
House Of Blades

In a world of noble houses and magical Blades, two young women, Eira and Luna, find themselves on opposite sides of a deadly conflict. Eira, a daughter of a powerful house known for its ice-based Blades, is strong and determined to protect her family. Luna, a commoner without a Blade, is rebellious and independent. When they are chosen to participate in a prestigious Blade tournament, they are pitted against each other in a fierce battle. As they face off, they are strangely drawn to each other. However, as they struggle with their feelings and the expectations of their peers, they are hunted by rivals, betrayed by allies, and faced with a dark and powerful enemy that seeks to destroy them all. As they fight for their lives and honor, Eira and Luna must also fight for each other. *This is my first web novel*

Unixista · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


The world around Luna was a suffocating inky black. It twisted around her and bellowed through her bones. The deafening sound around her tore into her mind like starved wolves into a fresh kill. It came and went, pounding louder and louder on each pass. The sound of metal screeching against metal, voices yelling. Desperation.

A name. An important name.

"I mustn't forget, I can't." Luna thought. She held on tight to that memory, but it was pulled from her, ripped from her mind without any regard for what she wanted.

"Please, let me have her name at least! I can't forget her name! I can't forget!..."

"...can't forget...What? Luna wondered.

She could feel herself grow more and more drowsy, her very being exhausted. Luna could no longer fight against the shifting of the void around her, and she fell deeper and deeper into a peaceful sleep.


Luna opened her eyes. Above her floated white cotton-candy clouds swimming lazily in an ocean of blue sky. A soft breeze carrying the sweet scent of flowers wafted through the air. She looked around only to find a giant many-legged snake beast squirming in front of her. Luna yelped in surprise, sitting up.

"A bug," Luna looked at the former-giant beast, only now seeing that it was just a caterpillar crawling diligently on a leaf that hung off a flower gently blowing in the breeze.

She stretched, and looked around her surroundings. All around her, soft pastel hues of pinks and blues scattered the field.

**This field of flowers sure is pretty, but... how did I get here?** Luna began rubbing her temples as she thought. Her long pink hair and pure white dress flowed delicately through the warm wind.

She knew her name, and she knew she was about five or six years old. Other than that, everything else was a blur.

Luna looked down at herself, from what she could tell she was in top shape. Not a scratch on her.

"Okay!" Luna slapped her cheeks together, and huffed a breath of defiance. "There's a tree line in the distance, if I head that way maybe I'll find a grownup who can help."

Luna began trudging her way through the flowers, stopping occasionally to watch butterflies flutter past her, her favorite was the black and green one that occasionally landed on her before taking off again. Finally, she neared the tree line as the butterfly fluttered through the leaves of the tree and disappeared into the distance.

"Ah! Wait up, I haven't named you yet!" Luna shouted as she pushed forward through the trees stepping onto a dirt road.

As Luna stepped onto the road, a thundering roar and screech shook her from the left.

"Wah!" Luna shouted, falling backwards.

"Woah there!" An elderly man pulled tight on the reigns of his horses and they clammered to a stop a few feet away from Luna. Suddenly, the door on the left side the carriage blasted open, a tall girl with wild red hair, and a fierce face stepped out. Her hands poised as if ready to pull out an invisible sword.

"What on earth is going on out here!?" The red haired girl shouted.

"I-I'm sorry, young miss. There's a little girl in front of the carriage." The old man responded back in a humble manner.

"A little girl?" The red haired girl stepped forward toward Luna and froze, before running up and grabbing her by the shoulders. The red haired girl pushed her fingers through Luna's hair.

"Your hair... it's pink." The red haired girl stared so hard at Luna's hair, that Luna began to feel a little sheepish.

As Luna stared back at the red haired girl, she was about to ask why that was so important, when suddenly her head began to hurt so bad, it felt like it was about to burst open. A flash of memories, slammed into Luna like a freight train.

Luna grasped onto the red haired girl for dear life. Painful tears dripped from Luna's eyes. The words that escaped Luna's lips felt like they had been trapped for a thousand years only now to be finally released.

"Elder sister?" Luna gasped.

The red haired girl opened her eyes wide in shock, "Elder sister?"

In that instant however, the black and green butterfly, Luna was so fond of fluttered gently in between the two. The world immediately froze into a dull grey and shattered around Luna like glass.

The inky black poured in drowning Luna in endless sleep once more.


Luna felt her consciousness begin to return to her. The inky void that was once like an ocean, reduced now to nothing more than a puddle.

