
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs

The Mikaelsons I

I woke up as the train lurched to a halt, looking around the compartment I noticed Katherine had fallen over to my lap. Smiling at the sight of a sleeping vampire I thought about what she would have been had I not come to this world. She would have ruined so many lives and would have eventually died despite all her efforts to stay alive. Maybe I'd try to save these blundering idiots instead of taking over the world. Who knows, maybe it'll be more fun in the long run. 


Katherine murmurs, "Yes, oh god, Seth. Don't stop." 


I stifled a laugh at the thought of the kind of dream she was having. Her nose scrunched in a cute way and I felt my heart stir. 


'Fuck. Don't tell me I'm catching feelings for Katarina Petrova. This is really going to complicate things isn't it?'


Sighing, I brush a stray lock of hair away from her face and her eyes snap open. She realizes that she's laying on my lap and immediately sits up. 


"This does not leave the compartment." 


I nod to her. "Agreed." 


New Orleans was pretty much the same in the 1800s as it was two hundred and some odd years into the future. Except maybe for the lack of a Starbucks in every other block, or neon signs. Instead there were booths selling trinkets and other things claiming to grant certain blessings or protections. 


Katarina and I hired a carriage to move our luggage to a hotel by the French Quarter. As we checked into the large hotel I felt a sense of nostalgia wash over me. The last time I had done this was Nicole, and that felt like a million years ago. I opened the door to our room and let Katherine inside, she jumped on the bed after removing the basket frame on her dress. 


"I'll be going out for a bit to look for food." 


She perks up, "Then I'm coming with you. I'm famished, you kind of ruined my meal." 


"Have you really not fed since you ran into me that day?" 


"Well once or twice when we, you know. But I have not had a full meal in nearly a month." 


"Well then, get ready. I'll wait for you." 


She quickly got changed into a more functional dress, if you could call a dress functional, and offered her my arm as we walked out into the street. She takes my arm and I lead her around the town looking for anyone who wouldn't be missed. I spotted a group of men following an old lady into an alleyway. Pointing them out to Katherine we begin to stalk our prey. 


"So you take the big one and the skinny one, I'll take the two short stocky buggers?" 


Nodding we blur into the alley. The men had surrounded the old woman. One of them held a knife and was threatening to hurt the woman if she didn't hand over her belongings. I blur behind the knife wielding man and snapped his neck. Katherine was on the others before they could react. I slammed the last man's head into the wall before turning to Katherine who was now compelling the old woman to forget what she just saw. She turns back to me after leading the old woman out of the alley. 


"Let's eat?" 


Grinning, I let my fangs pop out and pick up the first guy. We drained the men dry and left their bodies in the alley. Wiping the blood off of each other's mouths be shared a quick and passionate kiss before stepping back out into the street. Not noticing anything strange we continued to explore the bustling city hand in hand. 


We reached the Mikaelson compound about an hour later. Katherine was visibly nervous, shifting from foot to foot. I squeezed her hand and reassured her that everything would be alright. 


"Well time to make an entrance." 


"What do yo-" before she could finish I send a telepathic blast of energy that slams the gates open I step forward arms out wide with her following behind me. 


"Mikaelsons! Come out to play!" I called in a sing-song voice. 


"What the bloody, YOU!" Rebekah pointed a finger at me. 


Elijah and Klaus blurred next to her, a series of emotions flashed across their faces. Recognition, confusion, and finally anger. 


"You have some nerve intruding in our home." 


"My, my Klaus. What happened to the man that cowered in fear at the mention of his fathers name?" 


Klaus charged towards me and immediately froze on the spot.  I lifted him into the air with my power before throwing him back into a wall. He grunts in pain and slumps into a heap on the floor. 


"Let me finish speaking," I step to the side and reveal Katherine. 


"Katarina?" Elijah takes a step towards her


Raising a finger I make him drop to his knees, "Elijah, what happened? You were the most noble of your siblings? Yet you stood by and did nothing as Niklaus slaughtered entire families because someone from that family wronged him." 


I felt Katherine tense up next to me when I alluded to what had happened to her family. She lets out a slight intake of breath and I look over to where I had thrown the hybrid. 

Klaus had gotten back up and was staring at Katherine with unbridled rage behind his eyes. He roared and charged at Katherine who flinched. I stopped Klaus mid jump and held him hovering in the air. Elijah had recovered and also charged at me. I caught him in the air too, slamming them against each other several times. I stopped once I saw the fear in Rebekah's eyes. 


'Maybe slamming them against each other was a bit much' 


I froze them in the air and beckoned for Rebekah to come over. 


"You seem like the reasonable sibling, tell me? What would you do for me if I killed your father?" 


"I- I would thank you, for freeing us from that monster." 


"Good, because that's exactly what I'm going to do." 


I release both Klaus and Elijah, they land on their feet and glare at me father they recovered from their thrashing. I raise a finger in warning as I see them begin to make a move. 


"Katarina Petrova is under my protection. Make a move on her and I will tear out your heart and feed it to you." 


"Why should we be afraid of you? You're but a mere witch." Klaus steps forward towards Katherine. 


Before he could attack I charged at him and picked him up by the throat. Elijah stopped in his tracks as I drove my hand into Klaus' chest. Klaus screamed in pain as my hand broke through his ribs and wrapped around his heart. grinned at the two other Mikaelsons before turning to Katherine who was walking over to me. 


"Love? Why do they always think I'm a witch?" 


"Seth, you threw them around without moving." 


"Fair enough a demonstration then." I bare my fangs before releasing Klaus and grabbing Rebekah. 


"Don't touch her!" Klaus shouts as he struggles to his feet. 


The wound on his chest was slowly healing. Elijah stood frozen. I smile at them exposing my fangs before biting into Rebekah's neck. As I drank from her she screamed and Klaus charged again only to be restrained by Elijah. 


"Brother! Stop, he is clearly beyond us." 


I released Rebekah after I had my fill of her blood. She runs to her brothers, wiping the blood from my mouth. I step back over to Katherine. 


"I wasn't lying," I looked at each of them. "In three days I will lure your father Mikael to the city, then I will kill him. With or without your help." 


"But why?" Elijah steps in front of Rebekah and Klaus shielding his siblings from me. 


"Because I want to, and I want you all to make peace. That means you take the daggers out of your siblings Klaus." 


"How? How do you know all this?" 


"Klaus, I am a vampire. I was a vampire before I met you lot in that forest. I know a lot of things, such as that boy you keep, what's his name again? Ah yes. Marcellus." 


"Don't hurt my family," Klaus steps forward pushing Elijah out of the way. "Kill me if you must but leave them be." 


"Finally, Niklaus. All it took for you to overcome your hate was the threat of losing your family. Really? Well better late than never." 


I take Katherine's hand and lead her out of the Mikaelson compound. Turning before I left I addressed the three siblings. 


"I will return tomorrow, I'll answer your questions then." 


With that Katherine and I walked back to our hotel hand in hand. Once we reached our room she was on me pulling at my clothes. I push her away,


"What's this for?" 


"Back there," she undoes her dress straps. "I have never felt more attracted to you than at that moment." 


She was on me again and I felt the adrenaline in my system fade away. Lust slowly began to build up and the dams finally broke.