
Hours of Life

A story of the life of Katsuki Yaku, a depressed and rejected boy who has seen nothing but suffering. A boy who wishes to die than anything else. A boy who wants to hold onto another light of hope or take such hope from everyone around him. Will he change or die regretting every moment of his life in this unfair world.

Mr_CraftiPlayer · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 3 (Mei)

It's dead silent like its the day of justification. A different room, a different theme and a different but well expected turn of events. It is the mighty facility room.

While Yaku was practicing his self-defense on the troublemakers, someone called the homeroom teacher. Looking at the other students bleeding like they were thrown in the middle of a war, Yaku was held captive.

The air was tense, the beginning of interrogation was itself a question, but it was inevitable. Yaku was trying his hardest to not make an eye contact with the teacher while she was looking dead into his eyes.

"Don't make eye contact. Don't even do it out of curiosity. She is definitely glaring at you right now." is all he could think to motivate himself from not slacking.

"This reminds me of my middle school days, well I guess I have always been a problematic kid." he sigh. He sighs a little too loud. The teacher clicks her pen and takes a deep breath.

"This is the end for me, I have no regrets."

Yaku with all his courage finally looks at his teacher while being pressed by that deadly gaze.

She leans back and gets in a more comfortable position.

"So, what do you have to say for yourself?" she neutrally asked.

Panicking, Yaku declares

"It is not my fault, well not entirely. They asked for it."

The teacher suddenly stand, dominating the room and pushing Yaku to some severe nervousness.

"You think I don't know that!? I know what type of boys they are but that is not the issue here! The issue is....WHO THE HELL BEATS SOMEONE TO UNCONCIOUSNESS ON THE VERY FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL?!"

she breaks out.

Everyone in the room is silent and making sure they don't get caught up with this. She really put everyone in deep fear.

She sighs again and sits down.

"It is obvious that they are at fault and all but please don't get this reckless again. I am letting you go this time but yeah, don't overdo it."

It was a threat more than a warning.

"I will restrict myself from such actions so let me go this time, your highness!" Yaku humbly says.

"You sure have a swift tongue. Anyway, you should go back to your class. A super cute girl is coming. I am making her sit with you but don't make any moves in my class."

"I shall obey you obediently!"

Yaku leaves the facility room in a gentle way with a smile.

That smile wasn't a fake one. The only type of people Yaku love talking to are middle aged married people. They are loyal to their partners so they never think of interior motives. They are mature, they are fun to talk.

Yaku walks straight to his classroom as ordered. The distance between the two rooms is kind of long so it takes around 2 minutes to travel.

"Why can't everyone be like them. Old people are so fun. Oop, if I called her old she probably will get mad. I really really wanna be in good terms with her. I am so glad she's my teacher, it gives me some motivation to study before I get 'accidently' killed."

After a quick walk, he is now infront of his classroom. He slide opens the door and all the attentions I drawn towards him.

It was natural as to what just happened. They were all standing and staring in fear. The ones who sat with him dragged their seats away from him. But lucky for him, it is exactly what he wanted. No interactions.

He silently goes and sits on his bench and takes out a book from his bag. It is a mystery novel. Yaku loves reading after-all.

Another sound of the door sliding is heard. It takes Yaku's attention and now like everyone else, he is staring as to who comes out.

First his teacher comes out, this pleases Yaku as its the same teacher he just got scolded from.

"Man, I will so enjoy this class."

She takes on the board and hits a duster to gain attention of the students.

"Now now, sit down you all. I am your homeroom teacher, Akane Hayashui. And today we also have a transfer student."

She looks at the door and says "Come in, Mei."

At that very moment, the memory of the last few months, they all hit Yaku at once. That name, that name alone caused him an emotional breakdown.

His eyes were wide but face down. He was hoping for just one thing, that it is not the same Mei. His heart was beating faster and faster. That suspense. It was fear it really was. The fear of getting killed emotionally again.

The door once more opened. He had no choice but to face it. He had no choice.

The sound of the footsteps became more constant until it stopped. Everyone was looking at her, as she was a beauty. A cold beauty.

And right after that, the sound that made Yaku's each emotion tremble. It was the same voice. It was the voice he thought he forgot. But it still haunted him. And now that has come to hunt him again.

"I am Mei Chiro, I hope we can get along well."

"Good, now you can sit..."

Miss Akane takes a quick look around and sees Yaku in the most terrible state. She gets the main idea of what it might be so she does what a good and honorable respected adult would do.

"Mei you can sit next to that guy." she says as she points towards Yaku.

Mei and Yaku make an eye contact. Both in a dismay.

Mei looks at Miss Akane in confusion and complains

"With all due respect miss, can I sit somewhere else?"

Miss Akane looks at her with a smirk.

"Your request is rejected. You reap what you sow. I can assume that the super depressing air around him is your doing so you will be held responsible. I am not forcing you to talk to him, just go and sit beside him."

Mei, with no further argument, goes and sits beside him.

"What is she thinking?"

"What is she thinking?"

"Like hell I can feel comfortable around him."

"Like hell I can feel comfortable around her.....or is what I would have normally cared about. I will use this as an opportunity. I will destroy her. It is definitely a sign. Perhaps, I should really take revenge on her afterall."