Luna opened her eyes, groaned and rubbed her forehead.

"You're finally awake." A gentle voice called over from Luna's side.

It was at this moment, Luna realized she was in a gigantic and soft bed covered in cute pillows and detailed in gold and gems. Standing near the bedside, a gentle and plain looking woman in a french maid outfit, stared softly at Luna.

"Um, where am I?" Luna looked around the room.

"You're in the guest room of my Lord's Manor. Duke Wulfeas Solei." The maid stared intensely.

"Oh, okay. Well, I should probably thank him for bringing me in." Luna responded, matter of factly.

The maid swiftly turned and began heading towards the door in the massive room Luna found herself in and opened the door expectantly, "Yes, you probably should. If you feel that you can stand up, I'll bring you to his office now."

Luna hopped out of bed, and began heading for the door following behind the maid.

**The girl had zero reaction when I mentioned my Lord's name. Any normal commoner would have immediately panicked. But this girl, it's as if she has no idea who my lord is.** The maid couldn't help but question this, as she waited for Luna to catch up.

As Luna and the maid walked through the massive hallway of golds, and reds, she couldn't help but stare in awe at the beauty of the architecture around her. Massive pillars rose up to brace the ceiling, crystalline chandeliers hung from the ceiling reflecting the light around them in a myriad of colors.

As Luna explored her surroundings with her gaze, she occasionally noticed a maid or two, and a butler here and there staring at her nervously. Sometimes they muttered, but none of them ever met her eyes before returning back to their work.

As the two continued walking down the hall, voices could be heard shouted from behind two massive intricate doors. One of the voices belonged to the red haired girl, the other to a man Luna assumed was the Duke.

"...Telling you... She... me, Elder Sister!..."

"Doesn't... it... so..."

"Her... is pink!...

"Figure... this out...!"

Before the maid could knock on the door interrupting the argument, the red haired girl blew the door open as she stormed out. The girl paused for a moment, to look at Luna before she huffed and continued storming off down the hall.

"You can come in, now." A rough voice broke through the stiff atmosphere of the storming redhead.

Luna and the maid entered the large office. Like the rest of the mansion, the office was heavily detailed in golds and reds. It had large open windows that let in large amounts of sunlight causing the room to glitter elegantly.

"I apologize for my daughter, Raiza's behavior earlier, please take a seat." The Duke rubbed his eyes and gestured with his other hand at the chair in front of Luna.

"Oh, that's right. My name is Wulfeas Solei. What's yours, young lady?"

"My name is Luna," Luna plopped in the chair, her legs dangled as she got comfortable.

The Duke stared holes into Luna before muttering, "Your hair really is pink..." The Duke then shifted his attention to the maid, "You washed her hair, correct?"

The maid bowed gently before responding. "Yes, my Lord. Her hair is legitimate."

Ignoring that the maid washed her body while she was sleeping, Luna decided instead to ask the question that had been burning inside her mind.

"Why is it so important that my hair is pink?"

The Duke shifted clearly thinking his next words carefully. As he shifted, Luna couldn't help but notice that the Duke was a large man whose royal outfit could barely hide his muscular frame. He had a large red beard, and long fiery hair tied back in a ponytail. It didn't take a genius to figure it out: This man was a warrior, through-in-through.

The Duke finally let out a sigh. "Red hair is a trait that only flows through the veins of house Solei. Your pink hair could be considered a shade of red, making you a member of my house. Since you apparently called my daughter 'Elder Sister' she's convinced you're my illegitimate child."

Luna thought for a moment. "Elder Sister? I never called anyone that."

Suddenly, the Duke's eyes went wide, "You..didn't call her Elder Sister?"

The Duke then muttered to himself, "Did Raiza really just imagine it?"

The Duke rubbed his large bushy red eyebrows again, **I knew I had no other child, I figured that this girl was at least a commoner using hair dye to trick her way into the family's money. But, even she flat out refuses it. So why is she here? Is this really just a misunderstanding? Or could she be a house Lindir spy?...**

Suddenly, the Duke began staring at Luna. **This girl's presence... I didn't notice it earlier because I was worked up, but she barely has anything to her. To be honest, staring at her kind of makes me uneasy, like I want to instinctively look away from her. Could this be... concealment magic?**

Just as suddenly as he began staring, the Duke suddenly shot up and rushed over to Luna pressing his pointer and index finger into Luna's forehead.

"Release!" The Duke yelled, and Luna felt a rush of energy blast through her.

