
How Can Me? A Normal Student Suddenly Goes To Another World?!(Dropped)

Report says some student from Malaysia gone missing as a unknown occurrence of a 'Vortex' was spotted at the top of the school they whereabout was still unknown..... Where are the student? what were they doing right now? get to know the adventure of the student and how they living on in here! Since this is my first Novel the grammar at the early chapter is really bad... Novel was helped by: ReadingRe Leth_6 Innocien Also no R18 until all character finally 18 years old so yeah.

DeLyst · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Tisteveil Kingdom (Edited)

As im opening my eyes, i see the scenery of the sky which is beautiful like how it's always been, then I sit on the place where which i was suddenly comes to and look around to see im in a jungle of some place. Still sitting down wondering how the hell i end up on this place.

"Shit now i finally remember how i was here... What the hell was that vortex anyway? Suddenly appearing at the school...and the voice i hear before going unconscious.... Who is it.... Plus this ring.. It was shining brightly" As i was kept on thinking suddenly some kind of hologram appeard right in front of me which make me caught off guard "WHAT THE F-" i scream loudly at the sudden jumpscare of it "Huh what is this? Am i having a illusion?" I rub my eyes to see if it's still infront of me... "Huh.. it's real" i look on the hologram that was infront of me and try to touch it with my finger but it went through it without any problem, then I look at the top middle of the hologram to see some word written on it... It was 'System' only that one word then i was wondering if right now i was transfered into a world like novel and manhwa that i've seen before where the main character has a system power on them. Thinking it might be true and so i try it for myself.

"System" i said not expecting too much of it.. and suddenly the hologram changed itself and the word on the hologram changing to 'Linking with the user' shortly after the hologram says something with a soothing women voice on it "The system will need a name to be operating please state a name" that which once again caught me off guard but this time i was not screaming nor flinch at it, i then goes into my thought 'hmmm it says it need a name...the system should be a woman since it has a woman voice on it..' I open up my mouth and says "Alice.. that shall be your name" quickly the hologram once again changed, this time a voice comes out again "Thank you for giving me a name, please say my name whenever you want views your stats or talk to me" said the women which i assumed to be the system itself and the hologram that was infront of me are dissapearing aswell. I then called out the system name "Alice" i said and a hologram quickly appeared infront of me but it is different this time there is my face, name, and other word on it which i don't understand on what it could mean, so i ask Alice about it since she say to call her name if i want to ask something "Alice can i ask what was the word and number meant that was under my name?"

Quickly replying to my question she says "Hp is a term for Healthpoint which when hit 0 you will died, MP is a term for Manapoint which will be consumed if you use any of your skill and the other down was your stats, VT for Vitalities, DF for Defend, MP for Mana, SP for Speed, STR is for Strenght, MTDF is your Mental Defend and STM is your stamina each will be increase depends on your level and how you're training. Please scroll down for more info as you now can touch the hologram"

After I listen to her explaination now I think that this system is almost the same as the novel and manhwa i've read before and she said to scroll down the hologram since i can touch it now from what she said, so i put my finger on the hologram to which my surprised was not going through it i then scroll down the hologram to see a word written on it which is Skill and Innate Ability. I ask Alice to explain "Skill are a thing that once you learn automatically will be entered to the system and you can always use it however you like but it will consume your MP or other thing base on what skill you're using. Skill can be gathered by using three method first you can use a skill book, second you can learn skill by someone else teaching you and finally you learn your own skill by training but it will be the hardest way to get skill. Innate Ability however can be called Passive Skill since it will always be used without using your MP, Innate Ability is a skill that once you get or learn will be forever active and never goes down, for example you only have 1 Innate Ability right now which is 'Cold Hearted' it is a skill that make your mental strong and would never be effected by any kind of negative effect of emotion" after what she said i look at my hologram which i called system stat and see my Skill and Innate Ability...

