
House of the Celestial: Crown of Stars

Samantha Mccoy is just a regular girl going through everyday college life except for the part where she has a secret ability to feel the emotions of living creatures. An affliction she has lived with for most of her life. When her life is put in danger by a being from another dimension, she is saved by a mysterious warrior and discovers a hidden power sleeping within her. Stuck with these mysterious power and thrust into a world unknown to her, Sam begins a journey to discover the truth behind her existence. Banished from their homeworld, Paladin warriors Leonard Haravok and Emily Legens are sent halfway across the universe to a planet in a remote galaxy, where they continue their personal mission to hunt down members of the Fallen Stars: an extremist group that was responsible for an attack that nearly disrupted the stability of their homeworld. Consumed by the need for vengeance, Leon is determined to find any clues that can lead him to them. During a coincidental meeting with Sam, Leon saves her and discovers a link between the Fallen stars and Sam, and together with Emily, they must journey within the secret world of this remote planet to discover the truth about Sam. Meanwhile, Arexander Pendragon, a friend of Leon and Emily and a fellow Paladin is caught in the middle of a dangerous situation between two factions that are determined to seize control of the fate of Samantha Mccoy but also that of the planet. When a dangerous plague threatens the planet, the three friends and Sam are forced to confront an ancient secret that could threaten the fate of not just the planet, but the rest of the universe itself.

Daniel_Orions · Fantasy
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4 Chs



Ogier Tower, Kelito city

Agartha, Deus Solar system

Tellus Federation

Octo 19th Y-889 C.E

Jonathan Haravok walked among the corpses of his comrades, ashes and dust spraying through the air, concealing most of the damages that had been dealt to the Control post of the Ogier Tower. He still could not believe that things had gotten this worse. For years, he had anticipated some form of attack from the Dissenters. He thought he was ready for them. But their surprise attack had thrown him for a loop. The attack on Starlight Temple, where most of the members of the Stellar Council convened, was something that he never once imagined happening. Starlight Temple was a sacred ground, sacred to both the Starlight Order and the religion of Anunnaki. This was where the People of Agartha came to worship the Divine King, where Pilgrims came from different Quadrants of the Universe to learn more about the gods within that Pantheon. It was also where the Twelve Saints rested. Jonathan had naively thought that due to the oaths that the dissenters had sworn, they would not cross a certain line, but he was wrong. He supposed if one was to break their oath, attacking the site where they had sworn that Oath was the perfect way. A lot of things were running through Jonathan's mind. So much had happened that he couldn't believe most of it. But what troubled him mostly was the feeling he had gotten in his guts when he confronted their leader. It was the reason why he had chased them all the way to Ogier Tower. His mind flashed back to the events that led to the encounter.

"Admiral Haravok, I wasn't sure if you would be attending the meeting tonight," Sheva Bothrag, the Grand Admiral of the Starlight Order inquired of Jonathan as he was passing him in the hallway that led to the Council chamber. Jonathan felt a cripple of anger looking at the old man. While the Twelve saints rested, Sheva Bothrag was the deciding force of the council. He's votes decided what Starlight would do in any events and unfortunately for Jonathan, Sheva Bothrag was a pure traditionalist. He remained firm in his belief in the old ways and that Starlight or the Federation did not require change. He was the exact opposite of Jonathan.

"No, I've already spoken my thoughts on the matter," Jonathan said. "I won't stand by and watch as the council go down this path,"

"This path," Sheva said. "These so called rebels are tainting the peace, the sacred gift given to us by the Dingir,"

"Peace can be subjective." Jonathan snapped. "Your idea of peace may differ from what their idea of peace is,"

