
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
Not enough ratings
75 Chs


Making a decent pace I was back and flying in through the window to my room moments later. Katherine wasn't in bed, I could still smell her so she was still in the room. I paused as something else caught my attention. It was the all too familiar smell of blood. 


"Katarina? Did you go out to feed?" 


I got no reply, I felt dread begin to build in my gut before Morgana's spell dissipated it almost instantly. I walked over to the bathroom and paused at the sight. There on the wall was a heart, stabbed into the wall with a note. I take the note and begin to read it feeling anger build up only to dissipate again as the spell Morgana left only did its job suppressing my negative emotions. 

No one threatens my family. No one.

Cursing under my breath I crumple the note in my hand. 


'Elijah had disappeared during the fight. Fucker must have snuck over here following her or my scent and killed her.' 


Not being able to feel anger was a blessing in disguise, I began to plan my retaliation. Sure Katherine and I weren't together long. But I had promised her that I would help her and that I would keep her safe.

I hated breaking promises, the Mikaelsons made me break a promise. I sat down on the corner of my bed after finalizing my plans. I still didn't know if magic affected me, the chances the witches were still around was high.

I knew I could easily beat the Mikaelsons. But with the witches in play the fields were balanced. Sighing I wondered if seeking revenge was the best option, it wouldn't lead to anything in the end. 


Standing up I decided that I wouldn't be a pushover. I left the hotel and made my way back to the compound to send the Mikaelsons a message. 

[Scene Break]

Something felt off as I stepped through the gates, it was eerily quiet and the air was too still. I looked around expecting an ambush only to feel pain shoot up my spine and into my head. I stood fast and fought the pain while looking for the source. I spotted a witch hiding behind a pillar. Blurring over to the witch who was chanting a spell I yanked her head to the side and bit into her neck as she screamed. Her blood tasted off, she must have drunk vervain in the hopes that it would slow me down if I got to her. 


Unfortunately for her I was unaffected and I let her body fall to the floor. Several more witches appeared and held their hands out chanting. I felt my vision go fuzzy and I let out a growl as I charged at the witches. Suddenly chains wrapped around me and more witches came out from various rooms and corners of the compound. I fell to my knees, the chains tightened around my body. I spot a familiar figure emerging with Klaus and Elijah from the corner of my fading vision. What I overheard the witches talking about suddenly made sense. They hadn't been talking about Mikael. They had been talking about me. 




I could barely speak as more pain shot through my body forcing me to grit my teeth. The thought of her betrayal on my mind as I wavered. I should have seen it coming, I had been only too eager to be blinded by her charms. 


"I'm sorry Seth, I wanted a guarantee that I would be free. So I made a deal with Klaus, he would stop chasing me and in turn I gave him the moonstone, and you." 


I struggled to stay on my feet and glared at Klaus who was smirking. 


"As promised," I watch him hand her a folded letter "Information on your daughter." 


"I am sorry Seth, for what it's worth. Thank you."


The witches redoubled on their spell and I fell onto my back. Darkness creeped into the corners of my vision as their chanting grew louder. I felt a deathly cold spread into my limbs. As my consciousness faded into the abyss I heard Klaus speaking to Elijah. 


"And with that, the last threat to our family is no more." 


"Niklaus, are you sure this is wise?" 


"He will never walk this earth again brother." 


Their words were the last thing I heard for a bit of time. Feeling my ears pop like I had just been flying the sounds of life returned. I heard crickets, the slight sway of tree branches in the light breeze, and a carriage's wheels against the uneven roads. Despite not being able to see anything I could still use my telekinetic abilities to a degree. The witches must have done some bullshit magical voodoo hack on the chains that sealed my powers. I could still use my ability to 'see' around me though. I sensed myself in a room, 


'Yeah no shit genius, you're probably in a tomb.'


"My, my Seth what have you gotten yourself into now?" 


I felt the chains disappear from around my body. I was right it was bullshit magic hacks. My senses returned to normal once the chains disappeared and I jumped to my feet looking around the room. Morgana was sitting on a gravestone in the mausoleum I was in.


"What are you doing here, Le Fay." 


Her smile grew wider, "So you've figured it out?"


"It isn't that hard, you have magic, your name. I mean no one is named 'Morgana' these days." 


"Mmm, you're smarter than I gave you credit for." 


She glides over to me and runs her hand down my chest. I push her hand away. 


"What? This is the thanks I get for rescuing you?" 


I sigh, "Thank you for freeing me." 


"You're welcome, I sensed that you were in distress. So imagine my shock when I find you chained up inside of a mausoleum. How did they even capture you?"


"There were a lot of witches, they got the drop on me." 


"Seth, you are the strongest being in this world, and you somehow get trapped by third rate magic?" 


"Fine, I got caught off guard. I thought that they had killed someone I cared about." 


"Ah, Katarina Petrova. You should have seen that betrayal coming. It's her very nature to double cross someone." 


"I know, I know. It just felt nice, you know? Having someone to talk to again." 


"Seth, having sex with someone several times does not mean you should give them a level of trust where you become vulnerable around them." 


"Gee, thanks for the advice o wise witch of Camelot." 


"I'm not a fucking witch, I'm an enchantress!" 


"Sorry, I'm a little pissed." 


Morgana sighs and presses her hand on my chest. I felt a burning sensation against my ribs, arms and skull. Her eyes glowed a brilliant blue before turning gold and then fading back to their normal color. 


"There, now their magic won't work on you again." 


"What did you do to me?"


"I put magic repelling runes on your bones, they're carved pretty deep so they won't be fading away anytime soon. They also have a second purpose of enhancing your powers."


"Don't you think that kind of makes me a Stu? You've given me an awful lot of powers and I'm just dicking around in this world." 


"This is real life Seth, this isn't some fictional book." 


"Well, I'm just saying. I'm getting an awful lot of powers without really working for them." 


"Stop complaining Seth, most men would kill to be where you're at." 


"I guess you're right." 


"Of course I'm right, I'm Morgana Le Fay, I'm always right." 


"Except that one time that Merli-"


"Finish that sentence and I will vaporize you." 


"Fine, so what now?" 


"Now you go back to seducing questionable women, and I go back to my world." 


"I do not seduce questionable women. If I did then what does that make you?" 


"A fucking goddess." 


With a huff Morgana faded into the air, her black dress shimmering as she disappeared. Sighing I looked around for a door, finding none. I punched a wall cracking the stone. Hitting the wall again my fist broke through and I felt the cool air on my hand. Pulling my arm out of the hole I made I took a peek outside. It was evening, I was in the graveyard of a town I did not recognize.