
How I Become The Strongest God

The Gods have died, but gods don't truly die. across the multiverse, lucky people are getting the chance to gain godhood, and gained unimaginable strength. follow MC, as he gains an incomplete godhood, travels the multiverse, and gains believers

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Befriending The Goddess Of Magic

"Kankaal, is there a reason why people would head to the forest of death searching for you?" within the city, Ryu sat before a table, while calmly drinking some tea. Kankaal frowned at Ryu's words, after some time, he spoke. 

"Yes, due to the attention the restaurant has gotten, many have come trying to get their hands on its riches. amongst which was also a rank 8. it's not hard to believe this person saw a connection between me and the undead in the forest." Kankaal said making me raise an eyebrow

"When did this happen?" I asked with a deep frown, I had Kankaal focus on guarding the restaurant, as for me, I was busy getting my hands into 5 skulls. I needed to get a good footing within that place, and with Lisa's help, I was already a member.

"3 nights ago. at first, it was those below rank 5, then rank 6, rank 7, and lastly rank 8." Kankaal said making my eyebrow tighten. but this was to be expected, if someone sat back and tried to do the month, they would find that the restaurant was making over 100 gold coins a day, or 3,000 gold coins a month.

it's been 4 months now, and already I had saved up over 10,000 gold. everyone be it rich and poor world line up to eat here. Be it for the candy, to the food, everyone was lining up to get a piece. I already had enough to buy land,

it would be far more, but the restaurant was small, so there was a limited number of people. just look outside, and you will see a long line of people. Sitting back, Ryu fell into deep thought while thinking of what he would do. after some time, before telling Kankaal his plans...

within Helena city, within the Helena family castle. within a hidden room, a black-haired young man was kneeling before a mirror that had the image of a middle-aged man.

"those sent into the forest have yet to return. I plan to personally head to the forest to see for myself if the undead was there or not." the black-haired young man said calmly, but the middle-aged man in the mirror shook his head

"That undead strength is above yours, it would not so easily let you escape. there is a reason many avoid that forest." the middle-aged man said with a faint smile thinking about that undead. how could he not when he was amongst the few rank 8 who drove off the undead? that undead strength wasn't so simple.

after returning to life, it was in a weakened state, after all, all of its fame was taken. but its hatred fueled it to go on a slaughter. in a matter of months, it had spread its name far and wide as the bringer of death. plus, before its fall. the undead was about to near rank 9, its strength wasn't so simple.

"use your power to force them to give you that shop. I will send another rank 8 to support you. undead or not, even it would struggle before 2 rank 8. Its power wasn't so overwhelming. find that shop owner, and force him to spill the beans." the middle-aged man said to which the black-haired man shook his head

"Then let the goddess of darkness be with you." the middle-aged man said, 

"May the goddess of darkness be with you as well." the black-haired man said before the image on the mirror disappeared, causing the mirror to return to a normal mirror. getting up, the black-haired man got up and left the secret room. if one were to have looked around the room, one would have found a symbol of the church of darkness.

such a church was forbidden within the kingdom. this went for the church of Calamity, the church of Rot, and many other dark and evil churches. this kingdom's main believers were of those of the righteous gods, not the evil gods.

but the underground powers that had been popping up lately for the past few hundred years have been gaining more and more power. this once strong kingdom, and once stood at its peak was facing many troubles. what made it worse was that the Mazi Kingdom had been going to war for the past few years.

it wasn't a simple war. The Mazi Kingdom specialized in allowing for all forms of magic to have an equal chance. this meant, that within that kingdom, dark mages and even light mages were treated equally and not given a hard time.

this allowed them to do things like have undead act as conn-older, and slowly weaken the Saorima empire. bit by bit, their once overwhelming military power weakened, forcing the Kingdom to rely on draftees. As the Mazi kingdom started this during the harvest period, it led many people to go hungry, forcing many more to join the underground powers,

it would not have been so bad if not for the nobles secretly working with these underground powers. adding that the king was growing weak, which increased the conflict between the princesses and the princess for the throne. now, this new restaurant just appeared.

during a time of such trouble, if the people were able to eat goods at such a low price, then trouble would grow. while others were increasing the prices for their food, that restaurant food remained still. to make things work, the unique deals they gave to people. sooner or later those of the loyal family would catch wind of this. If that shop's owner played his cards well, then that restaurant would be nearly untouchable. they of course didn't want such a thing.