"You're still grieving the loss of Arexander Pendragon," Sheva said, his brows crisping into a frown. "I will allow you this absence for now. But the next meeting, you must attend or your position as Admiral will be revoked," He turned around and went straight inside the chamber. Jonathan watched the old man leave, anger and rage burning inside his heart as he thought of his friend. Not a day goes by that Jonathan regrets coming back without him, making Rex Junior an Orphan, just like Jonathan was an Orphan. He forced his mind away from the tragedy and focused on what was important. Right now, the Stellar Council had convened and was about to decide on what to do about the Fallen stars- a group of Pleiadians who went against the conservative aspect of Starlight and the Federation. Though they were not an extreme group, their voice of dissent against those with power on top was becoming louder and louder. Jonathan recognized that if the council did not truly stop and sit down with them to see where they were coming from, things could escalate to a point of no return. Jonathan sought a path to change, to bring about prosperous changes to the Federation, but he knew that the path of violence was not the way to get it. Which was one of the reasons why he was not truly part of the Fallen Stars. And he also recognized the corruption within Starlight, which was how he knew what that meeting would entail. A noise pinged from his pocket. He took out his Zodiak and switched it on. A hologram image of his wife appeared, brown haired with a petite shaped face and blue eyes. She was the most beautiful person in the world and the one he loved the most along with his son, Leon.

"So how did it go," She asked.

"Not well," Jonathan said. "The meeting's about to start. I thought I could talk them down. Prevent what is to come. But it's no good,"

"We could try speaking to the President," Julia said.

"And what will that do?" Jonathan said. "The Federation sees the Fallen stars as a threat just as much as Starlight. Everything about them challenges the Federation's authority."

"It's too bad I couldn't be president," Julia sighed. Jonathan smiled, looking back at the Election that his wife had been part of. He was proud of her for making an effort even though she had lost the Election in the end. She wasn't a born native of the Federation, but she was just as committed to it as he was.

"It matters not," Jonathan said. "For the time being, I think we should leave-" But Jonathan was interrupted by the appearances of his six year old son, Leon, who had just barged into the screen of his Zodiak.

"Father, When are you coming back," Leon said. The boy resembled Jonathan so much, except for the color and shape of his eyes, that he had inherited from his mother. "You promised me you would continue my training,"

"Leonard, Now's not the time-" Julia started but Jonathan's laughter interrupted her. Leon was a child full of energy and rowdiness, a trait that he also shared as a child. Jonathan could see the full potential of his child. That was why he had named him after the ancestor of their House.

"Don't worry Leon," Jonathan said. "I should be back soon. You and Junior's training will be more ferocious than last night's."

"I promise to do better than Junior this time," Leon smiled a wide grin at him. After the death of Arexander, Jonathan took his son under his wing just like how he had been raised by the Pendragon family after his parents' death. And now both Junior and Leon had been raised as brothers. Their competitiveness reminded Jonathan of his own relationship with Arexander. He was about to say something when Julia's scream of pain stopped him on his track. He had just reached the exit of the temple, the hallway was cleared of any followers or temple boys. It was just Jonathan alone.

"Mom, Are you okay," Leon's panicked voice brought Jonathan out of his head. Jonathan knew what the pain meant. She had one of her visions again. Jonathan's wife might not be a Pleiadian like him or his son, but she was not an ordinary Human. Julia recovered and pulled her son away from the screen. There was a scuffle of movement and her surroundings changed from that of the Kitchen where they had been to what looked like the outside of the Mansion. There was a look of desperation and fear on her face.

"Jonathan, It's...you have to come home right now," She said. "Leave the temple,"

"What did you see Julia," Jonathan said. Tears were running down her cheeks. She was shaking, her body moving uncontrollably.

"You can change it," She choked. "It doesn't have to happen…"

"Julia..Please..tell me what you saw," Jonathan said. Jonathan waited patiently as his wife recounted the things that she saw in her vision. His knuckles turned white as he squeezed it tightly as she told him the last thing that she saw.

"So it happens today," He said.

"Yes. I'm so sorry, Jonathan," She said. "I..I..thought we had time...that we could find a way…"

"A Fate curse isn't something that one can change so easily," Jonathan said. " We knew this day would come sooner or later."

"But if you come home, we can change the path..it doesn't-"

"No. Some things are just fixed. They can't be changed. " Jonathan had made up his mind. He was thinking further, thinking of the future, particularly that of his son. The fate of the Federation and Starlight was about to drastically change, and Jonathan was going to make sure that his son had a chance at the future. A chance to do better…

"Take Leon and Junior," Jonathan said. "Leave the planet, and get to Genesis,"

"What about you," Julia said.

"I have to stop them," Jonathan said. "The path that the Fallen star is about to take is not ideal."

"Jon…You can't stop it" Julia said.