Name:Matthew Adam Age:15

HP:1150 MP:110



STR:10 VT:15

DF:10 MP:10

SPD:10 MTDF:100



Air Cutter LV1 (MAX AT LV10)

Description:Create a blade slice made out of wind sharp enough to be on par with a sharp normal sword. CONSUME: 10MP

Innate Ability:

Cold Hearted LV MAX

Description: Can resist any negative emotion and completely ignore any mental attack.

Thats all stats that i can see right now, while at it i've notice something my Mental Defense was 100 but i guess it was because my Cold Hearted was Max out.

While at it, i can't help but also notice i have 1 skill which is Air Cutter from what it says it can create a wind that was sharp enough to be on par with normal sword... Which i don't know how to use.... i ask Alice on how i can use it "Alice tell me how i can use my skill" which she reply "Use your mind and think of the name of the skill that you want to use and focus it on the palm of your hand" hearing what she said i closed my eyes and raised my arm at the tree infront of me focusing all my thought on the skill shortly after i've felt something coming out of my hand, opening my eyes the tree infront of me has deep slice on it which probably can cut me if my skill was used on me but not strong enough to cut the tree in half then it excite me to see that im strong once again i try it but this time not closing my eyes to see how it look.

I aim at the tree once again and use my skill, to see a wind forming infront of my palm like a 'C' shape almost transparent like but can still be seen, i shot it straight to the tree at the same spot of my previous attempt and because of that tree was slices in half making it falls down.

In that moment I am shocked but then i remember that this is probably not my world and i dont know how big it is or where i am.... then I sit down and stare into the sky thinking what im going to do now since im in a jungle, while sitting i heard a rustling coming out from a bush near me, letting my guard up since i dont know what is about to approach me i got ready with my skill just incase it is something bad but what comes out of the bush was not something i was expecting.... It was a young elf girl looking around my age I know she is an elf since she has a long sharp ear, she was wearing green dress that has a gold colour line on it with a long sleeves covering to her wraist. A blonde hair, green cyan eyes, with unusually big breast for someone around her age, she is really attractive with a beauty that can lure in any guy once she walk around but right now I was not tempted as i was letting my guard up since i don't know anything about this place or what people reside in it. "A-a-a HUMAN!" She shout loudly making me feel like my eardrum would explode any moment "H-h-how is there a human in this pla-place?" She said while looking like she found a monster but nonetheless i reply "Relax! I also don't know how i've come to this place!" I said while hoping she can cooperate with me "Do-don't lie! Yo-you human is a dirty and greedy people!" As i heard what she said i quickly replied "I-im not lying! Plus why should I lie if I don't even know where I am!" It made her calm down a bit "A-are you really not lying?"


She let out a sigh and muttering to herself "He can be lying but that really true how would he was in this place since human can't go here freely without permission..." She kept on muttering which i cut by talking "I can hear you, you know" she then look at me with a beet-red face showing she embarrassing from my word "Y-you... Fine.. I trust you but tell me first how can I really trust you that you really don't know how you were here?" But of course i can't tell her the truth on how i was sucked on by unknown vortex which lead me here "I really don't know! I just wake up and I was here! See!? I dont have anything on me" i pull out my pocket out to say i don't have anything on me "Hmmm fine I trust you and what an odd outfit you're wearing... Whatever how and why you come here, this place is a backyard of the Majesty of the Elf Kingdom Tisteveil" after hearing what she said make me sweat out like crazy since i've just come to this world and dont know anything about it nor do I know who is the majesty but what i know is that she called her Majesty so she must be a ruler of this Kingdom and then I ask "i-if this is the Majesty backyard th-then wh-who are you?" Which she reply with a smug grin "hoho~ im the princess of this kingdom, my name is Layla Weins the second princess of Tisteveil" hearing that make my jaw broke.... "Shh..shh..shh before you reply..." She said seems to wanting to ask me "what your name human?" Which make me panicked as i'm always let my guard up so it either i tell my real name or not... its up to me...

Overall a longer chapter but still not reach 2000 word. Sorry for my bad english since it was my third language so not so good on it. I'm thinking of posting 3 chapter a week so yeah

DeLystcreators' thoughts