
How I Conquered the World After Starting as an F-Tier Loser

In a world governed by an unforgiving point system, where strength and status are determined by one's accumulated points, Alivium finds himself at the bottom of the hierarchy, an F-Tier loser with a point score of zero. In a society where improvement is the key to success, he faces an insurmountable challenge with no apparent way to enhance his standing. However, a twist of fate occurs when the deity overseeing this point-based world takes notice of him as an exception. Presented with an ultimatum – face immediate demise as the weakest or embark on a perilous journey to become the strongest by following divine missions – our protagonist chooses the latter, embracing the chance to overturn his fate. As he delves into the missions bestowed upon him, our protagonist discovers a darker path to power, gradually succumbing to the allure of villainy. With each mission completed, he inches closer to becoming a formidable force in the world, leaving behind his initial status as a powerless loser. Along the way, he encounters a diverse array of intriguing characters, particularly a group of girls drawn to his newfound strength. As his reputation as a rising force in the point-based society grows, so does the number of admirers and adversaries alike. The protagonist must navigate the complexities of his evolving relationships while grappling with the moral dilemmas of his chosen path.

FreylyTheAcolyte · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

A Strange Message

The clock at the front of the class struck twelve, an eruption of noise woke up Alivium from his nap on the desk. He rubbed his eyes and looked around trying to figure out what the commotion was about. His eyes caught the time written on the clock's expressionless face. Like a machine, he jolted up and ran out the classroom doors, running down the hallway as fast as he could. Alivium's vision grew blurry as tears flooded from his eyes, hundreds of students overtook him, running to the cafeteria much faster than he could. He would go hungry once more, and he could do nothing about it. Even the unathletic kids managed to run past his pathetic jog-like run. 

His legs gave up, he rubbed his eyes and returned back to the empty class. ''Whatever, I didn't want to eat anyway.'' Alivium picked up the chair that was overturned on the floor and sat down, staring hopelessly through the window. His stomach growled at his failed attempt, berating him on the fact he couldn't run fast enough to get some food. A flashing light from a skyscraper across the road caught his eyes, it sparkled like a star in the night sky. 

An explosion erupted from the classroom next to him, he saw it happen with his own eyes, a large rocket flew towards them and exploded everything. He could hear at least a dozen screams followed by sirens flashing red. Yet his eyes remained trained on the light, despite how teary they began to get he was too afraid to take his eyes off of what was now facing him directly. Alivium knew the missile would go for his classroom next, but he couldn't move his body. He was paralyzed.

He heard a small click before the light started nearing him at an incredible speed. One last tear rolled down the side of his face before-


''-Hey kid. Are you alright?'' A tall dark-haired man wearing a red costume sat by Alivium's side. He slapped his face a little before picking him up by the collar. ''Listen here you little shit, you better wake the fuck up or my reputation is going to be ruined.'' His grip loosened and Alivium's body plopped back onto the dusty floor. 

The dark-haired man stood in front of a large crowd who were cowering in the hallway behind a line of teachers who had a fierce look in their eyes. They scanned the classroom for any other possible threat before walking in to greet the red-capped hero. 

''Thank you Mr Volkoz, you rescued one of our precious pupils!'' The female teacher spoke, looking at the half-conscious Alivium who lay limply on the floor covered in blood. 

''It was my pleasure! But it will be my duty to take out such a beauty tonight.'' The dark-haired hero pulled a phone from his pocket and handed it to the teacher who was now blushing. She was the beauty of the school that every male student had a crush on. She was so popular that even the girls asked her out to go shopping. It would only make sense for one of the top heroes to ask her out for a drink.

Another teacher wearing a lab coat walked past both of them, kneeling to Alivium's side. He placed down the green box and took out several items from within. A bottle of rubbing alcohol which he applied to the open cuts. He grabbed a clean rag and wiped down any blood that was semi-dried. Cotton found its way wrapped around his finger before being pushed against Alivium's cuts, then wrapped up with gauze to keep the pressure applied. ''After school swing by the nurse's office, I will replace it and give you some pain killers if the pain persists.'' 

He grabbed the kit and walked out through the crowds of people who had eyes only for Volkoz, the hero of the day. The one who took down the terrorist who bombed two classrooms. Later he might appear on the TV, or maybe not, depends if his date with the teacher goes well.

Alivium put what little strength he had in him to use and picked himself up off the ground, going and taking his half ripped bag off the ground. He pushed his way through the sea of students who paid no mind to him, they were still admiring Volkoz as he had never came to our school before. Some students had aspirations to become heroes like him and save the day just as he had done. But now Aliivium knew the truth about how the heroes really act when no one can see them. A fiery ember sparked in his small chest, blood dripping from his clenched fist, he had to get stronger but he just didn't know how yet. 

