
How Can Me? A Normal Student Suddenly Goes To Another World?!(Dropped)

Report says some student from Malaysia gone missing as a unknown occurrence of a 'Vortex' was spotted at the top of the school they whereabout was still unknown..... Where are the student? what were they doing right now? get to know the adventure of the student and how they living on in here! Since this is my first Novel the grammar at the early chapter is really bad... Novel was helped by: ReadingRe Leth_6 Innocien Also no R18 until all character finally 18 years old so yeah.

DeLyst · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Veisvilla Street's

After reading almost all the book about the past history of this world.

(mentions at the side chapter)

I now understand that most of the thing about this world, Was created by some kind of an unknown entity, which I guess is the equivalent to a god. I also understand that everything has a mana inside of them, including plants, animals, and much more.

"The book mention the reasonings as to why the elven races really hate humanity, which I totally agreed with because afterall it's the humans who break their peace treaty with the elf for more resources and land"

I said while understand the reasonings for the elf distrust in humanity, I completely forgot that I'm also a human. But from what i've learn from reading the history book, in this world there is multiple elf kingdom and other races kingdom which is to be expected, because from what I've read, this world is much bigger than earth itself.

But there one thing I'm really curious about, it was about the dragons. In the book there's really not much info about dragon to take into account. It's as if there was almost no history about the dragons, and so I stand up from where I sit to search for a book that has more info and details about the dragons races.

While looking for the book I saw a maid cleaning a desk, it's a young girl with a blond hair and was cleaning the desk in a diligent manner maybe because she take her job too seriously. Thinking mabye I could ask her if there is any book about the dragons, and so I approach her while she is still busy cleaning the desk.

I open up my mouth "Uhm.. Excuse me?" I speak to her which caught her by surprised by the sudden approach, she then turn around to see me and became even more surprise to see I'm a human. Looking at her again she has clear blue eyes like the ocean, a mole on her chin, and a large breast but smaller than Layla.

She then quickly tried to maintain back her normal composure but failed, as she then speak up and said "U-uhm.. Wh-what's is th-the reason for you to come to me?" She said while stuttering most of her word in which is to be expected since I'm a human after all.

"I've come to ask if there are any more book that contained more information about the dragon race in this library?" I said in a straightforward way,to which the maid replied "N-no.. there is no more b-books about the dragons" is what she said which let me out a disappointed face "Is that so? That's okay then" I replied to her with a disappointed voice which she said "I'm s-sorry if what you looking f-for wasn't here.." She said while her head bowing down looking at the ground. "It's okay, it's not your fault. Anyway thanks for answering my question, I need to go now." I said to her which she just nodded at me, not replying with any word.


After putting all the book that I took to where it was once at, I then head out of the library and go back to my room, while at that the other elf worker and maid looked at me with disgust and talking shit behind my back but I dont mind it at all. After arriving at the front of my room door, I enter it and immediately lay down on my bed and cover my face with a pillow, I wonder if this is real or not, whether I'm dreaming that I'm in another world then woke up to everything being back to normal, where I'm still in class sleeping while the teacher is teaching. But no, everything until now felt way too real to be a dream, until now I am too calm and can think rationally, just like the way I decided to learn more about the history of this world after transfer to this world, also I'm still confused on how I was able to quickly learned on how to answer a question that's given to me, I've always thought it's was because of my 'Cold Hearted' ability but was that really the cause? I kept on thinking and thinking until I slowly start to drift off to sleep.


Slowly opening my eyes, the sunlight hit the table not far away from my bed, I look around and get up from my bed and sit. Rubbing my eyes and daze into the drawer infront of me which I never mention or check, I see that it was infact real that I was transfered to another world. "Man, I miss mom and dad, I wonder what they're doing right now.." I said while looking at the drawer infront of me, "They must've called the police to search for me right now because of how protective they'd towards me".

After awhile I stood up and then sniff myself and to my horror I smell so awful, I quickly go out of the room looking for a maid to ask for direction to shower. I then spotted a maid from the distance and approached her, it was the same maid from before the one I've met in the library. "Sorry to bother you but, may I ask where the bathroom is?" this time she wasn't startled like before by my sudden approach, she then speak "Right, please follow me, I will lead you to the bathroom" she said in a calm manner. "Please lead the way" I replied.

