
How did love become love (MinWon) (Meanie) (kpop) ff

Mingyu's gaze was becoming more and more heated as he stared at Wonwoo's back. His eyes wandered around Wonwoo's broad shoulders, wide back but slim waist and his throat felt parched for no reason. Mingyu could feel his desires for Wonwoo. These desires are becoming more uncontrollable with the passing days and Mingyu almost couldn't handle these passionate emotions for his best friend these days. But, all these emotions are hidden behind Wonwoo's back cause when Wonwoo turns back to face Mingyu, there's still an innocent and loving smile of a friend and brother on Mingyu's face for him. __________ When on a camping trip with all their friends in the mountain, one of them came up with a crazy idea which made the other not be able to look at him with the same gaze as before again. (Image credit- Google)

Jade_12 · Celebrities
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 21 A visit to a unique bar

A slow and calm romantic music flowed melodious through the crowd of perfume scented bodies who looked to be busy interacting with each other. 

There were also some who were busy trying to seduce with suggestive glances and flirty gestures towards the one who had caught their interest for the night. 

Mingyu who was sitting near the corner of the bar where drinks were served also spotted some people kissing and making out in a corner. It would have been a common sight as given the dark and erotic atmosphere of the bar but the thing that felt uncommon to Mingyu was the one who were making out and flirting were of same gender. 

Sometimes he spotted two well built men fighting for dominance with their tongues and sometimes he spotted a weak and beautifully make up-ed man flirting and being touchy to a big aggressive man while the man who was being targeted by the coy man looked like he was enjoying every moment of it in a laid back manner. 

There were not only men but also some females doing the same. 

Yes ladies and gentlemen, Mingyu was currently sitting in a colourful, jolly but highly protected LGBT bar. 

He had hesitated a lot before finally deciding to search for such a bar online nearby him. Even when he arrived here, he stood at the entrance zoning out for a long time almost to the point that the bouncers standing guard at the door were beginning to feel suspicious about his intentions but he snapped back to himself before they approached him and managed to pass through all the security checks as well as signed the terms and conditions form of the bar whose overall content was 'if you cause trouble, it would be your responsibility and we won't be polite while sending you in jail'. 

Mingyu felt it was reasonable for them to be cautious cause there weren't less people who still felt like this kind of bar was like a bone in their throat. 

After settling himself and looking around, Mingyu chugged down the constantly filled one fourth of the beer from the glass in his hand. He had thought that he would feel good after coming here but he was feeling quite opposite. The confusion, the stress, the fear of being discovered, the nervousness of being in the new and unique environment, all these feelings were hitting him back to back making his heart drunk with a cocktail of mixed feelings but the feeling that was dominating the most in his heart was guilt. He still couldn't help but keep thinking and regretting saying those words to Seungcheol. 

For now he could just keep on praying that things won't take turn in a worst possible direction. 

He was about to drink more of the beer to drink away all of these emotions and forget everything for a while to be peaceful when he noticed a guy making his way towards him. 

As the guy got closer, Mingyu noticed that the guy looked handsome among the average people around and had a well proportioned fit body which was obvious because of the tight clothes he was wearing. 

But, 'He is still not as handsome and well built as Wonwoo, no one can compare to Wonwoo' thought Mingyu with a sudden sadness filling his heart. The alcohol he has been drinking from the time he came till now seemed to be taking over it's effect now. 

The man who came to him sat next to him while looking at him but Mingyu was still staring in the space lost in his thoughts. The man looked at him with interest and scanned his body, a small smirk appearing at the corner of his lips. 

"It's so interesting~~" The man drawled while dramatically sighing to himself and shaking his head. 

But Mingyu didn't react to him as if he hadn't heard him. 

"Buddy, you are the first in this bar to ignore me even when I'm sitting right beside you" The man said to Mingyu while chuckling to himself. 

Mingyu still ignored him. 

"Wow, aren't you arrogant." It wasn't a question it was a statement made by the man who was amused by Mingyu's behaviour. 

This time Mingyu finally reacted by comfortably placing his arms on the counter while leaning back to the counter and man spreading his legs as if saying 'this is what, is called as arrogance' but the words that left his lips were, 

"Says the one whose first sentence was already filled with brimming arrogance ". He said almost lazily. 

The man chuckled again and admitted that he was being arrogant first. 

"So.... Are you a top or bottom or both?" The man got to the main point of his visit. He had been eyeing Mingyu since the time he entered the bar. Such a delicious creature sitting alone in a dark corner was an unbearable sight for this man so he took the initiative to see if Mingyu was in need of a one night stand. 

The man was still scanning Mingyu from head to toe while licking his lips. He was confident in his looks and thought that spending a night with Mingyu was surefire. He was also a versatile so he was okay being a top or bottom so there wasn't a reason for Mingyu to deny a good fuck. 

Mingyu's brows scrunched a bit as he said, "I'm neither"

How would Mingyu know if he is a top or bottom if he hasn't slept with any guy yet? And he knows these terms as he has studies many stuff about it on internet. For now he was in a dilemma cause he doesn't even know if he would enjoy having sex with a man, all he knows is that he is attracted to a particular man who is out of his reach. 

The man looked at him with a surprised expression, "You are neither?! Then are you trans?" The man asked in a doubtful voice. He thought, 'This guy doesn't look like a trans thought'. 

"I don't know!" Mingyu said while feeling annoyed. Maybe it's because of alcohol or maybe it's because the person beside him was a stranger who must be knowledgeable than him about this community, Mingyu said, "I don't know really, I just... just have those kind of feeling for only one man".

The man who heard it raised his eyebrows as if he understood something but he still asked Mingyu to tell him more about his feelings. Mingyu too felt a bit light headed and told him everything that he had been feeling for Wonwoo also in drunken state he also spewed extra information about himself as to how he was a straight guy at first and how he didn't feel this way for all the men. He was really so confused and couldn't find an answer for himself due to his limited knowledge. 

"Hmmm... From what you have said, it seems like you are demi sexual" The man said after contemplating for a while. 

"Demi sexual? What's that?"

"Oh, you don't know this term? You seem to be not have searched enough about these things huh?" The man said teasingly after recalling how Mingyu had said earlier while talking about how long of a time he had spent while searching about these things on internet. 

When he saw that Mingyu was getting impatient with him he laughed and said, " The people who calls themselves demi sexual are sexually attracted to people based on their feelings rather than gender. They only feel attracted towards someone after they had formed close enough bond with them. From you description about yourself you seem to be the one too".

When Mingyu heard this he suddenly felt enlightened, 'So there are things like this as well!' He thought to himself. 

"But if you ask me, I don't think there's any need for people to label themselves. Especially you, as you already have feelings for someone. Why don't you just go for it? Genders are fluid anyway."

" I can't and what's gender fluidity?" Mingyu asked feeling lost again. 

The man beside him looked at him and sighed exhaustedly. 

'Great! Now I feel like a guide book! Sigh, let it be let's just guide this poor soul, I will take this as doing charity' thought the man with big heart that was filled with compassion for Mingyu. 

This night is gonna be long... 