Luna blinked twice in confusion. "Um, Mr. Duke?"

The Duke snorted, and began tugging at his beard. "My apologies Miss Luna, it seems I had the wrong idea."

**So, it's not concealment magic... Her hair really is pink so she's not a house Lindir spy, she's not my child and she's not my brother's child. So how... Unless, that idiot brother of mine is the one who's been fooling around?**

The Duke suddenly stopped tugging at his beard, "Young lady, how old are you?"

"Five or six years old. I think. To be honest, I can't really remember anything other than my name." Luna shuffled in her seat uncomfortably.

"Is that so?" The Duke mumbled, before turning to the maid again. "Do you think she's old enough to have a Blade, yet?"

"It's a little too early for that my Lord, but it is possible."

Luna cocked her head sideways. "Blade? What's that?"

The Duke suddenly burst into a fit of laughter, "A Blade! You don't know?! You really must've lost all your memories, young lady."

Ahem. The Duke calmed himself. "Let me explain."

The Duke held out his hand, "Ignite, Flammenlöwe!"

Suddenly, the whole office felt like an oven. The air crackled with embers and magical energy. Luna could feel the heat pour into her lungs as she breathed in the air around her. The flames that shot around the room condensed and settled into the shape of a large bastard sword, its edges shifted and licked like fire but it never broke the overall shape. The Duke grasped the fire sword, and let out a full-hearted laugh.

"This! This is what is called a 'Blade.' All bloodlines of the royal houses can produce a Blade by making a contract with a spirit."

Luna's eyes grew wide with excitement as she shot out of her chair. "That's so cool!"

Luna could hear the maid behind her sigh and mutter, "She might actually be his child, those battle maniacs." But Luna ignored her and focused on the fire sword in front of her.

"The Duke let out a wide-smile, "Haha! You like what you see? House Solei gets fire Blades through the blessings of the Fire Spirit, Pyroth. There are others as well, such as house Lindir that uses ice Blades and House Almini specializes in wind Blades!"

The Duke's sword suddenly disappeared, and with it the heat. "So little lady. You want one for yourself?"

The stars in Luna's eyes only grew brighter. Luna began to hop up and down in circles in excitement, "You mean I can do that too!?"

The Duke put his hands on his hips. "If that hair of yours is really an indicator that you're a Solei, then yes, absolutely!"

"I will contact Father Augustus of the local Allora church, to begin preparations for the Contract ceremony. Since it's a personal request from you my Lord I'm sure Father Augustus will be here by tomorrow." The maid bowed, and opened the door.

The Duke thanked the maid and smiled at Luna, "It's getting late, it would probably be best if you head off to your room and try to get some more sleep. You've got a big day ahead of you."

With that, Luna followed the maid outside the room, and shut the door leaving the Duke to his thoughts.

The Duke let out an audible sigh and slumped into his chair. The Duke glanced over at the framed picture sitting on his desk. In the picture stood three figures smiling away. The Duke, Raiza when she was seven, smiling openly proud of her missing tooth. The Duke picked up the picture and rubbed the place of the third figure. His late wife.

Her soft white hair flowed down past her shoulders. His wife's smile shined brightly, warming the hearts of anyone around her. He remembered her gentle nature, yet when she became excited, she was a force to be reckoned with.

The Duke held back burning tears forming in his eyes, "Oh, Milly. I miss you so much. That Luna girl, she can't be your child. So why? Why does she remind me of you so much?"


Luna was sleeping peacefully, dreaming of gentle things. Excited for tomorrow, the day she'll get her own Blade. Even in her dreams, she couldn't believe she'd get something so cool, after nearly getting trampled by a horse just a day prior.

Suddenly, the door slammed open, jolting Luna awake.

"Wake up!" Raiza's voice shot into the room.

Luna barely had any time to ready herself when suddenly Raiza grasped Luna by the cheeks.

"Why did you tell Father, you never called me Elder sister!?" Raiza whined.

Luna began rubbing the sleepies out of her eyes, "W-What are you talking about Miss Raiza? I never called you that."

Raiza pushed Luna's cheeks together even harder, "Yes, you did! Right before you passed out! Don't tell me you've forgotten?"

"Ow! Ow! Ow! I seriously don't know what you're talking about, Miss Raiza. I passed out right after meeting you."

Raiza let go of Luna and sighed loudly. "Aw man, and here I was thinking that father of mine went and found love again after mother's death. I really wanted a little sister too. Maybe I really just misheard?"