He meandered his way down the steps before reaching the double doors of the front office which always had an powerful and scary air around them. There were only two reasons for going to the office: if you were in trouble, or if you were sick. Thankfully for Alivium it was the later, he wouldn't have to face the wrath of the dean today.

''Excuse me? I would like to sign out, I am injured from the incident that just happened.'' A pair of lips smacked together while munching on a flavourful piece of gum. A hand revealed the lady who had been typing away at her computer the entire day, her hair was a mess and her expression annoyed. She looked down at Alivium before asking ''I guess there is no helping it. If something happens to you after you leave the premise you cannot blame us alright kiddo?'' She continued smacking her lips together as she chewed endlessly. 

''Yeah that's fine. I might won't be in tomorrow either, recovery takes time.'' 

She nodded her head and pointed at the exit just a few meters away, this was how the administration was. Cold and direct, little room for compassion. Alivium's father often showed picture books of how the world was when he was a young boy, when schools were made of wood and concrete instead of metal panels and plastic alloys. 

He headed stood onto the conveyer belt sidewalk, allowing the technology to carry him to the front gate as his feet were injured from the explosion earlier. A day at the hospital should do the trick. He looked around at the building directly in front, a large hole had been blasted through the giant window. That must be where the terrorist had been launching their rockets from. Alivium shrugged and continued towards the front gate where a blue bus had just past by. His little legs ran as fast as he could, you could almost hear the cracks in his legs as he pushed them to their very limit despite the injury. 

But he still missed it and now his legs were in pure agony, each step feeling like a giant spike sticking through his foot. A convenience store sat just around the corner, he could at least satiate the growling from his stomach as that was getting him the most looks. 

His head peaked through the sliding doors of the convenience store, beady eyes scanned the surrounding searching for 'them'. He breathe a sigh of relief after confirmation that the store was mainly empty aside from the lazy staff sitting around pretending to be working. Alivium walked around the corner of an isle and picked up several snack items: some chips, chocolate and some soda. With his hands full, he carried himself towards the counter where a beautiful girl scrolled on her phone. She had little make up but her beauty rivalled photo models Alivium had seen online.

Her eyes wandered onto the boy holding handfuls of snacks who was ogling at her from across the store. She flashed a smile and picked up the scanning gun, Alivium scurried over to her and placed the items on to the counter. Each beep of the machine made his heart jump higher than before, clearly he had developed a little crush on her. 

''Will that be all?'' Her voice was soft and sweet, finding its way into Alivium's ear. Out of his pocket came a card that ran through the slot machine, a small ding followed by shuffling feet out of the store. He once more ran as fast as his little legs could carry him. His eyes wandered around the street before finding an alleyway he could use as a shortcut. He grinned and stepped on the throttle towards the opening between buildings.


''Watch it you fuckin' brat-'' A boy who looked to be in his late teens stared down at the dark haired Alivium, a smile crept on his smug face before slinging his arm around his shoulder. ''Heyyy bud. Haven't seen you around here in a while? I thought you took that fancy shmancy car home everyday. Did you miss me that much that you even brought me those gifts in your arms?'' 

Alivium stared wide-eyed in horror at the group of delinquents who stood face to face with him. They had been expelled a year ago from his previous school. Alivium moved to Lorisa School of Heroes to escape their grasp, but they managed to find their way into the larger metropolitan area.

He shivered before offering his newly bought snacks to the band of delinquents. Alivium got up slowly and turned his back to walk away- ''Hey now. This isn't enough, give us another fifty.'' Alivium scurried to take a fifty note, handing it directly to the boy names Alex who started laughing with his friends. 

''Come over here for a second Ali.'' He did as he was told like a dog listening to its master, he stared at Alex waiting to be asked the next thing. But all that came was a uppercut, flooring him and more laughter.

''Come on boys, let's fucking leave before the cops find this loser.'' 

Alivium rubbed his red chin and picked himself up off the pavement.


His phone lit up with a small message from Rive. (Author's note: This is a texting app)

''You are kind of pathetic you know? (ㆆ_ㆆ)'' It showed no number from which it was sent, it simply had the ID of 0. Most ID numbers were at least seven digits but this depends on your power ranking in society which is update monthly.

''I have a question for you kid. ≧°◡°≦''

Alivium started typing 'What do you wan-'' but before you could send the text a third ding rang.

''Don't you want to beat those guys up? (¬‿¬)''