
How did love become love (MinWon) (Meanie) (kpop) ff

Mingyu's gaze was becoming more and more heated as he stared at Wonwoo's back. His eyes wandered around Wonwoo's broad shoulders, wide back but slim waist and his throat felt parched for no reason. Mingyu could feel his desires for Wonwoo. These desires are becoming more uncontrollable with the passing days and Mingyu almost couldn't handle these passionate emotions for his best friend these days. But, all these emotions are hidden behind Wonwoo's back cause when Wonwoo turns back to face Mingyu, there's still an innocent and loving smile of a friend and brother on Mingyu's face for him. __________ When on a camping trip with all their friends in the mountain, one of them came up with a crazy idea which made the other not be able to look at him with the same gaze as before again. (Image credit- Google)

Jade_12 · Celebrities
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 22 Lost heart

While the gentleman became busy teaching Mingyu and filling the holes in his knowledge, Mingyu on the other hand didn't stop drinking sip by sip but still gave his full attention to the handsome man beside him, absorbing his words in his brain and occasionally asking his doubts.

Some time passed by without them noticing when someone familiar with the handsome guy spotted him with Mingyu and came up to them.

"Joeie-ah , what are you doing here? I was looking for you everywhere!" The man said with a pout and annoyingly sweet voice.

The guy who came up noticed Mingyu first, a good looking man sitting in a close distance with his love interest made him feel irritated. His and Joe's relationship doesn't have a name yet so obviously he felt threatened by any handsome man beside Joe.

Mingyu looked up at the uninvited youth and was taken aback to see him glaring at himself. How has he offended this man?! His drunken brain wondered in confusion. If he wasn't drunk then he would have already guessed that the newcomer seem to have some feelings for the man sitting beside him.

The man, whose name was Joe, frowned at the cringe nickname but as it was not the first time the man in front him had called him like this he wasn't affected much. Instead he calmly asked, "Why? What's the matter? Why were you looking for me?"

After hearing this question, God knows what Joe's friend (Mingyu assumed him as Joe's friend) thought but he flushed bright red with a tinge of shyness apparent on him. The watery beautiful eyes of this guy seemed to want to convey something to Joe but he wasn't successful so after staring at each other for a while the guy seemed to run out of patience and held Joe's arm to drag him away with himself.

The last thing Mingyu seemed to register in his mind was Joe hastily waving good bye to him while that guy dragged him and both of them disappeared in the crowd.

Though his teacher has abandoned his only lonely student, Mingyu didn't feel sad and instead kept drinking by himself for some more time. When he felt like he has really started to get drunk, he decided to go home by fetching a cab.

He had already got up and was trying to make his way to the exit through the number of human obstacles when the slow and quiet music and various piano instrumentals that had been playing from the time he entered the bar took a sudden change to a more exciting one.

He got surprised by the change of atmosphere and vaguely felt the voice of a DJ saying something to the crowd and everyone started cheering. Most of the people started gathering at the center of the bar on the dance floor, the music started to burst out loudly with the skillful control of the DJ, a trendy kpop song started playing.

The dance floor was bustling with excitement and energy but it had got nothing to do with Mingyu. He saw that because of most of the people joining in on the dance floor, the crowd has decreased and the exit way became clearer and easier to walk towards.

He was about to make his way to the exit while sweeping a casual glance towards the dance floor when he seemed to notice something and that made his feet be rooted in a place. His brain was working slowly so he tried to see clearly, to confirm that he wasn't hallucinating!

Then again, he had drunk too much tonight, so maybe he was really hallucinating?

He unconsciously started walking closer and closer to the dance floor. Maybe to get a clear look? Even if it was a hallucination, he still wants to confirm to himself that his mind was playing tricks with him.

The more closer he got the wilder his heart started to beat in his chest plus the loud music and it's vibration seemed to make him feel that his body was on fire, his body was vibrating with the music. The crowd of excitedly dancing people made him feel dizzy but his sight was set only on a particularly eye catching figure in hot red. The figure that moved his body rhythmically to the beats and in an intoxicated way that could make people feel drunk on him.

Mingyu saw the man who had made him restless for so many days now, the man who has brought him emotional turmoils, the man who was making him feel things he had never felt before in his life, the man whom he had never thought that he would come to love so much that he would physically start to ache for him at his sight, the man who could make him give up anything and everything for his love's happiness and also the man who made him lose his rationality.

At this moment, Mingyu suddenly felt his heart melt. A type of realization hit him that he could really do anything for Wonwoo, he could really give all of his heart to Wonwoo if he ever asked for it. He had never thought that he would ever feel such a sincerely heartfelt feeling for someone in his life.

But the next moment, he saw a few guys surrounding Wonwoo, the Wonwoo who was wearing a red jacket and red leather pants was dancing as if in his own world but every of his move was so seductive and enticing that it had inevitably attracted some annoying flies.

Though he must admit that seeing Wonwoo in makeup was a rare sight that too such a bold and bewitching kind of make that would provoke any man but other guys shouldn't stare at him!


No one should stare at him cause Wonwoo was only his!

The drunk Mingyu's broken brain started playing 'Wonwoo is mine!' Over and over again like a broken record player. The possessiveness in him growling at him to take Wonwoo away from those flithy stares and just lock him with himself for him to look at Wonwoo to his heart content.

Before his mind could complete processing his thoughts his body has already reacted and he was already standing behind Wonwoo.

Only now did he notice that the jacket Wonwoo was wearing could be considered tank top style and inside he seemed to be wearing black net top! So much exposure of him skin and figure!! Mingyu was stunned for a while before finding it unacceptable!

He noticed some guys in close distance with Wonwoo were trying to touch him and immediately without thinking his warm big hands grabbed Wonwoo's small waist and flushed his back protectively as well as possessively against his chest. While glaring dangerously at those guys.

Those guys were here for fun and not to get in trouble with someone and it clearly looked like the big guy holding the beauty in his arms knew each other, maybe they both were boyfriends! Thinking this, these civilized people gave up their thoughts on Wonwoo but no one among them was willing to accept that the biggest reason they gave up so easily was because of Mingyu's toned muscular figure.

Once those guys dispersed in the crowd Mingyu was able to relax himself and become conscious of the position he and Wonwoo were in!

It felt so satisfying!

Holding Wonwoo's waist and back hugging him felt so good that he signed in relish. The musk Woody scent he was breathing in seemed to be from a popular perfume brand but on Wonwoo it felt like it was Wonwoo's own unique scent.

He was so much at bliss that his drunken self totally ignored the struggle of the person who has stiffened at the touch of a stranger from the start and instead tightened his hold on Wonwoo's waist by engulfing him with his both arms and hugging him deeper.

His heart felt at peace as if it has found it's safe place.
