
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
Not enough ratings
75 Chs


We made short work of the facility that we found, after freeing the Savatore brothers and an Englishman named Lorenzo St. John. Damon seemed close to the Englishman whereas Stefan seemed to want to be anywhere else but there. 


"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." 


"Good to see you too Damon, Stefan." 


"Listen mate, I really appreciate you lot rescuing us, and I don't want to seem ungrateful but we really need to go. Augustine will know we broke free by now."


"Lorenzo was it?" He nods. "Look, this was the last facility in the area, me and these wonderful ladies managed to tear them all down. You don't have to worry about them coming back anytime soon." 


"Bloody hell, these dainty princesses managed all that?"


"This dainty princess is a hundred times older than you." 


"Freya, play nice." 


"Freya? As in the Mikaelson?"


"Eldest sister." 


"Ah, and I take it this man is sired to you?"


She laughs and looks at him. "No, not at all, we're all sired to him." 


Lorenzo's jaw dropped and he eyed me warily. "I had heard of a vampire predating the Original Family. I never thought I'd get to meet the man himself."


I raised an eyebrow at him. "What have you heard about me?" 


"Nothing the scientists haven't told me. They found records of you in Native American stories, there's even a cave further up north full of paintings of your likeness." 


'I was wondering if they'd have stories of the 'devil' that wiped out a camp of theirs in one night.'


"Anything else? Anything is appreciated Lorenzo." 


"Please call me Enzo, and no not really. Augustine had been researching you for a year or so."


I turned to Evelyn. "What have they dug up on me?"


"Nothing much master," Everyone's eyes flew to me. "They discovered the records of you dating back before the original family came to be. They just know that you're older and much more powerful. They advised anyone against openly engaging in a fight with you."




I turned to Damon. "It's a long story." 


"He released me from a compulsion before turning me in front of the man I had seduced into being my bethrothod." 


"I guess it's not that long." 


"Seth, I know you were cold and calculating but I didn't know you were this cold." 


Enzo and Stefan nodded in unison. "I'm only ruthless to those that deserve it." 


"Love, there was that one time you caught someone trying to look down my dress in the train." 


"He was fine afterwards." 


"You broke his nose with his own fist."


"I wanted to see the extent of my powers." 


"You also threw him out of the train through the window." 


"Wait! You threw someone out of a train window?"


"There was a body of water below us."


"Did you know about it before you threw him?"




Freya rolled her eyes and grabbed Amelie's hand, Evelyn followed them as they stepped out of the building. Stefan, Damon and Enzo looked at me. 


"So, three women." 


"One of them grew up as your daughter." 


"Wait what?" 


I looked at Enzo, "I'm still getting used to that too." 


"Okay relationship problems aside what now?" 


We turned to Stefan, he had his arms crossed and was looking around the room as if he was expecting more scientists to pop out of corners and experiment on him. 


"Well, the girls and I are planning to travel the world. It's been sometime since you two have been back to Mystic Falls but I'm not sure if you're ready to go back just yet, Enzo you're free to do what you want. You can come with us or the brothers, it's wholly up to you."


"Thanks for the offer mate, but I owe Damon a favor. I'll stick with them." 


"Perfectly reasonable, you guys can go back to the surface with the girls. I'm going to wrap things up here before burning this place to the ground."


I met up with Freya, Amelie, and Evelyn back by the entrance of the building. The brothers along with Enzo had gone ahead. They were planning on traveling around the states looking for vampires that were running from augustine to tell them that we had gotten rid of them. Evelyn had nowhere else to go so Freya and Amelie gladly accepted her into the group dynamic after a series of questions. 


Turns out the vampire that compelled her had picked her up at an orphanage when she was younger. The vampire then raised her to be his spy and made her work in hospitals so he could get access to blood. She eventually worked her way into Augustine and was forced to seduce Tom who had an unhealthy obsession with her when she was growing up. Long story short I had unknowingly freed her from a life of servitude to despicable people. 


"Sure I freed you from those people that used you but are you sure you want to follow me? You have the rest of eternity to do what you want."


"I'm sure Seth, besides you did take me on that floor then and there. At that moment I became yours and no one else's." 


"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I was caught up in the heat of things." 


"I wanted it too, don't apologize." 


"So if you two are done talking about having sex next to dead bodies can we finish packing now? Our ship leaves in the afternoon." 


With that I finished packing a few things into my bag and looked at the trio moving around the room. I had gotten Evelyn a new trunk and a bag for the stuff we'd eventually pick up for her. She thanked us profusely and we waved her off. Loading everything up into a waiting vehicle we got on another and made our way to our boat. 


