

Personal Bubble Invaded

"Is there another guy? Who is he? I'll duel him to the death for your heart, my fair lady." The guy joked and put his fists up, showing up his biceps.

Micah laughed like she was choking on her own saliva but I was not amused. I jumped to my feet at the sound of his voice and glared at him.

"How did you get in?"

He shrugged and plopped down next to Micah on the sofa, effectively taking my seat. I pursed my lips.

"I used the key hanging from your lock. Micah told me to come by." He said winking at Micah who giggled and looked away blushing.

Oh! So now he remembers her name, just in time to charm her but when we spoke earlier he just referred to her as some chick. I was despising him more and more by the minute.

"So doorbells are just not your style?" I snapped.

He looked at me through his dark eyelashes. "Maybe I like scaring pretty girls."

I scoffed. "What a hammer murderer thing to say." I said snottily and caught a smile creeping on his lips. "Besides, you didn't scare us."

"Are you kidding? Dawn, you jumped up from that sofa like a rocket." Micah laughed.

Where's that famous family loved I've heard so much about? Wasn't she supposed to be the person to defend me, not make fun of me?

The guy turned to look at me. "That's your name? Dawn?" He asked.

"And smart he is, too." I said harshly.

I hadn't been to keep on even having Micah over for the weekend I had been planning to spend studying and now I had to deal with this clown, too?

Had the universe just decided that life had been to easy for me so far and figured it was about time to throw some obstacles in my way?

My new neighbor easily dodged the insult. "It's pretty." He just said and I had to forced myself to not fall under the spell of those electric brown eyes when he stared at me.

I was not the kind of girl to have to worry about things like that. Guess I was just sleep deprived because the way this guy influenced me was just pathetic.

I've seen guys before. Why was he so special? Why was it so hard for me to tear my eyes away from him?

"Whatever!" I sighed and walked into my bedroom.

I didn't fee like watching the guy next door and my cousin start to get to know one another better. I had a feeling that it would involve a lot of flirting and giggling. I feel on my bed and closed my eyes. I had so much to do and no peace whatsoever to do anything.

The next thing I knew someone was shaking me awake.

"Come on Dawn, wake up. The pizza your cousin ordered and you paid for is here. If you won't opened those eyes I'll eat it all and I don't think you want that." My new neighbor's voice called me back to reality.

I pretend to be asleep even though the thought of pizza made me swoon. I waited for the guy to leave. I counted to hundred in my head just to make sure that he'd be gone and opened my eyes.

"I knew you were faking it." I heard him say a lot closer to me than I had expected which made me jolt upwards.

I nearly hit my head on his chin but unfortunately he managed to slip away just in time.

I scowled at him,my anger fueled by my embarassment at being caught doing something so childish.

"Listen, 5A. I think it's about time you weasel back to your own home." I snapped as I stood up.

"Why not just admit that you want me...here?" He asked with a sly wink.

I nearly choked when I heard that. How could someone be so overconfident in their own good looks? I'm not gonna lie, he was breathtaking but his attitude ruined it, atleast for me. I could never want someone with as terrible personality as his.

I looked at him straight in the eyes and replied calmly. "No."

"No." He repeated like he had never heard the word before. Maybe he hadn't.

If he hadn't, I was seriously starting to worry for the state of this country. No one is so hot that their rude personally doesn't matter. Not even this guy. "Not even a little bit?"

He took a step in my direction and I took one backwards. That of course was a terrible strategy because I soon found myself to be backed against a wall.

I used always make fun of girls in romance novels who's accidentally cornered themselves but damn it! Sometimes your feet just forget the situation you're in and retreat right into a trap.

His smirk deepened when he noticed the same thing. He got even closer and I could feel him breathing on me, his breath smelled faintly like cigarettes and mint.

Those brown eyes bored into mine and suddenly I felt oxygen deprivated. I was screaming at myself to push him away but I was so surprised by his nerve that I couldn't even move.

I finally managed to conjure up enough oxygen to breath out.

"You're invading my personal


He burst out laughing. He chuckled was a curious thing, it made him seen more like a human and not an angel.

"You what?" He asked but he didn't back off one bit.

I swallowed my embarrassment.

Stand your ground, Dawn.

"My personal bubble. You know how everyone has to have their own space? Like a little bubble around them? No, I'm guessing you don't know what it means to want one's space. Well, anyway your invading mine and I'd like you to take a step back." I rambled on.

"Is that right?" He whispered amused and leaned in even closer so that his face was only an inch away from mine.

I put my hands up on his rock hard abs and tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge. To be fair, I wasn't pushing that hard anyway because I was caught in a haze that consisted only of his brown eyes, smirks and minty breaths on my face.

In fact, my feeble attempt to break free seemed to only amuse him as he glanced down at me, my hands still very much on his abs and smirked.

"Why, aren't we grabby."

"Hey, Isaac, let's go!" My cousin thankfully called out then. So that was his name. Isaac?

He let out air from his lungs in a disappointed sigh.

"Maybe next time." Isaac smiled at me and leaned in even closer.

He was now so close that if I were to breathe out I'd end up kissing him so I held up my breath. My heart was beating so hard that it nearly jumped out of my chest and my brain was screaming for the oxygen I refused to retrieve.

In some way I was drowning, drowning because of him and the worst part was that it felt good.

His gazed dropped to my lips but then Micah yelled for him to go again so he groaned and pulled away from me for which I was grateful for.

I clearly couldn't think straight. I should have pushed him away the second he got too close and about personal bubbles. I mean, what the heck, Dawn!

"In your dreams." I called out after him.

It was a feeble attempt at maintaining my dignity. Why had I been so enchanted by him? I had kissed boys before. And he hadn't kissed me so why hadn't I just told him to leave me alone?

He chuckled. "Hopefully so." Isaac teased me before leaving as fast as he had done earlier and leaving me fuming just as he had done then, too.

I'm sensing a pattern here. And then I realized what his parting words had meant.

Yeah, um...no thanks, weirdo neighbor.