She then walked as I follow behind her. After walking for a while, we've finally arrive at the shower, "This is the guest bathroom so please don't take too long inside it"

"Understood, I will keep that in mind"

She then nods, I then enter the bathroom and close the door behind, looking at the bathroom it was much larger inside. It's probably larger than my house in the previous world, there's also a towel provided next to the sink and a bathtub which seems to be already prepared with a warm water to bathe on. After removing my clothing and put it somewhere where it will not get wet, I then step my foot inside the bathtub first before submerging my entire body which make me let out a satisfied sound out "Uwahhhh~ finally being able to get a warm bath after all this time... It feels like ages since the last time I showered.." I said then continue to wash myself for a few more minutes before finally finish, i then get out of the bathtub and walk over to the sink and take the towel that was provided to cover and dry myself. Taking my clothes and picking it up, just holding it for a few inches away, I can smell my clothes stench which smelled like a rotten lizard corpses. I then make decision to wash it first before thinking of reusing it.

After washing it thoroughly, I've just remember that i have nothing to wear since my clothes is wet, to which I gave myself a slap on my face. Thinking of what I should do, I then deciced to do my one and only options which is to call a maid somewhere to ask if thare are any spare clothes, and so with my towel cover up half of my body, I goes to open the door which to my surprised, the maid from before was waiting with a new clothes on her hands. "Thought you might need this, so I brought it and my mind was correct " she said then gave me the clothes she was holding onto.

"U-uh yeah..thanks for bringing me this" i said since i don't know what to say other than what comes out of my mind first.

"No problem, now if you'll excuse me, I'll get going now" is what the maid said as I replied with "Y-yeah go ahead"

After she's gone, I close back the door and wear the clothes she gave me. The clothes were nothing special it was a white long sleeves collar shirt with buttons down and a pleated pants. After wearing it i go out of the bathroom and goes straight back to my room. Entering my room, i goes sitting on the chair, wondering what I should do next. Short after, i hear a knock coming from the door.

Opening the door , I see a butler who's bringing in a plate with food on it "This is your daily meal, please enjoy it" I take the plate and before I could say anything the butler walk away, it seems like everyone is trying to ignore me here. Looking at the food I was given, There was rice and a steak next to it and a leaf on top of the rice, i guess since this is a castle even food that should be simple is expensive. Taking in the plate of food, I place it on the table and sit at the chair starting to eat since i was starving.

After i finish eating, I left the plate on the table and rest at the chair for a while, then I go outside of the room and walked around the hallway before going to the garden where I met with Layla before. Arriving at the garden, I saw Layla is sitting at the bench alone while humming a tune, approaching Layla I open up my mouth "Hey what are you doing Layla?" Which surprise her by my sudden voice and then turn her head around "Oh, hi Shin... I was doing nothing, just sitting here admiring the scenery of the garden" she said with a smile and patted the empty spaces next to her gesturing me to sit. Welp I understand what she meant since this garden

was not your average garden it is large and wide, with multiple different flower and tree growing within it.

"Mhm...I see... the view was great after all, so I understand why you really like to sit here and admire the beauty"

"Right! It's a peaceful thing to look upon"

Both me and Layla then talked like we've known each other for years. After a while, we end the conversation since it was about to go dark soon. "Thanks for having a conversation with me Shin! It was fun talking with you , i'll always be at this garden everyday if you ever want to talk with me." She said giving a warm smile to me and so I replied "Sure thing, I will come here whenever I want to talk with you"

After hearing my word she smiled . "Bye Shin" "Bye Layla" we said to each other before going back to our room, but I guess her room is a fancy one since she is a princess. 'Come to think of it, she said she was the second princess of this kingdom, so she should have more sibling right? Eh whatever' I thought to myself before heading to my room.


3 days has passed and there is still no news on my case. I wonder what is the reason it take so long, since this is a kingdom so getting information is not that hard, but I guess it make sense, since I was not from this world and there is no background on my past. These past 3 days, I kept on repeating the same thing, shower, eating, going to the library, exploring the castle and meetup with Layla at the garden everyday. Layla seems to have no problem around me, but for the other elf around us, it is unacceptable for a Princess to befriend a stranger and is a human too, so everyone always look at me with scorn and talk shit about me from behind.

Since it was getting boring of doing the same thing over and over again, I decided to go outside the castle, wearing the clothes that the maid provided me, I go to the main entrances which is guarded by two guard, both of them then sees me and ask me "Hold, where are you going?"

