
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs

Katarina II

I woke up the next morning, Katherine snuggled into my side. We had made a mess of the bed, a mixture of our dried fluids covered our bodies. She stirs and opens her eyes. Her eyes widen in realization and she looks down at her naked body, my dried seed on the side of her thigh. 


"So this changes things." She's looking right at me. 


'You don't fucking say?' I thought to myself. 


"Up for round two?" 'Fuck it. Canon was already fucked.'


A moment later she joined me in my bath, silently washing each other. We got out and dried ourselves before getting dressed. Emily had come by to drop off a new dress, she gave us a knowing look that I didn't like. Katherine thanked her as Emily left with the dress she had worn the night before. Once she was dressed she joined me in the main hall.




"So what?"


She rolls her eyes, "So are you going to take me with you?" 


I knew I could protect her from Klaus, she would come in useful if I had to talk to the witches. In the long run I could also use the back up if things go sideways with luring Mikael to New Orleans. Making up my mind I sighed. 


"Fine," she opens her mouth. "But, you will listen to me and do as I say. This trip could get dangerous." 


"Finally, also you never answered me." 


"Answered what?" 


"Are you working for Klaus?" 


"Katarina I am older than Klaus," she gasps "Also no I am not working for any of the Mikaelsons." 


She visibly relaxes. "How are you older than Klaus, weren't they the original and first vampires in this world?" 


"It's," I sigh. "It's a long story, I'll tell you some of it along the way." 


"You're really letting me go with you?" 


"Yes! Now go get packed, the train will leave in an hour." 


She blurs away and I collapse down onto a seat. 


'Fuck! What is wrong with me, I just potentially screwed up the future cause I the sexy but manipulative vampire baited me. God that sounds like a stupid ass excuse for thinking with my dick.' 


Thinking about it I realized that Katherine was the first person I had slept with in nearly a thousand years. Already feeling the headache I grabbed a glass and poured myself a generous serving of whiskey before downing it in one go. 


'Maybe I can still salvage my future knowledge, things can't have changed too much since I fucked Katherine Pierce, can it?' 


I heard her walk through the door again and I turned to look at her. She had a trunk with her, together we blur to the train station stopping at a corner where we could not be seen. We made our way over to the platform just as our train arrived. Boarding the steam powered behemoth we found our seats after Katherine compelled the conductor to give us tickets to New Orleans. I stowed our luggage and went back to our compartment. This was going to be a long trip. 


I told Katherine a heavily edited version of my past. To her I was just a simple scholar who ran into a witch who cursed me and turned me into a vampire. I changed some details of my travels before my extended nap. She was surprised that I managed to sleep for hundreds of years without desiccating. I had nearly forgotten that vampires in this world would petrify if they didn't feed for too long. 


"So how is it that you have magic?"


"It's not really magic. It's like compulsion, it just comes with age and experience I guess." 


"And flying?" 


"The same thing, I'm still using my power to lift myself."


I demonstrate by levitating her but letting her keep the control over her limbs. She looks at me in wonder and smiles. She laughs as I continue to levitate her. 


'I almost forgot that Katherine wasn't necessarily evil. She was dealt a bad hand and made do with it. All the despicable things she did was out of desperation to survive. Maybe now that I'm sort of protecting her, then she can actually begin to enjoy her life.' 


I set her down after a moment, "Katarina, I know what you've been through." 


"What do you mean?" 


Sighing I continued, "I know about the curse on Klaus, how he hunted you down. About how he killed your family when you took your fate into your own hands." 


She is silent, I can see her lips begin quivering. 


"How? How do you know all of this?" 


"I can't answer you just yet, but just know that you can put your faith in me when I say that you don't have to run anymore. You can go back to looking for Nadia. I'll even help you." 


"How do you know about Nadia?" Tears are now running freely down her cheeks. 


Wiping away a few I put a hand on her lap and gently squeeze. 


"Like I said I can't tell you yet, just know that I will protect you when the time comes." 


She gets up and pulls me into an embrace, shaking off the shock at her display of sensitivity. I return her hug and run my hand up and down her back. 


"It's going to be okay, you don't have to run anymore Katarina, I'm here for you now."


I return to my seat, Katherine sits next to me and leans her head on my shoulder. I sigh and allow her to, I guess all she really needed was someone who knew her, and a shoulder to lean and cry on, to think that I was going to kill her if she got in my way. 


'Man I've gone native.' 


I leaned onto her as I drifted off to sleep, the train continued along carrying us to our destination.