
House of Potter

Transmigrated in to Harry Potter's body at the age of 7. Might have major changes to the story plot of the movies So please do enjoy [Harry Potter Universe] Donation : https://www.paypal.me/SibongileIviwe

Iviwe_Mzimba_9747 · Movies
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Elijah and Hayley were entering the Plantation House property at the centre stood Nicklaus. The car stopped in front of him, and Nicklaus greeted them.

" Hope you ok, My love. Brother"

" I'm Fine, thanks for asking" said Hayley

" Greetings Brother, I am Fine, I appreciate the concern." said Elijah

" Come lets enter so we can discuss a plan and contact Rebekah if possibly."

" I was able to reach her, she is on her way Brother." said Elijah

" Very well, than let's head inside." said Klaus leading Hayley inside the manor following behind them.


Elijah going to the lounge and Klaus showing Hayley around the manor.

" This place is ancient." said Hayley

" True, This place was our home, where we by that I mean Elijah and I would do our business from the Quarter. Funny thing is that Elijah would call this place our 'Sanctuary' and for a time it was."

" Damn! So what drove you guys away?" asked Hayley

" My Father, You know Hayley, I'm sorry if I have caused you any trouble. But rest gently knowing I will take you to your pack after sorting some things out this week with Elijah."

" Thank you, Even knowing what I did, you still choose to help me, but still Thank you." Said Hayley

" Knowing I've dragged you into my life and all the struggles that come with it but know Hayley, I'll never give up on you. and I do intend to take your hand in marriage "

" It's okay, And I know you won't give up on me, on us like I won't on you and my soon to be family." said Hayley

Klaus smiles and leads Hayley to the room she will sleep in.


" Niklaus, Rebekah is on her way here as we speak." said Elijah

" Elijah, Thank you, I mean it Thank you."

" Anything for family, Brother you know this." said Elijah

" Speaking of Family, You do know with Mikeal and Finn dead you are Lord Mikealson, And as by that right I ask this of you, allow me to create a branch for the Mikealson clan. As a wolf more so an Alpha I must have my add upon my pack and with Hayley being my Mate and Carrying mine heir it is only right."

" Nicklaus, I know what you speak off but my nature is not to lead but follow when Rebekah arrives we will prepare for the right of heirship after that we will see." said Elijah

" Than allow me to call my pack to us to bear witness."

" They are still alive, How?" asked Elijah

" Not all of them were there, Of the 60 I had, 15 died to Mikeal and 30 died due to Tyler Lockwood and his betrayal."

" So 15 wolfs. Huh! Good than more Security for your mate and cub." said Elijah

" Alert me when Rebekah gets here, I'm going for a run." said Klaus while getting naked

" Fine brother, Don't stay out to late" said Elijah to Nicklaus who entered the property woods.


Klaus was sitting naked in the middle of the woods, as he took a deep breath. You could see smoke rising from his body and the heat being generated from a distance. Klaus began to grow large and larger and in a blink of an eye a huge brown wolf who's eye's turned a blood red colour, with a pitch black sclera.

As Klaus Roared/Hauled, His packs both made by him(Hybrids)pack and his born (North East Atlantic) pack felt him call out to them as if compelled to go to him. They all felt where he was the Hybrid pack removed every clothing they had and changed than ran their Alpha in record speed to reach him quicker. The Temporary Alpha of the Atlantic pack gave the location to the others who haven't changed yet. So that they too could get to Ansel's son The Rightful Alpha.

As this was going on Klaus was in his mindscape

" Where am I?"

" Your in your inner world"

"Or termed your Mindscape Young Alpha"

" Who are you? and where are you?"

" I am your Vampire spirit and this mutt is your wolf spirit"

" We have called you here to correct a wrong, As you are an Alpha, A True Alpha you are the apex of apex predators. We will merge and give the power to you young Alpha. All I know as Elder wolf will pass onto you. Remember my name, FENRIS THE WISE " as the wolf said this his started fading into light particles.

Klaus Learned how to lead, fight and command like a wolf. How to correctly flex his aura and position to all other not of the pack. The Laws and Rituals of the Wolf and of his father's clan.

" Now that damn dog is Gone. I am the upgrade John promised you, so have fun." as the vampire said that he too started fading into light particles.

Klaus gained all that was promised to him and much more. As he left his mindscape he felt his Hybrid pack enter the property and reach him will showing their necks submitting to him as Alpha. He lead them on a hunt, as they run he felt more and more wolfs enter his pack will they were hunting and he did not mind it. As the moon reached it's peak Klaus released his aura and forced them all to shift back.

" Who are you?"

" I'm Harry, Temporary Alpha of the North East Atlantic Pack, Son of John, descended of Ansel, Your father." Harry

" So your the others I felt when I shifted, Huh! Wait you said Temporary Alpha, Why?"

" Well, You see by right of inheritance this pack is yours to lead, we meaning me, my father and his before leading up to the great fall have just kept the sit warm for you." Harry

" And your okay with that."

" The pack Has three lines, Yours being the Alpha line, My being the Beta line which has the warriors and Protectors and Jerry's being the Delta line which has the Hunters and Healers. The Elders and the others of the pack are on their way here. When they get here will conduct the Alpha bestowal ritual." Harry

" While than welcome, These are the soon to be members of our pack, do please get along."

" Yes Alpha" by all

" Good, I'll organise some tents and food for you all seeing as the is limited space in the manor. Do call when your Elders arrive."

" Yes Alpha" Harry


" Brother, What has happened in those woods?" asked Elijah

" Apparently, I'm the Alpha"

"Of course you an Alpha to the your pack" said Elijah

" That's just it. Mikeal did not kill all of the wolfs from the village, My fathers pack still lives and me being his heir. I'm the Alpha"

" So those extra wolfs" said Elijah

"Yep, My pack"

" Rebekah said she will be here by morning, so all me to go and sleep, Goodnight Brother."

" Night Elijah"

As they both left the room and Klaus Heading to His room to sleep away the tiredness...