Luna rubbed her throbbing cheeks.

Raiza began walking out the door and waved the back of her hand at Luna, "Hurry up and get dressed! Father Augustus will be here soon to find out if you really are a Solei."

Luna did as she was told and quickly got dressed, shortly after a bunch of maids came out of the kitchen and began presenting everyone with a variety of extravagant breakfast dishes. Luna happily munched on her pancakes smothered in honey and gulped down the tall glass of milk sweetened with nectar.

After breakfast, a carriage arrived at the mansion's front gate and was swiftly granted access into the inner courtyard. After stopping in front of the mansion's doors, two figures stepped out of the carriage. One of them, Augustus, was a wrinkled balding man with a mustache that covered his whole mouth. Luna wasn't quite sure how he ate without getting his mustache all messy. The other figure was a kind looking woman wearing a white and blue robe outfit laced with gold. Her glasses perched on her nose, softly. The holy double cross symbol of Allora adorned the metal crest plate that sat atop the nun's coif.

Luna excitedly greeted the priest and priestess alongside the others.

The priest looked down at Luna gently and smiled. "Well hello there little lady. I hear you're looking to make a contract with a spirit. You must be pretty brave. How old are you?"

Luna looked at the man, and answered obediently, wanting to hurry up with the ritual already. "I'm five or six."

The priest hummed for a second and scratched the side of his head, "That's little young. Normally, contracts are made at the age of ten."

"Don't worry father, if anything goes wrong I'll be sure to cast a protection spell and pull her from the contract." The priestess piped up.

"I see..." The priest muttered in thought, "very well then."

In a matter of hours, the preparations for the contract ceremony had been set up. Luna laid on a silk mat adorned in gold, her hands clasped together in prayer. All around her sat seven unlit candles. The Duke, Raiza, the maid and many other workers in the mansion came to watch the ceremony. Though, occasionally, the maid would sometimes bark orders at the others.

As Luna laid on the silk mat, her hands clasped together, she could hear the priest begin to chant.

"Oh, Allora and thy bountiful grace. Oh, goddess of light, Queen of the Spirits! Please come to me, your humble servant and guide your will into the blood of this child! Bring forth the essence you laid unto us! Bring forth the patron spirit of this child, so that she may be blessed eternally in your joyous light!"

All around them, a soft glow began to overtake the room. The priest's holy book shined brightly, and hovered in place as scripture wrapped around the ceremony in holy light. Luna's body glowed softly, as the priest's scripture came to an end.

"Now then! Allora, show us, your faithful servants. Present to us the color of her patron Spirit in the flames of these candles!" The priest yelled, as the soft glow shone into a brilliant golden light.

The priest smiled to the others, "we're nearing the end of the ceremony. Her candles should be lit soon. It seems we've had another successful cere-"

The priest suddenly blasted back a few feet knocking into the priestess as she tumbled onto the ground, her glasses falling to the floor. The golden glow of the scripture began to turn into a sickly black and green before shifting and taking the shape of black and green butterflies that fluttered past them all in a monstrous swarm. The holy book continued to hover in place, but its once holy light now black and green, slushed out of it like thick slime.

"Priest! What is the meaning of this!?" The Duke yelled in shock.

"I- I don't know! I've never seen anything like this before!" The priest stammered, as he helped the priestess back up to her feet.


Luna drifted peacefully as the priest's scripture slowly faded out into the distance. When Luna opened her eyes, she was in an empty white space.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Luna called out.

Luna wandered around for a bit before realizing she truly was going nowhere.


Luna was about to call it quits, when she caught it. Ever so slightly, she saw a faint orange glow drift past her in the non-existent wind. She almost missed it. A tiny, insignificant little ember. After moving her hand up to grasp it, the ember floated lightly in her hand. Without stopping to think even for a second, Luna ripped a piece of her dress off and fed it to the ember.

Immediately, the dress strip caught flame. The flame grew in Luna's hand, larger and larger until it was too big to carry. The flaming torrent floated away from Luna, finally settling in front of her. Suddenly, the flames burst away revealing a fire haired warrior with four arms. From each of his wrists fire flowed out wildly.

"I am Pyroth, the Fire Spirit. You have nurtured my flame, child of Solei."

Pyroth then stretched out all four of his arms, as a ball of fire hotter than the sun itself erupted in the center of Pyroth's four hands. The ball shifted and morphed, into the shape of a long thin blade.