"Im just going to take a stroll outside"

"Do you have any permission to do so? Your case is still not done, so I can't let you go outside without any special permission" right as he says that, Layla also was coincidentally planing to take a stroll outside, she was standing not far away behind me as the guard was busy talking with me, she also got a grasp of my conversation with the guard.

"I-" before I could even say anything, Layla interrupt my conversation with the guard "I'm the one who gave him a permission to go outside to accompany me" she said while walking beside me.

"B-but princess having a human to go along with you is dangerous! Yet someone who are a stranger to us" the other guard enter the conversation.

"Are you saying that you doesn't agree with the princess decision?" Layla said which made the guard close their mouth, without anymore talk the guard step to the side letting us go through.

"Come, let's go!" Layla turn her head to me and hold my hand leading me outside. From the front, the castle look so beautiful, having a water fountain at the middle with a bench around it for people to sit on, a line of flower on the walkway, and some kind of steel fences surrounding the castle. "Let's go to Veisvila! There is a lot of things I wanted to show you there" Layla said to me with a smile on her face and without any word I just nod and gave her a smile while she holds my hand leading me to the entrance gate. Walking with her through the forest, since the castle is located inside a forest, I ask a question to her since I was curious "Layla"

"Hm? What is it Shin?"

"Why do you treat me so differently? It's not like I've been with you for a long time" I ask leaving the place quiet for a bit with only the sound of our footstep.

"How should I say this... Hm.... I don't know, I just had a feeling that I should treat you this way, plus you're the only person who i've been enjoy talking to even if we've just met a couple of days ago" hearing what she said made me quiet for a while. Walking straight a bit more with complete silence she then spoke up again.

"You know? I really hate human ever since I was a child, they're really well known for being greedy. Back then, I was taught to be cautious around human, I went to multiple ceremony at the human kingdom, and everytime they want to talk with me, I just simply ignore them." She said, which made me surprised for a bit.

"Then how comes you treat me so nicely and not despise me?" I ask her with pure curiosity.

"That's what i don't know maybe because you're special, from the beginning we met until now, I don't have any ill intention toward you" as she said that, the forest pathway ends and we finally arrive at our destination 'Veisvila'. Veisvila is a capital of Tisteveil Kingdom, it was a city that can be called 'City Of Light' because of how bright and beautiful it is even after the night comes, there's also multiple races living on Veisvila but of course with no human, i also noticed something, there is alot of people turn their eyes to me because i'm a human, plus I was walking beside the Princess.

While the princess was greeted and cheered by the people, I was treated like the complete opposite of her. People were talking shit about me from the behind which I could hear, but my mind wasn't affected by their insult, the princess also seems to notice what is happening around me, and so she tried to cheer me up. "Hey Shin! Let's go to that cafe over there! Their coffee is the best of the best in Veisvila" she said to me while pointing her finger at the cafe direction.

"Uhh sure, it's not a bad thing I guess? But will they serve a human customer like me? I mean you should know it, since the way people talk behind my back while walking on the street"

"Don't mind those people who talk behind you, and these cafe serves multiple races customer before, including human so you don't have to worry about it" she said while patting my shoulder.

"Right let's go Inside then" I replied. Entering the cafe, it was not so large, but the interior design was nice and peaceful to look at. Sitting at the chair which had a smooth and fluffy pillow on it making it cozy and pleasant to sit on. Layla then called out for a waiter to come by, which one quickly arrive to, it was a women who seems to be a mature one, having a mole on her neck and a big jugs. Layla then order both of us a coffee without hearing what I want first.

While waiting for the coffee to serve, both of us has a little chat until our coffee finally arrives, the coffee smell really good with some aroma of caramel inside of it. Drinking it made my mouth full of flavour, it is never like any coffee I have drank before, it was not so sweet yet not so bland, to be said it was perfect. While enjoying my coffee while having a little chat with Layla, our little fun was stopped as someone kick the front door of the cafe, destroying it. Entering the cafe there seems like a elf wearing a black robe and was holding a sword on his hand "NOW NOW Y'ALL WHY DON'T WE HAVE SOME FUN??" he said while licking the sharp edge of the sword which is full of blood.....

This chapter is kinda rush ngl... also next chapter will have some fighting

DeLystcreators' thoughts