"Under the head of the Helena noble family, this store is closed. We have reason to believe the owner of this restaurant has been getting his food illegally." a solid blocked the door to the Heaven's Gate restaurant, his eyes coldly looking down upon the citizens shocked by his words.

but the door suddenly opened before anyone could say anything as Ryu stepped out, Ryu calmly looked at the guard and the people down below.

"I get my food from the gods, you and the Helena noble family should watch their words. I work with the goddess of earth, the goddess of hunting, and the god of animals to deed the people." I said calmly, confusing everyone as they never saw me.

"how rude of me... i'm the god of cooking, the owner of the shop. I came today to announce to you all good news. I will be opening new shops around the city. I will also be lowering the price of food. As the god of cooking, I want you all to have a full stomach, and eat the best quality food at the lowest price." I said with a smile, stunning everyone who couldn't believe my words.

"I will also be working with the 6th princess, the holy princess to expand my restaurant to other cities. our job is to feed the people and make food cheaper for everyone. starting today the meals would be 20% cheaper. food shouldn't be someone anyone should worry about. and please, spread the news. for those children going to sleep hungry. My restaurant will give you a free meal." I said causing the people to suddenly begin cheering, a few of them even falling to their knees in worship. even the guard was moved, but he stood his ground... until I glared at him. how could a mortal stand before a glare enhanced with divinity? She shakingly stepped aside.

how did I move such a huge crowd with a few words? simple, I god should have a technique which could make their words have a huge impact on the people. I call this ability God's Tongue.

God's Tongue increased pretty much the charm of my words. if I said you were a frog, although you would not believe you were a frog, my words would be in her heart for some time. this wasn't mind control, as mind control couldn't be used to gain believers, false faith through such means would not give you faith. it has to be pure faith.

everyone rushed into the restaurant, but when they turned to look towards Ryu they found had disappeared. when they asked Abori and his parents, they found that Ryu was the owner of the shop and the god of cooking who gave the family of 3 the wisdom needed to cook such wonderful food.

"Are you should this world work?" within the capital of the Saorima empire, within the Saorima royal castle. Ryu sat before a beautiful blonde-haired girl. she looked pure and noble, like a goddess from the heavens. this was the Holy princess, Elaine Saorima.

how did I meet such a person? I of course snuck into her room to see her. She was loved by the people due to how kind she was. She was always trying to do something to support the people, and could even be seen going through the capital from time to time, helping those who couldn't help themselves with her little money. She was called the Holy Princess due to how pure she was. magic that could read a person's sin would see that she was 100% pure, like an angel.

"you need not act before me," I said with a roll of my eyes, causing the innocent look in Elaine to disappear. when I first came to see her, it was because I knew the danger she was in. She couldn't become the queen, she had no supporters. 

once her brothers take the throne, she would be a tool. she would be married off and used to build connections with some nobles. she was a beauty, and many nobles wanted nothing more than to pin this angel down. She, of course, knew of her fate and had been trying her best to control her fate, she had even created an assassin organization called the Assassins Order.

She had been madly trying to kill off those dirty nobles who would most likely be married, but she couldn't kill them all, and new ones just popped up. I managed to put the pieces together and realized she was the creator, before coming to see her.

but after seeing just how much she needed my help, well. I began pushing towards her supporting me.

"what if the people don't support you?" She asked calmly, I looked outside the window for a moment, before I smiled slightly.

