'' 

Alivium fell to the ground and caught himself just before designing the ground to have an imprint of his face. He pushed himself up once, then slowly fell to the ground, repeating the motion nine more times. 

He sat back against the couch on the cool floor. A smile crept on his face after breaking his push-up record. 


''I guess that single stamina point carried you to victory huh? I might have to adjust the system a little. Congrats, either way, I guess you have now earned your rest. Recover before the next mission, alright?(✿◠‿◠)''

''Yeah thanks, I'll talk to you later, I have to eat for now and maybe take a nap. Bye you texting weirdo.''

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

Alivium chose to ignore the 'God's' badgering and grabbed his plate decorated in various colours consisting of vegetables, mashed potatoes and steak. He kicked his feet up onto the coffee table and enjoyed the drama playing on the TV. But just how much longer could he enjoy his moment....