
how I became a divine aspect

In the year of 2029 Lin Yi was a prominent figure in the gaming world. the king gaming company released the first ever full play dive gaming console the simulated the five senses. Lin Yi and another 100,000 randomly selected to participate in the beta testing the full dive console and the first full dive called "Infinite online". Lin Yi had special access to the game he got eriler access to the game. by two days. Infinite online where anyone can be any thing if you want to be a bandit, king, emperor, wizard, bard, cultivator. all is up to you if you can think it you could be it. but the only catch is that you have to find your own way. it is even possible to become a god if you so desire. all races are playable you can even be something as simple as a tree or something as power full as a angel or a demon. But what will happen if when all the beta testers logged in but but when they went to go to log out the button was gone.

Trueone_king · Fantasy
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41 Chs

where are we ch 12

Tsuki:"My lord some one is approaching the castle. Would you like me to bring them up." 

" You can do that"

Tsuki:"yes I can. Its one on the basic functions of the castle assistance."

"who is it that is approaching "

As soon as Lin asked. Tsuki pulls up a purple screen.

Tsuki:"There are two groups of people. it seems to be some humans and fairies"

"How do you know that."

Tsuki:"I contain data base on basic info about most species of this world. when I was gifted to you I was loaded up with basic information. "

"Ok bring them up and don't take no for an answer. "

Tsuki:"yes, my lord." Tsuki opens up a black and purples swirling portal to some where.


As both groups were running they where covered in a golden warm light. when the golden light dissipated. they where in front of the giant door. there stood a a knight in black armor.

Tsuki: "follow me. For some reason my lord wanted to talk to you mortals."

Chiaki: "Who are you and Who is your lord"

Tsuki: "A am the manger of this castle. My lord told me to bring you to him. So no more questions. you mortals are a bore."

"why did he bring us here" One of the human slave trade asked with a anger in his voice.

Tsuki: "How should I know. maybe he wants to kill you. That would be nice."

They all look at him with a fear and disbelief. As they walked they came to another big door.

Tsuki: We are here the throne room. keep in mind if you show any disrespect I will kill you. With out hesitation. My lord is the ruler of this castle and way above your mortal lives.

As he said that the doors to the throne room doors open. For a second they where in aw of the throne room magnificent statues of angles and a beautiful throne up on two flights of stairs. 

sitting on top of the throne was a young man that looked to be 18 with white hair wearing a all black skin tight body suit, with a robe/ponchow/cloak. 

they were astonished by the looks of the looks of Lin YI. they thought he was sent straight down from heaven and hand crafted by them gods himself. With rings of light around his rist, neck, and is body

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