"I have to try," He said. If his fate was fixed then the least he could do was to make sure that lives would not be lost except for his. "I love you."

"I love you too," Julia said as the tears kept coming out. She took a deep breath and then cleared it. "Do your best to stay alive,"

"I will. And tell Leon how much I love him," Jonathan said. "I was looking forward to training him tonight, but I guess it has to be postponed," She nodded and the call was cut off. Jonathan sighed and turned away from the exit. He held the sword that laid by his waist. Kaliburn. The Ancestral sword of the Haravok family. The sword was said to be a Divine weapon given to the First Haravok by the gods in his twelve labor journey across the universe. The sword had never failed Jonathan, so he was sure that he could prevent what was to come with it. He took one step and in a burst of golden light, he was in front of the Council chamber door. Jonathan didn't hesitate to push the door open, interrupting the meeting that was going on. He rushed in, stopping in the middle of the circular room that was filled with twelve Great Paladins of Starlight order. Six of them were Admirals while the remaining five were the most powerful corporal star knights chosen to be a part of the council. Absent from the room were the Twelve saints, who were in their Saint sleep. Sheva Bothrag got up from his chair, an incredulous look on his face.

"Admiral Haravok, what is the meaning of this-"

"An attack is about to happen," Jonathan said. "The council is in danger-"

"In danger of what," Corporal star knight Weil Wilcock said.

"You refuse to participate in the council meeting and you dare to bash in making false-"

"It's not false," Jonathan said. The chamber's wall was metallic silver, though you couldn't see the true color based on the golden lights that were reflecting off it. Little goblets of golden fire surrounded the entire room, driving away the darkness while the only window in the room showed the rest of the city as the sun was finally finishing setting down, bringing in the night sky. Across from Jonathan was the floating basin that held the most important artifact in the Universe.

"Julia's seen what is to come-"

"Do not speak of that witch in this Holy space," Sheva exclaimed. Anger popped a couple of veins in Jonathan's forehead at the insult of his wife. He knew the council would not believe him. He understood why the council feared his wife's power. It was something that Starlight could not control and the appropriate way for them to handle it was to regard it as something evil. But Jonathan had had enough. He walked slowly to the Grand Admiral and grabbed the top of his silver robes around his neck.

"My wife has seen the deaths of everyone in this room, and If we continue to bicker here, thousands of lives will be-"

"It's too late," A slithering voice spoke out of the shadows. Jonathan felt the dark power activate and he moved just as quickly as he could. A burst of black flames, fire from the Underworld, engulfed Sheva Bothrag and the remaining Admirals, burning them in a fit of fiery screams. Jonathan landed beside the remaining Corporal Star knights, Paladins that were of a certain age and belonged to a generation that was lower than that of the Admirals. Jonathan understood what had happened. The attack was a result of a spell that required certain conditions in order for it to work. Out of all the Admirals, Jonathan was the youngest and so were the five Corporal Star knights that were behind him. They watched as the older Paladins were burnt to their deaths. Another explosion by the window and the entire chamber was engulfed in smoke. Jonathan coughed, waving the smoke from his eyes as he felt the presence of a being walk into the chamber. As the smoke cleared the Paladins found themselves surrounded by Sentinels pointing Energy blasters at them. So even the Sentinels had joined them. Jonathan thought. The Fallen stars had made the first move before the Council and their choice was exactly the same as what the Council wanted to do to them.

"Hello Jonathan Haravok," a voice spoke as a shadowy figure appeared out of the floor to form into someone cloaked in a white robe. The robe was hooded so it was impossible for Jonathan to see the face. The robe had colored linings and was fastened at the right shoulder with a metal pin. The sentinels around him were wearing white armored combat suits. Their faces were covered by Helmets. The suit was completely different from the typical armor suit that Starlight provided.

"Who are you," Jonathan said just as he felt some sort of nostalgia in the Odyllic.

"What have you people done," Wilcock gasped. His face was covered by the soot of the Admirals that had burned to death. "You won't get away with this,"

"We already have," The cloaked figure stated. "For the past twenty-five thousands of years since the Federation was founded, Starlight has degraded the values in which it was formed, the principles that made it what it was even before the Federation's formation. But Intergalactical interests and power have corrupted it, made it turn a blind eye to the suffering of those across the universe. The lives that they were sworn to protect no longer matters to them."

