
How Can Me? A Normal Student Suddenly Goes To Another World?!(Dropped)

Report says some student from Malaysia gone missing as a unknown occurrence of a 'Vortex' was spotted at the top of the school they whereabout was still unknown..... Where are the student? what were they doing right now? get to know the adventure of the student and how they living on in here! Since this is my first Novel the grammar at the early chapter is really bad... Novel was helped by: ReadingRe Leth_6 Innocien Also no R18 until all character finally 18 years old so yeah.

DeLyst · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Masaeid Cult

"NOW NOW Y'ALL WHY DON'T WE HAVE SOME FUN??" The elf wearing a black robe said while licking the edge of his sword that was dripping with blood. I then get up from my chair, looking around the place, people were panicking and screaming.Turning my head to Layla, she was scared yet was also calm judging from her face, while other people ware panicking and scare, i was completely calm. Then my system screen pops out infront of me "The host has encountered a opponent who is stronger than the host, would you like to view the information of the opponent?" These past few days, I never called out my system or check my stats and even didn't ask Alice anything because I was busy doing other thing, but now the system screen suddenly popped up infront of my face. I've never knew that the system can view the info of other people and so without further delays, I replied to the system "Yes!"

After that, the screen suddenly changed and showed a lot of information on it.




STR:14 VT:12

DF:19 MP:5

SPD:15 MTDF:11



Born as a orphan, Xertwion has been taking cared by a nun at a church, living his life doing simple chores such as cleaning, washing and more until the age of 12. One day, the church was being attacked by a group of cultist's, kidnapping every orphan from the church and killing everyone who was not important to them, unfortunately for Xertwion he was one of the kidnapped victims. The cultist then bring him to their hideout, their beliefs was that there was a god called Masaeid and if they bring in more people to worship Masaeid, the god will bring them fortune and power. Xertwion then was trained by them to believe, kill, kidnap and much more, leading to where he is right now.

'It seems like this man was from some kind of cult that worship a god called Masaeid? Now that I think about it, how can I see other people stats and info?' I thought to myself, but as i'm about to check my stats and info from the system, I was stopped as I hear people screaming begging for something.

"St-stop please! She's just a young child! Y-you can kill me instead!" Said a man who looks like a lion, i would've guess that he was a beastman and a father judging by the way he talk, then I turn my head to the cultist to see he was holding the neck of a young girl and lifting her up. "HEHEHEHE~, you sure that I can kill you instead of your tinyyy little daughter~?" The cultist said while pointing his sword at the man. "Y-yes! Pl-please ju-just don't kill my daughter..." The man pleading to the cultist and was kneeling down with his head down, while at it, the child seems to be crying loudly. Then the cultist smile and move his sword to the neck of the child, then slice her neck. Blood then splashed onto the face of, the child father. "Ohh~ opps~ I accidentally move my sword to her neck~ welp it's her fault to cry so loud, that it made my ear hurt" the cultist said then throw down the child body at the man infront of him, making the man stared at his daughter lifeless body. Turning my head to Layla, she seems to also witnessed all the thing that just happened, she looked shocked and disgusted for what the man has done, looking around the place, everyone else also has the same expressions as Layla. The cultist then laugh before swinging his sword down to the man head, splitting it in half, the brain can be seen with his other organ inside with blood covering the floor around him.

He then turn his head around, staring at

other people with a wicked smile on his face, then pointing his sword to them. Slowly he walk towards a group of people who seems to be a family of elf. Before he could do anything, I step to the side of the table and use my skill aiming at his leg.

[Wind Cutter]

A sharp wind was formed at the air aiming straight to the man leg but was blocked by him. "Ohhh~ it seems like we have a interesting one here, don't we?" He then turn his head toward me.

