
How difficult can it be to marry my first love?!

“How difficult can it be to propose and marry my first love? I could do it in the blink of an eye. I go to her and say I love you and seal her lips with mine. Very simple!” That’s what he thought in his innocent teenage days. But when he missed the first chance to confess his love, and the further attempts he made failed horribly in the future, he realized how foolish his thoughts were! “It is difficult, indeed! In fact, very much difficult!!!” Days became months, and months turned into years. Till the end, he could not express his love for her, and they went their separate ways. Or, to be more precise, she left the country to explore the world while he went to another city to secure his future. When he just thought everything was over and accepted his fate that he could never meet his crush again, she sat in front of him to plan his wedding with another woman. Even today, he could feel that she still had the power to make him lose himself and go weak in his legs. ‘Should I tell her now?’ Just when he was about to lift his head, his fiancee kicked him on his legs. “I am sorry! he was never like this before. I am not sure why he would behave as if he is not interested in this marriage,” His fiancee complained to his crush. His heart sank as he saw the person who was seated opposite him had no reaction on her face after hearing that.

Darlene_Virginia · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 Nothing can stop me

"You are half correct and half wrong," Harlow informed her with an obnoxious smile.

He then questioned her with a glowing face, "Would you like to give it a guess? What did I actually come here to do?"

He did not expect the assistant to know why he came here so early in the morning and neither had any hopes that she would make any correct guesses. But then he just had to make sure that he passed enough time in this office, so that he could somehow get to meet Hazel today.

He cannot wait any longer from declaring his love for her and he had already made a decision that he just won't wait anymore. So, he decided to stay inside the office and wait patiently with Reese until Hazel comes in today.

Till then he would play guessing games or any sort of games with Reese to let time pass. He could even try to give her lots of time and hints to see if she would be able to correctly answer his question. Moreover, going back home is out of the question, after what happened yesterday night at his house. When several thoughts were playing inside his mind, Reese had her own internal problems to handle.

All Reese did was blink her eyes and then scratch her head. She looked irritated after noticing the smug look he had on his face and he could feel that she just wanted to kick him out of that door.

Since you cannot show any disrespect to the clients as per the company policy, he noticed that she was gritting her teeth and enduring it. As Reese racked her brain on how to tell him to get lost from there while being polite, Harlow was making his own plans on how to stay here longer without letting Reese make any issue.

Reese opened and closed her mouth quite a few times but she just could not get to say the right words to him. Just when she was about to accept her defeat, Harlow said with a bright smile,

"It's ok, you don't have to trouble your small brain, if you cannot guess it. I will meet Hazel today and let her know what has happened. After that, you might even be able to hear some good news from her today."

"If canceling a wedding is good news for you, it does not mean that it's good news for everyone else," She mumbled under her throat.

"What!" Even though Harlow heard her clearly, he felt a little offended by her words.

'How could it not be? Isn't it good to cancel the wedding if both parties do not want to go ahead with it? Won't it be beneficial for both of them to marry the ones they love? So what's wrong with that? Also, is proposing to her boss not good news for everyone here? They may even get a good hike or a bonus. Is she kidding me? Today is going to be one of the best days of my life and she just has to say something so negative!' His eyes dimmed and he almost lost his temper.

"I meant to say that we will be losing a business deal, so it might not be good news for us," Reese replied to him with a sad face as she noticed Harlow's eyes turn red from anger.

She did not want to make any mistake in dealing with this client. She had always been calm and clear headed and that was one of the reasons why Hazel hired her. She did not see it worth to lose that trust because of a single client and get scolded by her Boss later when she came to work later that day.

"Oh! Don't you worry about that! I ensure that instead of one wedding, I may even make you do a double wedding. So, you don't have to be tense." Harlow assured her.

'Double wedding! Is he making fun of us? Do I look like a fool to him? I am so sure that he came so early to get the initial deposit they paid when they booked us." Reese almost let out a huff but then in the last minute she swallowed it with great difficulty before it could escape out.

Then she thought, 'He must have forgotten about the contract they signed. It clearly mentions that in case party A decides to cancel the wedding then Party B don't have to give back the initial amount paid by the client. Unless we cancel the agreement, we have nothing to pay him. At least if that crying girl asked us, we would have taken some pity to reimburse the amount. But to him, Never!'

Reese shook her head and did not respond to him for a couple of minutes after hearing of the double wedding. She then stood there staring at him with a blank expression on face. So Harlow wondered if she was so shocked out of her mind to say anything after calculating the profit they could make with a double wedding. Or if she was too hungry to respond to him.

Reese prepared herself to throw a professional smile and nearly got ready to say goodbye to him. But right at that moment, Harlow out of nowhere, suddenly asked her,

"Would you like to have a coffee with me?"

'Is he hitting on me after canceling his wedding with that poor crying girl?' Her face turned bright red from anger and it almost made her speechless.

But then when she lifted her head and saw his face, it neither seemed like he had any interest in her nor did he look like he was trying to flirt with her. She just could not guess what was going on in that tall man's head who stood in front of her with a poker face. She shook her head to admit her defeat once again that early morning.

'I just somehow have to talk to him and convince him, so that he can go away from here without causing any trouble. I can simply say that I am busy and have lots of client appointments today,' As she thought of that brilliant idea, she looked around, only to find the office to be deserted.

Not even a single crow was in sight at that time of the day and they still had a good few hours left before anyone would come in.

'What should I do now? How can I make him leave from here?' She wondered.

From the time they started talking, he did not move an inch from his place. At least, she moved her legs a little to avoid getting numb. But he managed to stay where he was standing without much movement.

Reese never imagined that she would get to meet such a difficult guy who would be so enthusiastic in breaking a woman's heart. He also seemed to be in such a hurry to cancel the wedding that he arrived at their office so early in the morning.

'He is not a good man. I must warn Ms. Hazel to stay away from this guy. It looks like he even showed some photos to the security guard when he arrived, which he took way back with our Boss in her school days. He also told the security guard that they both are friends! But then he did not speak a word to Ms. Hazel when they both met a couple of days ago. Something definitely smells fishy,' She thought as she rubbed her thumb with her index finger.

She already had a very bad opinion about him and now that everything is confirmed, she decided to keep an eye on him and also keep him away from her boss. She then narrowed her eyes and stared at him as she tried to understand what was going on inside Harlow's mind.

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