"And so you see yourselves as what.. True patriots," Wilcock said.

"We are true patriots. For we have sacrificed that which we held dearly to us, in order to save Starlight. Our uprising has just begun," The Fallen said. He released a blast of red energy that surrounded the room, and the basin above them disintegrated and a golden object fell into the hands of the Fallen. The Paladins gasped as they realized what the Fallen held. It was the Crown of Stars. Starlight's most valued artifact and the symbol of their power.

"What do you intend to do with the Crown," Jonathan asked. He was eyeing the Twenty Sentinels that surrounded them, each pointing a blaster at them. Any slight movement and they wouldn't hesitate to blast them all. He was the last of the Admirals, which meant that the leadership of Starlight fell under him. It was his job to protect the remaining council members and protect Agartha. He knew that there were more attacks to come. Information that he had gotten from his wife.

"I intend to use the Crown's power unlike Starlight." The Fallen said. "Use it to uplift the millions of lives across the Universe that are oppressed by the Federation,"

"I can't let you do that," Jonathan said. " If you do what I think you intend to do, you will only sow chaos across the universe."

"Yes, chaos that will lead to destruction. And from that destruction, a new way of life will be born." The Fallen said. "A better way. That is the only path to salvation-" Jonathan didn't hesitate. He moved quickly, disposing of the two Sentinels in front of him before going for the Fallen. The Fallen moved quickly, using Rapid to appear in the Sky above the Temple. He was Skywalking, looking down on them all.

"I'll see you later, Jonathan Haravok," He said before disappearing. Jonathan grunted as the remaining Star knights finished dealing with the Sentinels. They were the five most powerful Star Knights for a reason. Sentinels with blasters weren't really much of a danger to them. But Jonathan knew that there was more to come.

"Lion-Admiral, What are we to do," Wilcock said. He was a man of a large stature with silver blond hair, golden green eyes, and dark brown skin. The remaining Knights also looked to Jonathan. He sighed, knowing full well that he would have to take charge. With the chaos that was to come, Jonathan knew too well that his wife's prediction was never wrong. Thousands of lives will be sacrificed for the greater good, according to the Fallen Stars. The senseless killing did not sit well with Jonathan Haravok. He knew what he must do. He knew what awaited him if he walked this path. He could refuse the plea that he could sense within his fellow Paladins for him to take charge. He could go back to his family, back to his wife and son and ward...but Jonathan Haravok was not that type of man. He couldn't walk away from what was to come.

"Knight Wilcock, head to the Royal Palace and make sure the King and the royal family are safe," Jonathan said. "An attack should commence there any moment. Knight Jasamine and Knight Danon go to the Englier district and focus on the Air shuttle bay. There should be an attack there too. Corporal Ganymede, I need you to go and assist the Science and Research Institute, they should be under attack right about now. Joanna…" Jonathan stopped as he looked at the face of one of his friend's younger sister. Joanna Sinclair looked a lot like James Sinclair, her green hair, brown skin, and golden green eyes reminded Jonathan of James. But it was the toughness in her eyes that made him treat her like the Warrior she was. "... I need you to go to the Communication office and relay the news to any Paladins and Sentinels within Agartha and off the planet. Tell them an emergency has occurred and their presence is required here immediately and I want four Sentinels to go and guard the President in the Federation office. Can you do that, Please?" The Star Knights all nodded and saluted Jonathan before they sprinted off with the Rapid Skill. Only Joanna remained, looking at Jonathan with a look of fear.

"Jon, What are you going to do," she said.

"I'm going after him," Jonathan said. "Go, now," Joanna nodded and she was gone. Jonathan concentrated, reaching out for that presence within the Odyllic and he felt his presence by the direction of Ogier Tower, where the Starbrigde was. He had to hurry and confront that man again. Something about him felt off.

A cough brought Jonathan's mind back to the present, alerting him to a body among the corpses that were still alive. He was lying against the wall, blood seeping out so badly. His Helmet was gone, and Jonathan could see his face. It was pale, with sweat dripping from the stray blonde hair. Blood was coming from his mouth as he tried to speak. Jonathan shushed him, trying to stop him from wasting his energy. His eyes were dimming...but Jonathan could see the man struggling. Struggling to stay alive. His wound was too deep for his body to heal and since he wasn't a blessed one like Jonathan, his regeneration ability was not strong enough to save him.