Pyroth continued. "With my power, I will forge for you your Blade. It is a part of me, just as it is a part of you. You must nurture it, and it will grow alongside you. I trust that it will serve you well. Its name shall be-"

But Luna never learned her Blade's name. The Fire Spirit known as Pyroth froze in gray, as a swarm of black and green butterflies fluttered around Luna.

"What is this?" Luna shouted.

Suddenly, a soft voice called out from behind Luna. "I'm sorry Luna, but I'm going to have to stop you here."

Luna spun around, and watched as a figure she couldn't quite make out approached her. The figure looked like a girl, but her existence morphed and changed with the swarm of butterflies. When the Butterflies broke apart, the girl broke up with them. When they were together, the girl flowed back together as if she was always there. As the girl easily stepped past Luna and approached the Spirit, Luna felt in the deepest depths of her core that there was nothing she could do to stop this. The thing in front of her, was an unstoppable force barreling towards it's destiny. The thing was simply a force of nature.

The butterfly girl reached out towards the spirit, and then balled her hand into a fist. Pyroth shattered into an infinite number of pieces, reducing it to nothing, as if it was never even there to begin with. The girl spun around, having completed her objective and smiled at Luna.

"Now, now. Luna. There's no need to look so sad. I am only completing your end of the contract. It was truly delicious. Thank you."

Luna watched as she began to approach her. Dread began to fill the inner depths of her heart. She was certain the butterfly girl was going to shatter her next.

Luna stumbled backwards, pushing herself away from her. "S-stay away from me!"

It was useless of course, she was upon Luna in seconds. She grasped the back of Luna's head and pulled her in for a tight hug. Luna felt like she couldn't breath, as the girl began to hum gently into her ear.

Finally, she pulled away from Luna. "It's okay. I'm not here to hurt you. You've given me quite the treat after all. Now, it's time that I uphold my end of the contract."

The butterfly girl then gently caressed Luna's cheek, butterflies landing softly on Luna and fluttering all round her. She then leaned in and kissed Luna's forehead.


Flames shot everywhere, but it was pointless. No matter how many of the butterflies they cut down, thousands more simply replaced them. Raiza and the Duke huffed with exhaustion. Suddenly though, just as it had begun, the butterflies vanished into nothingness as Luna laid gently on silk cloth.

As the group sorted themselves out, the priest handed the priestess her now broken glasses.

"It doesn't seem like anyone got hurt," the Duke huffed."

Luna began to stir and slowly sat up. "What happened? Did I get my Blade?"

As Luna looked around, she noticed the serious atmosphere around her, "Um... Is everything okay?"

"Luna, do you remember anything since we started the ritual?" Raiza asked.

Luna paused for a moment thinking, "Not really. I remember laying down and drifting off to sleep. But nothing after that. Why? Did something happen? Am I not getting a Blade?"

Raiza opened her mouth to respond, but the Duke cut her off. "No, you didn't. The ceremony was a failure. You are no Solei, and I want you out by sunset."

Raiza looked up at her father angrily, and shouted. "Father!"

"I see..." Luna looked down, a feeling of empty sadness began to burn her eyes. Tears dripped onto her lap.

Not missing a beat, the Duke spun around and began to take his leave towards his office. Raiza followed close behind, shouting.

Luna sniffled, "So, what happens to me next?"

Father Augustus shuffled up next to Luna and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, there's a local orphanage nearby and I'm sure you'll-"

"Absolutely not." Father Augustus and Luna both looked at the priestess who was clutching her glasses.

Father Augustus raised an eyebrow, "Abigail, if this is about your glasses, I can get you a new pair. That's no reason to abandon a child."

Suddenly, Abigail dropped the glasses and crushed them with her heel. "No. We aren't taking her to an orphanage, we're taking her to the High priest in the capital. This isn't about the glasses." Abigail waved her hand in front of her face. "Father, I don't need them anymore. I can see again."


It had been about a week since Luna had left towards the capital city of Edronta with Abigail. Father Augustus stayed behind in the local church to continue running it's operation. Luna stretched her legs as best she could in the cramped carriage and sighed.

"Bored?" Abigail asked with a slight grin on her face.

"Yes, I am! We've been traveling forever! Are we there yet!?" Luna rocked back and forth, in childish revolt of her cramped surroundings.

Abigail laughed, "Yes. Look outside. We should be entering the capital now."

Luna shot up and quickly shifted the carriage curtains to the side and pressed her face into the cool glass of the window. "Wow!" Massive towers and walls surrounded everything, people moved in and out, up and down, through roads and alleyways.

