
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs

The End of Mikael

Katherine and I spent the next few days in the hotel, talking but mostly exploring each other 's body. She still had the moonstone, the thing was more drama than it was worth.

She agreed to give it to Klaus once we killed Mikael. On that subject Rebekah had compelled a few humans to seek him out with word that she was looking for him.

Several days had passed and none of the people came back. We were assuming that he had gotten the message and was on his way. 


I wasn't nearly as worried as Klaus and Elijah, I noticed a gathering of witches in their compound one day and decided to eavesdrop on the conversation two members of the coven were having. 


"Klaus wants us to trap him instead." 


'They wanted to trap his father? Well I guess that would make sense as a bargaining chip of some sort in case Dahlia came around. But they don't know about her so why?' 


"Well we could try to kill him after weakening him, he has the white oak stake. They can't get too close to him."


'Ah so they're worried about him fighting back.' 


"Elijah has also said he has some strange power." 


'Wait what? Did Mikael have some sort of power? Well he did compel that entire crowd in the show, that was pretty impressive. He must be able to control the weather too just like Damon did in the show in the first episode. That would give him an advantage.' 


"Well, whatever may come we will handle it with our sisters. The Mikaelsons have promised us quite a large payment to ensure that everything goes as planned." 


Hearing enough I sped away back to the hotel where Katherine was laying on the bed. Giving her a quick kiss I lay next to her and stared up at the ceiling. 


"What's on your mind?" 


I turned to her, "Just thinking about what we're going to do once we're done here." 


"Hmm," she scoots closer. "We could go look for my daughter after we give Klaus the moonstone." 


"After all these years, why are you handing it over to him so easily?" 


"Seth, it was your idea. Besides, it's only ever brought me pain and suffering." 


"That's true, think he'll ever break the curse?" 


"Not without a human doppelgängers blood, and I was the last one. It's not like there's going to be another one." 


'Oh Katherine you have no idea.' 


Instead of replying I closed my eyes and enjoyed her company for a bit. She snuggled closer and began tracing circles on my chest. 


What even were we? It felt like we were a couple but I knew better than to trust her fully. Her main instinct was to survive no matter what. 


'I could enjoy this while it lasts though. Goodness knows that I need to loosen up a little.' 


There was a knock on the door an hour or so later, Kathrine had fallen asleep and I was reading a book I had found the previous day. The person knocked again and I blurred over to the door opening it. Marcel was looking at me nervously from behind Rebekah. I let them in and sat down on the bed just as Katherine woke up and looked at Rebekah. 


"He's on his way, I spotted him just outside the city." 


"And your brothers? Do they know?" 


"Their witches have informed them of my fathers movements." 


"Perfect," I took the white oak stake from my pocket. "Time to go bury a relic." 

[Scene Break]

Katherine had elected to stay behind at the hotel, Rebekah and Marcel went back to the compound. I was running across the rooftops following Mikael. He was walking at a brisk pace towards the entrance of the compound. I wanted to see what the siblings would do before intervening. 


I kept my distance and watched as Mikael kicked the doors open. Immediately he was blasted back by several witches, he struggled to his feet, blood leaking from his ears and eyes. Klaus charges out a stake in his hand but Mikael is too fast for him. Mikael attacks one of the witches but is stopped by Elijah who catches his arm just as he was about to tear her throat out. Mikael despite being the same age as his children was stronger due to his experience as a warrior. At least that's what I thought as I continued to watch them fight. He had them on the back foot defending against his attacks. Klaus manages to slip past his defense and stab the stake into him but misses. Mikael roars in pain and blurs to a distance, ripping out the stake he realizes what it is and his eyes widen. 




I could hear his shout from the roof I was watching from. Klaus charged again only to be kicked in the chest and sent crashing to the ground sliding a good distance away from Mikael. Elijah moves to help his brother but Mikael snaps his neck. The witches were beginning to falter, their magic losing its effect on the old Viking. He blurs over to Klaus stake raised, prepared to end the would be hybrid. 


"Time to intervene." I said standing from my observation spot. 


With a burst of speed I blur over to where Mikael stood and grab him by the arm before tossing him like a rag doll through the wall. 


"Where the hell were you?" 


"You're welcome Klaus." 


He growls as I help him up. I see Mikael disappear from the rubble and I shove Klaus out of the way just as Mikael reappears in front of me. I felt his hand tear into my chest and I grit my teeth in pain. He tears his hand free and I look in his hand spotting my heart. Yet I didn't fall over like he expected. The grin on his face disappeared as he watched the heart he held crumble to dust before the blood shot back into my body as another heart grew in its place and my wound healed. 


I smile at him and freeze him in place. His eyes widened in panic. 


"That actually hurt old man, didn't your elders tell you it's rude to interrupt people why they are talking?" 


I give him back control over his mouth and he begins to shout. 


"Who are you boy! Who are you to meddle in my family's affairs! Speak or I will tear off you head!"


I freeze his mouth shut again only allowing his head to move. 


"Fucks sake old man, do you start all your conversations this way? No wonder your children hate you." 


Klaus comes back and stands next to me, he had a look of awe and fear on his face. I guess seeing someone grow back a heart was rather frightening if not awe inspiring. Before he could ask questions I pointed him to his father. 


"Don't you have questions?" 


"I- Alright fine, let him speak." 


I give Mikael control over his mouth back again and start looking around. The witches had retreated back to the compound and Elijah was nowhere to be seen. I shrug and turn back to the conversation Klaus was having. 


"I just want to know why? There were moments when all you had to do was be my father. Yet you despised me. I want to know why?" 


Mikael looked to be at a loss for words. He opened his mouth and closed it several times before finally answering much more softly than I ever thought the ruthless man capable. 


"I- I don't know, I," he pauses "I just did." 


'Man that's really shitty, even my dead best dad was nothing like that.' 


Klaus remained silent for a moment. I saw tears building up in his eyes. He picks up the white oak stake and holds it against Mikael's chest directly over his heart. 


"Are those your final words?" 


I sense Rebekah exit the compound. I turn around and see her frozen in her spot, looking at her father with tears in her eyes. I notice Mikaels eyes drift over to Rebekah. From what I knew about the show he was a cold bastard that didn't hesitate to hurt his children. So it surprised me when his eyes softened and he spoke barely above a whisper. 


"Rebekah, I'm so-" 


Before he could finish Klaus drives the stake into his heart and I release my hold on him. Mikael stumbles forward for a bit reaching out to Klaus. He lets out a groan and falls over to the floor before bursting into flames. Klaus rushes over to Rebekah who had fallen to her knees. As the old Viking crumbled to ashes I walked over and scoop up a handful, putting it in a wooden box before tucking the box into my coat pocket. 


I saw the witches return with Elijah. Klaus was comforting Rebekah, I nodded to them and disappeared into the night. There was a lot to unpack, I sat up on a roof watching the siblings stare at the pile of ash that had been their father. I took a handful of the ash since I vaguely remember it being somewhat important in the show. I dusted myself off and turned around ready to head back to the hotel so that Katherine and I could finally return back to Mystic Falls. Deciding to get there faster I jumped into the air and shot forward, the darkness of the sky and the color of my clothes would hide me from anyone that decided to look up.