
Hours of Life

A story of the life of Katsuki Yaku, a depressed and rejected boy who has seen nothing but suffering. A boy who wishes to die than anything else. A boy who wants to hold onto another light of hope or take such hope from everyone around him. Will he change or die regretting every moment of his life in this unfair world.

Mr_CraftiPlayer · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 2 (Trouble)

Yaku safely crossed the road but in disappointment. It might be suicide but for him, it was a good chance to end it all.

"Tch, these kind people, they are everywhere. There was a time when I was one of them. But these kind people are the most targeted people. In that end, no one remembers their kindness. The mind of a human is too messed up. If he's having negative feelings for someone then they would only look at their flaws and forget all about the kindness. So this makes everything you do for a person useless no matter how good willed you were. Such naive people, I pity them." he mumbles as he walks his way to his school.

After just a few minutes he gets to his school's entrance. He gazes at the building and the grounds as he walks to the building entrance.

The school was noisy as it naturally should be. There were seniors running on the track field and some playing baseball and soccer on other grounds.

This super positive and noisy environment was nothing but a nuisance for Yaku.

A young couple passing by caught his eyes. He stared at them from a distance. Those smiles and clinginess. It all reminded him of the person who he now despises the most.

"We could be like this too. We could be normal too. This, I hate this. I'm envious and it's killing me." he says I'm a soft itchy voice.

He keeps on staring them and it proves useful.

Something so unexpected happens that it makes Yaku burst out in laughter.

"Pathetic humans!" he laughs.

The couple he was looking at passed by a guy who secretly gave the girl a small piece of paper. What else could it be but a meeting address.

Everyone is staring at Yaku as he laughs at the couple. Soon they too notice and the guy approaches Yaku and holds him by his collar.

"What are you laughing at junior!?" he asks Yaku in a high tone.

Yaku looks away from the guy with an expression shouting out "You're such a pain."

He points at the guy's girlfriend and says

"Why don't you look what's in her hand?"

The girl upon hearing this makes the most suspicious action by hiding her hand behind her back. That was by no doubt an action of an idiot.

It got her bf's attention so he let goes of Yaku and heads for his girl.

"So irritating." Yaku says and just walks inside without seeing what happens after. But it was obvious already

After the entrance ceremony, he heads to his classroom and sits on his respective seat, putting his head down to give off the idea of unapproachable.

He made lots of friends in middle school as he was talkative but all they ever did was disappoint him but this time, he didn't plan on having friends, he just wants to attend the school. Nothing else. Nothing more.

While he was trying to dooz off, someone tapped on his head. It was a sort of similar touch like he felt it before. A kind touch. Like of the girl he met at the traffic light.

He looks up and finds a recognizable figure and a voice saying

"You're that super suicidal person I saved earlier right?"

That soft voice, enough to make anyone fall in love with her. The sort of aura she was giving off, the type everyone loves. That sweet and kind attention. Everything about her on surface could be judged by the way she talked. A perfect girl by both looks and personality.

"Yes, I am that super active guy. You need something?" he replies.

She smiles. The type of smile that was familiar to Yaku in many ways. He could feel it. He could feel everything about it. A smile for the perfect disguise.

He looks her in the eyes as deep as possible and smirks.

"Must be hard for you to keep this on." he says.

The girl's face went blank. Her emotions were drowned. It was as if her all secrets were exposed by a single phrase.

She knows. She knows she's been seen through so she changes the subject.

"Uhhh, so what's your name? I'm Amaya Hamiko!"

Yaku sighs. He already knows what's happening here so he just plays along.

"Katsuki Yaku." is all be says.

"That's a nice name, can I call you Yaku?" she asks with the brightest smile.

Yaku looks at her in confusion.

"She's...an idiot. It's clear as day that she's trying to manipulate me too. She's aware that I've seen her through then why. Well thinking about it won't do any good so I'll just play along."

"You can call me whatever you want." he replies in an itchy voice.

After hearing the reply, she just walks away normally. Interactions were taking place. Interactions be never wanted. Everyone around him were making friends with each other. In no time someone would come up to him. He had to ruin his status somehow.

Just while he was thinking how, a group of 4 guys walked up to him. He looked at them. It was clear they weren't here for any sort of formalities. The girl who he exposed earlier was with them. They were asking for nothing but trouble.

One of them grabbed Yaku by his arm and whispered in his ear

"You really think you can get away? You made a huge mistake junior. Now you'll pay for it."

He grabbed Yaku by his head and slammed it on his table.

Yaku stays at that position for a few seconds and then grabs the guy's hand and gets up.

"A perfect opportunity to taunt my presentative."

He then looks at the guy and gives off a calm smile before punching him on his guts, making him fall unconscious because of the pain.

"I hope I can get away with it by the excuse of self defense."

Another guy tries to land a punch on Yaku but he quickly grabs his head and smashes it on his table.

He too falls on the ground.

Now there were just two remaining, they looked traumatized. Their hands were shaking and eyes were wide open. Confused by the situation, they ask Yaku

"What sort of monster are you!?"

Yaku gives off a scary smirk and looks into their eyes, replies

"Come and find out yourself."