
How Can Me? A Normal Student Suddenly Goes To Another World?!(Dropped)

Report says some student from Malaysia gone missing as a unknown occurrence of a 'Vortex' was spotted at the top of the school they whereabout was still unknown..... Where are the student? what were they doing right now? get to know the adventure of the student and how they living on in here! Since this is my first Novel the grammar at the early chapter is really bad... Novel was helped by: ReadingRe Leth_6 Innocien Also no R18 until all character finally 18 years old so yeah.

DeLyst · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Her Majesty (Edited)

"I ask again what is your name? Im asking because you're suspicious, who wouldn't suspect a person who say they suddenly appear at a place like this after waking up?" She ask with a serious face which mean she is not joking and I would be in a trouble because from what she said to me earlier, she was the princess of this kingdom and from what i learn in my previous world is that i shouldn't make a trouble with the royalty.

I look down to the ground thinking what i should tell her... either i tell her my real name or not, looking at her again she is there waiting for my answer, and also from the beginning mabye because of the system, i've got some feeling that there is someone else around here, it's not just me and her.... Which mean that it must be her guard because afterall she is a princess. And so I decided to use a fake name hoping she would buy it "My name is Shin" i said to her since it the only name that i could think of and it also a name of some main character from a novel i read before... "Shin huh...sound more like eastern people name..." Hearing what she just said that mean she is buying it and thinking it was my real name. Suddenly the system screen appeared infront of me but the princess seems like she can't see the system infront of me...suddenly Alicia say something to me again 'User has now identified as Shin' and the system screen is changing itself again. Shortly after, it stop changing what changed is only one thing and that is my name this time it says.

Name:Matthew Adam(Shin) Age:15

That seems the only thing that changed, if what in my mind is correct the name 'Shin' is now my name in this world.... While at it i was wondering why i can quickly thought of a question solutions mabye it's because i've become calm because of my 'Cold Hearted' ability and because of that it make me sigh in relief's. But i goes out of my thought as i hear the princess was screaming my name "SHIN!! Do you hear me? I kept talking to you but you seems to dazing of somewhere" realising that, i then focus myself to the Princess again "sorry i was thinking about something" i said with a nervous laugh and scratching my back "Ugh, it okay.....where was i again.. ah- i will lead you to the Castle where you will meet my mother and explain yourself, afterall im still curious as how you end up here and even if i want to let you go out of here, the guard surely would ask and make it even more suspicious" agreeing to what she says, i just nod to her and she replied with a smile "alright follow me!"


Walking through the forest, i can't ignore but feels that someone was following both of us... but it's probably the guard for the princess, in which is the most logic answer right now. Looking at the princess in the front of me she was walking down the trail of dirt path that was barely can be seen and was singing a song along the way, not going to lie the song she singing was nice but I dont seem understand the language of it.

After walking for around 10 minutes, she finally say something "We've finally arrived" hearing what she said slowly I step out of the forest to see a giant door with gold coated around the frame, a unique design all over the wall and there seems to be a small pond not far from the door. Awe by the scene I was greeted by, the princess then speak to me "Don't be awe by this yet, because this just the backyard entrances and not even the inside yet fufu~" she giggle to herself, while at that i look at the door and there seems to be two guard guarding it. They was wearing a silver like armor with a black lines on it, holding a spear and was letting out a strong aura around them.

Not long after this, the princess was leading me to the door which the guard was pointing their spear at me "HOLD! Who are you? and why are you with the princess?!" One of the guard ask me which was replied by the princess "Stop! He was my guest, low down your spear" which the guard quickly follows, then the other guard whisper to the princess "Sorry to bother my princess but may i ask why are you bringing a human to this place and a stranger of all? Her Majesty wouldn't be happy about it" the guard told the princess which she quickly replied "Why do you care? Now stop blocking the door and let us in" which after hearing that make the guard bow down in a apologize way and then goes to the side letting both of us entering the castle.

Entering the castle I was once again greeted by amazement as what I saw was incomparable from what i've seen before, the hallway was fancy and the pillars at the wall was made by gold. "Like what you see? Follow me I'll bring you to mother" she said to me, the way she talk with me seems like im her friends mabye because she is young that she doesn't let her guard up so much around me or because this place was heavily guarded. Walking around following her, the wall has a lot of painting on it and there also a lot of room around but what caught my eyes the most is the library that Im passing by but i can't go there yet, not i that will know when i can go there.

Finally from all the walk, infront of me was a giant door that was closed and there is 2 guard guarding it, this time the guard was holding a sword and they're wearing a black armor with scales on it. "Make sure to greet my mother once you enter, you should know the basic when meeting a Majesty right?" She said while looking at me with concerning eyes which mean I need to take this serious, "Right, I understand" I said replying to her question which she smile upon hearing my answer.