"It's okay. You don't have to fight anymore," Jonathan said. "Sleep and let Irkalla take you to the next life beyond this existence." There was a flash of light and Jonathan turned to the window. Across from the rainbow bridge, on the other side were five figures close to the Xeta Beam portal that had opened up. The Fallen was about to escape with the Crown. Jonathan pulled kaliburn from its sheath and left the control post to the bridge.

"I cannot let you leave with that," Jonathan called out to the Fallen. He turned around and chuckled, the laughter bringing back an odd nostalgia in Jonathan.

"You're fast," The Fallen said. He handed the Crown to the one next to him and Jonathan's brow raised up. It was James Sinclair and beside him was his wife, Sophia Sinclair.

"James, what's the meaning of this," Jonathan said. "When did you join with the Fallen stars," James said nothing. He didn't even look at Jonathan.

"You know what to do with the Crown," The Fallen said to James. He nodded and dragged his wife who held a little baby girl in her arms. They entered the portal and were gone. The remaining two stayed behind but the Fallen cleared his throat.

"Titus, Henri, go on," The Fallen said. "I'll handle the Admiral by myself." They hesitated but then they entered the portal. The hooded figure pulled out two shortswords from his cloak—a seriphium blade. Jonathan had a Divine Weapon. A weapon more powerful. But that wasn't enough. The Fallen's Od was tremendously massive and powerful. He was of an Admiral level. Jonathan wasn't that surprised that he had been able to kill the Admirals with that level of trap spell.

"Who are you," Jonathan said. "I'm not aware of any other Paladin that was of an Admiral level,"

"I'm not a Paladin. I gave that up years ago," The Fallen said.

"So you were once a Paladin," Jonathan said. The air blew through the bridge, there was a trace of storm clouds gathering above them as explosions occurred around the city below them. "Do you think this is right? Putting Innocent lives in danger,"

"Sacrifices are part of life. Fortunately, there are heroes like you that exist, even within a corrupt institute like Starlight," The Fallen said.

"Are you saying that you counted on me to save the lives that you threatened," Jonathan said.

"Maybe. Maybe I knew that as the last remaining Admiral, you would prioritize the lives of citizens more than those old bags would have," The Fallen said. "And now, lives have been saved because of you. You're a Hero through and through, Jonathan Haravok,"

"I'm not interested in being a hero," Jonathan growled. He moved straight to him, swiping Kaliburn at him, but the Fallen was fast. He blocked the strike with his right hand sword and then, with his left foot, sent a kick at Jonathan. Jonathan blocked it with his other arm, but he felt the heaviness of the kick. Shockwaves ripple across the bridge, shaking the rainbow bridge and the sky itself. Thunder and Lightning flashed across the night sky as the clouds got darker. The Odyllic was responding to the release of their powers. Golden and red lights could be seen flashing across the bridge as the two warriors engaged in a fierce fight. Their movements went beyond that of what an ordinary eye would be able to keep up with. Jonathan kept sending sharp strikes at the Fallen, but the Fallen was quickly parrying them away, his speed able to keep up with Jonathan Haravok, a Paladin noted to be the fastest mortal in the universe. Something about the Fallen felt off to Jonathan. The feel of the Fallen's Od, his movement, the way his Od flowed through his body. This dance between them was bringing up nostalgia, something that he hadn't felt for a long time. Not since.. Focus on the battle, Jonathan thought to himself. He had to defeat this man here and now, and go after the rest. The Crown must be recovered at all costs. He concentrated on gathering a large amount of Od within the tip of his sword and released a blast of energy at the Fallen. The Fallen manifested a barrier of red energy that shielded him from the attack. The explosion cleared and the shield broke apart just as Jonathan released a pair of compressed heat blades at him. The Fallen moved quickly, dodging the first one and narrowly avoiding the second one, a slash cut through his chest, blood spilling out of it. But the Fallen didn't stop there. He manifested his red energy around the blocks of rocks from the shattered bridge. The rocks flew into the air and with tremendous force, they shot toward Jonathan. Jonathan flew to the sky, Kaliburn in his hand as his blade released a burst of golden light that burned like flames through the air. The light disintegrated the rocks into nothing, but Jonathan realized that the rocks were just distractions as the Fallen summoned a huge ball of Red flames that morphed into the shape of a dragon.