As Luna looked around she saw merchants, and travelers. Rows of knights marched, and some trained off in the distance.

After some time, the carriage stopped and Abigail and Luna hopped out of the carriage. Luna couldn't help but stare at the imposing and elegant architecture of the monastery. As Luna stared, she felt a light bop on the back of her head.

"Starting today, you're a priestess in training. Priestesses don't stare absent mindedly." Abigail crossed her arms and chuckled. "But it's good to appreciate the beauty of Allora."

The two walked up the steps of the monastery. As they approached, a priestess that was outside sweeping noticed them and began opening the gates. As she did, she shouted inside, "Everyone get ready! The head priestess is back!"

Finally, the two reached the doorway, Luna first noticed the rows of priestesses and priests all dressed in white and blue robes. "Welcome back, head priestess." The rows of clergymen bowed in prayer as the two entered.

Next, Luna noticed just how big the monastery was. It almost rivaled the size of the Duke's mansion. In the back, sat a large gold and blue altar with a double cross cut into marble positioned for all to see.

Finally, a handsome looking man in white and gold robes, with blond hair and piercing blue eyes gracefully approached Abigail and Luna. Luna almost didn't notice the small boy tailing behind the man, clutching onto his robe.

"So this is the famous Luna, I've heard so much about." The tall blond man smiled gently at Luna, and patted her head. My name is Jedri, I'm the High priest and the head of the Church of Allora."

Luna's eyes got wide, and quickly did a small bow, placing her hands in a praying position. "Hello, High Father. It's nice to meet you."

Jedri laughed. "Abigail has been teaching even on the way here, I see!" Jedri cleared his throat, and shifted to the side, "this is my son, Joshua. He's around your age, and is in training too. I hope you two become good friends."

The shy boy suddenly stepped out from behind his father's robes. His face flushed a bright red as he clutched onto his own robes. "Hi, um. My name is Joshua. It's nice to meet you. I've got some toys in my room, if you want to see."

"Hi, Joshua! My name is Luna. I just started training a few days ago. It's nice to meet you too!" Luna then laughed softly, "And yeah, I'd love to see your toys!"

Joshua's face flushed even redder, before he turned around and ran forward. "My room is this way!"

"Wait up! Luna laughed as she stepped forward to chase after him, before pausing to look up at Abigail.

Abigail smiled, and nodded towards Joshua's direction, prompting Luna to run off.

"Wow, you've certainly taught her well!" Jedri chuckled softly.

Abigail laughed softly as well, "Of course, High Father. All of my students are taught well."

Suddenly, the smile slipped from Jedri's face, before he turned around and begun walking. "Walk with me Abigail."

"You're not wearing your glasses, so you've really been healed?" Jedri furrowed his brow slightly. "I almost couldn't believe it when I first heard it. Then the Duke of Solei messaged me."

"The Duke of Solei?"

"Yes, he messaged me while you two were on your way here. An old war wound of his, that left him with a limp. It was completely gone. It terrified him."

Abigail raised an eyebrow, "It terrified him? I don't understand. Isn't healing from a wound a good thing?

Jedri brushed his hand through his hair, and sighed. "Normally, yes. But here's the catch, it wasn't just the wound that was gone. The trauma and the experience, it all vanished in an instant. Erased from his mind. Perfect healing. Too perfect."

"In the name of the Goddess!" Abigail stammered.

"Exactly, as we all know healing magic doesn't exist in this world. Or at least it didn't until now." Jedri rubbed his brow.

"So, what do you think we should do?" Abigail asked in a hushed whisper. "She's the only true healer in the whole world!"

Jedri, rubbed his chin in thought and then looked at Abigail and responded in a hushed tone. "I've been thinking about this since I first learned about the incident. First off all, we need to train her to control her powers, to only heal what is necessary. When the time is right, we'll declare when she's of debutante age that she's a holy Saintess chosen by Allora. Secondly, we need to introduce her power into the bloodline of the church. Which is why I introduced Joshua to her. Luckily, it seems he's already smitten with her."

Abigail smiled softly, "you've always been a clever man HighFather. What you say makes sense. If we declare her a Saintess, piety and donations could increase a hundred fold over night. This could fund our research into *that* indefinitely. Introducing her power into the bloodline, will prevent us from losing our grip on it, even in the event she refuses to or *can't* cooperate. This is brilliant."

Jedri laughed and smiled a brilliant smile, anyone would swoon for. "Things are about to get lively around here."