The massive coal powered ship loomed out of the ocean, it was the massive German ship captured by the Allies back in WW1. The Berengaria was a hulking mass of steel that had been transformed into a luxury passenger ship. 


We boarded the first class portion and found our quarters after we were greeted by the captain. It wasn't every day that a wealthy investor was on his ship after all. The girls explored the shit and I sat out on the deck sipping a glass of whiskey. A familiar face came into view.


"Why if it isn't Rogers." 


I stood up and shook the vampire's hand. 


"Williamson, I didn't expect to see you here. What brings you around?"


"Taking my girls out to travel the world, I would have come to visit but I lost that paper you gave me when I was caught in a German shelling."


"I was wondering what was keeping you, you don't have to worry. I'm moving here to New York this coming year. Just off to pick up my mates' heirlooms in Italy. Come, you have to meet her."


He led me to a dark haired woman who smiled when I approached. 


"Who's this dear?"


"Lucy, this is Seth Williamson, an old War Buddy of mine." 


I took her hand and politely kissed her knuckles as she offered me a small curtsy.


"My, a polite veteran of the war. What is it you do Mr. Williamson?"


"I own a few businesses Mrs. Rogers. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."


"Nonsense, Seth here is being modest. He owns the largest bank in the country." 


"Williamson Bank? Oh I should have seen it, it's in the name after all." 


"I try to keep a low profile Mrs. Rogers."


"Please call me Lucy. A friend of Jameson's is a friend of mine." 


"Seth," "Love," 


I turned around just as Amelie, Freya, and Evelyn made it out to the deck. I ushered them over and introduced them. 


"My! three mates. I'm surprised they haven't bled you dry yet." 


"They certainly love to try." 


"What say we give the ladies some space, while you and I catch up at the bar." 


"Sounds like a plan." 


Jameson and I sat at the bar and ordered a bottle of whiskey. Pouring over ourselves we began to explain what we had been doing since the war. Jameson had been moving across the States. He had mellowed out significantly since the war. He has been on an animal blood diet since coming home. I guess being covered in blood for a couple years really got to him. He eventually met Lucy and the two fell madly in love. She was also a vampire though she was much younger. Having been turned the year she had met him. 


"Well that's enough about me. What have you been up to, you crazy bastard?" 


"Ah nothing wild, been helping the Mikaelsons recently. You know the 'Original Family'. Freya is their eldest sister by the way. That was the highlight of my year thus far, haven't really dove into anything too strenuous. I'm just trying to take it easy." 


"The Mikaelsons? Like Klaus the Great Evil Mikaelson. Brother, you live with crazy everyday." 


"Don't let Freya hear you say that." 


Just then a hand grabbed onto my shoulder and I turned to face the man. 


"It is you! My god you haven't aged a day." 




"Ha! You still remember your old commanding officer. It's been ages Williamson, how the hell have you been and what's the secret."




"I think he means why you haven't aged." 


I glared at Jameson, "Well I've been doing swell, the secret comes down to two things. Lots of bourbon and several women keeping me entertained throughout the years."


"Fuck me, I still have rounds to make. I'm running security on this voyage. I'll catch up with you two later." 


I sighed and nursed a glass of whiskey as I watched Jones walk away. I didn't think I'd run into anyone else. I cursed silently at the fact that I couldn't compel people and turned to Jameson. 


"Compel him if he comes around again, I'm going to check around the ship to see if there may be anyone else who can point us out to be vampires." 


"Good idea, this journey could turn bloody real fast if there's any vampire hunters here." 


I went and made a quick survey of the ships passengers. No one stuck out too much. I figured that Jones must have been the only other person who would recognize me. I made my way back to the bar where the girls had joined Jameson. Lucy was in his arms smiling and talking with the girls. 


"It's all clear." 


The three girls each gave me a chaste kiss before returning to their spots. 


"What happened?" 


"I ran into my old commanding officer from the war. He pointed out that I hadn't aged. I've pushed him from the topic for now but should he return we'll have to compel him. Jameson can do that, and so can Lucy. Unfortunately the girls and I can not, so that job falls on you two." 


The couple nod and share more pleasantries before bidding us farewell and returning to their room. We walked back to ours, Evelyn and Freya on both my sides while Amelie danced around ahead. 


"They have an indoor swimming pool, and a card room." 


"I've noticed a ballroom as well. There is also a small but adequate library just above the ballroom." 


"Freya, anything to your interest?"


"The deck offers a great view of the Atlantic. I've heard that occasionally one can see sea creatures swim alongside the ship." 


"Perhaps we should all go to the deck for breakfast tomorrow?"


"That's a great idea Evelyn. Breakfast tomorrow on the deck. I'll bring my flask of blood." 


We reached our room and promptly jumped into bed, excited for what the next day held.