"Flame construct- Dragon's breath," The Fallen chanted the name of his technique. The huge inferno bombarded Jonathan, the heat of the technique, unlike any heat that he had ever felt before. He was heat resistant, but even this red flame was enough to damage Jonathan. The attack sent Jonathan crashing to the bridge. The Fallen exhaled his Odic output dropping. He had put a lot of Od in that attack, so he had to channel more Od from the Odyllic to recover what he had lost. But Jonathan shot out of the smoke of his crash, Golden aura of Od surrounded his body, and with a slash of Kaliburn, he broke through the swords that the Fallen held, the force of the attack sent the Fallen smashing the wall across from the portal. The Fallen fell on his hands and kneel, coughing up blood.

"I should have known that defeating you was impossible. I could never once land a hit on you," the Fallen said. That made Jonathan pause as a sense of recognition fell over him.

"Rex! How...You…You should be dead," Jonathan said as a cry sobbed out of his throat. Arexander pulled the hood off his face as his golden-green eyes stared at Jonathan's pure golden eyes. His auburn hair was longer than what Jonathan remembered and there were scars of claw marks all over his face. He had survived their last mission together. He had survived and had returned to wreck his vengeance upon the council. For they had been the one responsible for his "death". Jonathan had found out later that the mission had been their way for the council to get rid of Arexander. Because of his sympathy for the Fallen star's cause. He always knew that there was a level of corruption within Starlight, but after that mission, Jonathan realized how much it was. It was why he became an Admiral. To do something about it. And what did he have to show for his efforts? Nothing. The Fallen stars had become an extremist group. It was only a matter of time before the Federation announced them as one. And now his sworn brother…

"Don't look at me like that, Jon," Arexander said. "It's all going to plan,"

"What plan," Jon said. Realization finally dawned upon Jonathan. He finally saw what was happening, why Arexander had been confident that he would save those lives. Why Arexander was with the Fallen Stars and had taken the Crown. There was someone out there, someone powerful enough that wanted the Crown and he had used Arexander to get it. Arexander stood up from the ground and held his hands towards Jonathan. But Jonathan stepped away from him. No...No..No.

"Now take me in," Arexander said. "Be the hero that I know you are,"

"This is crazy," Jonathan said. "Why would you listen to him...Why.." Jonathan felt the energy blast just as it was fired from across the other side of the bridge. Time slowed, and Jonathan's body responded without his control. He moved quickly, stepping in front of Arexander and the blast shot through his gut, right through the coat of Od that should have protected him. Red spurred out from it, from his mouth as he fell, caught by the Fallen. By his brother. Arexander searched around within the Odyllic, looking for who was responsible. They were there. Hiding in the shadows, waiting for the right time to attack. Arexander put his hands upon the wound, trying to stop the flow of blood.

"Why! Why would you take it for me," He swore at Jonathan.

"Because I watched you die before and I couldn't do it again," Jonathan said. He smiled as his body became lighter. The shadows were creeping in the corner of his vision, everything becoming blurry. "Julia...She saw everything, she told me what would happen..including the fact that I would die tonight If I stayed behind in the temple,"

"She warned you," Arexander said. "You should have listened to her,"

"There is no fighting Fate," Jonathan said. "My fate was decided from the moment I was born. Just like my parents, and just like my son, Leon. I should have died in that mission but you saved me, you sacrificed yourself for me. Fate is only catching up to me,"

"No! No! No! It wasn't supposed to happen this way. He told me my defeat would make you a Hero," Are said.

"Leon..Julia.. I wish I could see you one more time," Jonathan said.

"I won't let it end like this," Arexander said. "I can heal you. I'll heal you."

"Don't bother…"But Jonathan couldn't respond because the shadows finally filled his vision, throwing him into a pit of darkness. The last thing on Jonathan's mind was to curse that person... That being who had orchestrated this whole event…