"they will... they gave me 4 whole months to make them my believers. we just need to paint them as the bad guys, and slowly point the arrow towards the royal family." I said with a smile,

"Then you will help me also become a god?" She asked, to which I looked at her for a moment,

"It's just being a god... what's the big deal?" I said with a shake of my head, before looking out of the window towards where another one of my clones was busy at work. of course, all clones had a different appearance. the goblin clone's appearance changed depending on who was looking at it, this clone's appearance remained the same, and the other one appearance was different. that of an old man with a thick beard.

Currently, this clone was holding out its palm. a magic circle appeared as it tried to cast a spell, but the magic circle had something wrong with it, causing it to shatter. frowning, the old man rubbed his beard for some time before he looked at the sky.

"Goddess of magic, you have been watching me for some time. might I be able to help you?" the old man asked calmly. slowly, the avatar of the goddess of magic took form, although its appearance couldn't be seen.

"how were you able to sense me?" She asked with a deep frown, her voice was enchanting. As the goddess of magic, she was made out of all forms of magic good or bad. among them were those charming spells. this leads to every world she says having a huge impact on one mind.

"it's just sensing the gods... you make it sound like it's that impressive. so, you're curious about the spell i'm trying to cast. well, i'm trying to create a dungeon." I said with a smile, confusing the goddess of magic.

"a dungeon is this world which would hold many monsters. those who enter this dungeon will be able to kill these monsters. after each spell, they would be empowered. the stronger the monster they kill, the stronger they would become." I said with a smile while rubbing my beard

"as the caster, you would not have the benefits," she said in confusion, to which I nodded slightly.

"I will benefit from the money they would pay to enter these dungeons. you see, I plan to become the god of dungeons. what do you say, goddess... you wish to work together with me?" I asked with a smile,

"mortal, know your place." the goddess of magic said with a frown, from the very start this old man was speaking to her as an equal... no, he was speaking to her as if he was better than her. She was curious at first, but now she was just displeased.

"you know what's funny? Gods are so high and mighty. but their power is nothing without believers. we, mortals, made you, yet someone your face is so thick as to be arrogant before us?" The old man asked, causing the goddess of magic to attack. flames exploded from the ground, wishing to swallow the old man... but the flames just disappeared, canceled out.

"I mastered magic to levels even you can't imagine... now, I will give you a chance. I either spread this magic which could cancel out all forms of magic without trouble, and kill you. or you accept and work together with me. you see... this you gods weaknesses." I said with a disdainful smile, which caused the goddess of magic to explode in rage

"This isn't my main body. killing it is pointless... well, it would annoy me, causing me to make all types of clones to go ahead and spread this knowledge to everyone who would listen. i'm sure many gods would happily spread it as well. those evil gods." I said with a cruel smile, causing the goddess of magic to freeze

"that spell... it was to draw my attention?" she asked angrily, to which the old man nodded slightly.

"Now, to show you how pointless it is even for the gods to try and track me down," I said while my appearance changed, taking the form of countless beastmen, monsters, and humans. the goddess' body shook as she couldn't see through these transformations

"Now... are you going to make an oath, or should I destroy the belief in magic? should you go from a high ranking god to a low rank going, and soon fall." I asked the goddess of magic gritted her teeth, her rage boiling.

"what do you want?" She said angrily,

"you to make an oath to be my subordinate for 1,000 years. within that time I will not teach another soul this knowledge, and even after 1,000 years, I shall never tell a soul." I said calmly, the goddess of magic was angry... but what could she do? She didn't even notice I was a clone until I pointed it out. She tried to use a spell to locate my main body but she saw that the main body was everywhere, from the grass to beastman.

So, like that I got the goddess of magic to become my subordinate. she had no choice, if my information spread and the world was able to cancel out magic, would anyone still believe in magic? her power would drop, and over time as more and more people ignore magic before she die.

she would try and take upon new divinity, but with the evil gods targeting her at her weak point, she would be in danger. so she became my subordinate after having me promise to give her the knowledge to cancel out magic...