"Hmmm~ a human magician? That's interesting and next to him is the second princess of Tisteveil? Seems like I've found a fun toy here hehe~" the cultist then smiled so wide, that it is such a horror to see. I then crouch down enough to whispers into Layla ear, who was still in shock of what happened "I'll distract him, while I'm at that, you bring everyone out of here to somewhere safe and bring some guard or soldier" I said which she then look at me with concern and scared face. "W-what do you mean? H-how about you? Are y-you sure?" She asked me with alot of concern showing in her face and eyes, to be having other emotion than scared and shock at this type of situation, while also has a time to think of other people, she's definitely a keeper.

"Yes, I will be okay alright?" I reply to her with a smile and without anymore words Layla just nodded at me and ready herself for the plan.

"Alrighhhttt... Quit with your romantic moment right now, i'm still here you know? Also a human and a princess elf? That's quite an interesting thing isn't it?" Said the cultist infront of me. Not replying anything to him, I then use my skill aiming at his right hand.

[Wind Cutter]

But was easily blocked by him using his sword. "HAHAHAHA! A fierce one aren't you?" While he was distracted by me, Layla was already on the move, bringing people out of the cafe. The cultist seems to notices our plan and start to run towards Layla, which was stop by me using my skill. "Your opponent is me, focus on me and not them" I said to him.

"HEHEHEHE~ interesting interesting, you're able to make a plan to distract me while the princess bring out people to a safe place in such a short time. HAHAHAHAHA seems like this is going to be funnn~" he then rush toward me swinging his sword towards my head, which I barely avoided since he was faster than me in terms of speed.

"Then shall we have a little fun~? Let's see how long you last, little ones~" sprinting to me, he kept on swinging his sword towards me, which I barely can even dodge, waiting for a perfect opportunity to use my skill. While he keep on attacking me, I then see a opening on his waist in which i quickly use as my opportunity to attack. [Wind Cutter] The attack successfully land a hit on him making his waist bleed with a huge cut. "YOU BASTARD!" He then stop attacking me and use his free hand to stop the blood from coming out by pressuring the spot, while the other hand was still holding the sword. Taking this as another chances to attack him, i then once again aim my skill at him, but still he was able to block it. He then stared at me before launching himself toward me with his sword tip aiming straight into my head. Quickly I was able to barely dodge it to the side, having a small cuts at my ear making it bleed a little. The cultist then taken out some kind of pill from his pocket and consumed it, suddenly a burst of aura was released around him, making the air around me becomes heavy. "To think I would use a body strengthening pill for some brat like you. Truly a interesting one HAHAHA" he then once again rush toward me and swung his sword to me, but I was able to block using the table around me. I then once again use my skill to attack him, but it was blocked once more. Trying again but to no avail, my attack was blocked. Dodging and attacking is my only option right now, plus the cafe furniture made it even harder to fight since my path was always blocked by the furniture. I kept on using my skill again and again but it was all blocked, having no opportunity to land a hit, then a system screen appeared infront of me 

"Host mana is running low. Reminder:Once the host run out of mana, host will enter a unconscious state."

Hearing what the system just said, I then try to save my mana so I wouldn't go unconscious. My only hope right now is to wait for Layla to come back with a Guard or Soldier with her since I ask her to bring some back when making the plan earlier. While waiting for Layla to call reinforcement, I kept on dodging the Cultists attack and sometime throw a nearby chair or table to attack him. Slowly i was getting tired making my movement slower and made my strength weaker. But as i'm about to run out of stamina, i can hear Layla was shouting my name. "SHINN! THE REINFORCEMENTS IS HERE!" looking at the way of the voice, I see Layla was running towards me with soldier's behind her. "FUCK! I took too long taking care of one kid!" Said the cultist. He then stopped attacking me and tried to escape the place. But I use my skill [Wind Cutter] and aim it at his leg making him falls down. But because of that final attack, my mana was completely depleted as I was slowly going unconscious, before my eyelid close, I see the soldier was holding their sword pointing at the Cultist, and Layla running towards me with a concerned look on her face. Then everything slowly went black.....

a short chapter, explanation why i make it short is on the auxiliary volume

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