Walking closer to the door, the princess talk to the guard "Open the door" which both of the guard quickly nod and push open the door revealing a stair and ontop of it is a chair the one that you always seen in royalty, sitting on the chair is a beautiful elf wearing a beautiful green dress, a beautiful bright green eyes, wearing a necklace that has a blue gem on it, sultry eyes, red lips, white skin and her dress was not covering her middle part which reveal some of her jugs, making me tempted of what i've seen but I'll ignore it as we will enter the room and the person infront of me is the Majesty. The princess then raise her dress skirt with both of her hand and low down her body a bit "Your daughter has come to meet you, your Majesty" said Layla(the princess) which I followed by kneeling down. "Raise yourself Layla" and layla responded by raising herself but I am still kneeling with my head down "And you... Why is there a human in here? Care to explain yourself Layla?" Said the Majesty to her, "I found him alone as I was walking in the backyard forest, from what he said he suddenly wake up and see that he was in there" after what the princess said, the room went quiet for a moment before the Queen(Majesty) speak once more "Raise your head human" which i quickly do but still kneeling "tell me your name and the real reason you're in the forest" she said to me on which I quickly replied "My name is Shin your Majesty and it is true that i wake up, and next that i know i was inside the forest. Plus i also lost my memory because I was only able remember my name" I said which make Layla turn her head to me with a confuse face since i don't tell her anything about losing memory, and of course its all a lie but this is better to do. Looking back at the Queen she cleary doesn't trust a word I said but then Layla speak up "Mother please trust him, and give him a chance" she said which make me even more confuse on why she talk like that to me, even if it was the first time I meet up with her today. Leaving the room quiet for a while, the silence finally break with the word of the Queen.

"Stand up human, i will make this into a case which if you was found lying and is infact a spy from the human kingdom. I will not hesitate to release an order to kill you" I stand up and look at her, from what she said there seems to be human kingdom in this world but yeah, that is obvious since she know i'm a human, I then replied to her "Thank you, your Majesty this humble one was glad for your generosity" I replied, I turn my head to look at Layla, she was having a face of surprise from the way I talk mabye because of the how the way I talk "Well then I will provide you with a place to stay and food until your case has been fully investigated by us" she then point her finger at one of the guard "lead him to the empty room and make sure to see his move" which the guard nod and say "follow me I shall lead you" I reply with a simple nod and then follow him, the other guard then close the door behind me which where Layla was still with the Queen in there.


Following the guard for what feels like enternity since this place was big as hell, we then finally arrive at the room I was designated "This room is the place where you will stay for now, please don't do anything stupid as I will not hesistate to kill you, now here is the key for the room. I shall make my way out" before I could even replied the guard turn his head away and walk back leaving me alone. Using the key the guard gave me to open the door, i open it to see a single bed a drawer and a chair with a table in the room, there also a window on it which the scenery was the forest. The room was not small but it not so big either quickly after closing the door I go to the bed and lay down with my head hit the pillow first. I was still thinking on why and how I was suddenly got into this world, and then i was thinking back at what happend at the Queen room, I was calm. But from the beginning I enter this world I was calm and i can talk rational, mabye because of my innate ability?(mentions in chapter 2) welp who care, anyway i'm glad that I can calm down.

After resting for a while and getting my mind sort out from all my experiences on this world, I decided to get out of the room and have a walk around the places. Getting out of the room I look around the hallway and thinking which way I should take

"Left, right, left, right, left... Alright left it is let go that way"

While walking the hallway, all the maid was looking at me with disgust as if they saw a walking trash but of course I don't care and it kinda true afterall the elf really hate humans, walking around abit more.... I stopped as I saw a door that lead to a garden, in there I saw Layla playing around with a bird. "Princess" i called her which make the bird run away "Wai-wait uahh comeback!" She said to the flying bird "ugh! Look you make the bird run away!"

"Sorry I didn't mean to ruin your moment, princess"

"Ugh it okay and stop calling me princess just called me Layla when there nobody around"

"Alright I understand Prin- Layla"

"Anyway why are you here anyway?" She ask while her finger are pointed at me "Nothing I was just walking around and stumbled across this garden but to see you're here too" which she look at me with a disappoint face "just that? Whatever" she said

"Anyway while I meet you here, can I ask for help?" I speak to her which she reply "what do you need?" Her word make me light up a bit "can I ask where the library is?"

"Ohhh.. Its not that far away from here? Why do you ask?"

"I just want to read a book since I was bored" in reality i just want to know the history of this world

"Alright then, follow me I will lead you there and even if you go alone people would not let you in without permission"

"Alright I understand"

Following her to the library which took about 10 minute to reach. "Here we are" she said while looking at me with a smile, we then walk passes the guard without any hold up since the princess is the one whos bring me along. Layla then said to me "alright enjoy yourself in here, I will need to go for now since there is something I need to do okay?" I reply with a nod and a wave of my hand. Back to looking around the library which is big, wide and also has alot of book, I finally found the history section which on it has a series of the world history from beginning until now and so I take some of the book that was related to the history of this world.... (Also make sure to read the Important Shi on the Auxiliary Vol. It will be where i talk about important thing)

Next chapter would be side chapter talking about the history. Also finally able to write 2000+ word lesgoo

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