
Chapter 7


JUST WHEN I thought I'd convinced Kenton nothing was going on between Grant and me, the man shows up at my office. He was like a bad rash that wouldn't go away. I didn't have a problem with him, like I'd told Kenton, but I could see how this would be an issue.

"Just a moment," I called to Grant. "Do I look okay?" I asked Kenton. The last thing I needed was to look like something went down with a nurse in my office.

Kenton's nose flared and that's all the warning I got before his lips crashed to mine, searing me with the heat that simmered between us. But far sooner than I would have hoped, he pulled back and tucked a piece of hair behind my ears.

"You always look beautiful and perfect, but now you look like mine."

My heart fluttered at his declaration. I wasn't ready to tell him I felt the same way, but somewhere between the muffins and orgasms I'd fallen head over heels in love with Kenton Sacks.

With a quick check to my scrubs, I smoothed my pants and headed to the door. Opening it a bit, I smiled at Grant. "Hey, what's going on?"

"I just wanted to make sure everything was fine. It seemed like you and Sacks were... is that..." Grant trailed off as he reached up and ran his thumb over my skin by my lip, causing me to jump back.

"Ah-hem." Kenton cleared his throat behind us, and when I looked back, he had his arms crossed across his chest. "We going to have a problem, Doctor?"

Grant's eyes narrowed.

"Oh for crying out loud!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air. "I'm not a fire hydrant that all the dogs in the neighborhood want to piss on. Stop this already."

"He started it," Grant said with a bit of a pout.

"Grow up, man." Kenton was getting annoyed, and frankly I was too. This had to stop.

"Why don't we let Priscilla decide. You seem to be talking for her. The woman has her own mind. Let her use it."

"Pris and I are having a baby. That means she's not your concern. Got it?"

Grant's eyes widened at the bomb Kenton dropped. "That true?"

I half expected Kenton to jump in for me, but he stood there watching me, waiting for my answer. "Yes, we are."

"People get knocked up all the time. Doesn't mean they have to stay together," Grant responded.

Kenton growled at his comment, and I put a hand on his chest, stopping him from his advance.

"It wasn't a mistake, and I don't want to do this without him. So, thank you for checking to make sure I'm okay, but we're more than fine. We're great really."

Grant looked like he was about to respond when his pager when off, alerting him that he was needed. With a sigh he looked down, knocked on the door frame twice, and headed off toward the ER.

Suddenly my pager sounded too, and even if I wanted to continue my conversation with Kenton, I was out of luck. Duty called, and my conversation would have to wait.


HOURS LATER, I was exhausted and worn out, both physically and emotionally. A car accident had come into the ER, and we'd worked for hours to save everyone involved. Sadly, not everyone made it. It had been encoded in my DNA since early on in med school to be able to turn off my emotions, but the past week I found myself crying more than normal.

I tried to hold the tears back as I walked the halls. The shift change had happened hours ago, and it was already dark. I desperately needed a shower, food, and bed, not in any particular order. In fact, eating in the shower sounded good so I could get to bed quicker.


My head snapped up hearing Kenton's voice. He should have gone home long ago, but here he was, right in front of me.

"What's wrong?" The worry was etched all over his face, and seeing him in that state shredded the last bit of resolve I had. The tears started to fall unchecked down my face.

Kenton grabbed my hand and led me into the nearest supply closet. Sometimes doctors and nurses needed a moment of peace, and a nearby closet was a great place to find it. I didn't even have to time act before he had me wrapped up in his arms, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry."

Leave it to him to know why I'd been so upset. I'm sure he'd figured out where they called me off to and kept track of what had happened.

"It was so bad. I kept thinking if it was our child, I wouldn't be able to handle it. I couldn't come back from something like that."

"Pris, you won't ever experience that with me. I promise you that."

"You can't guarantee that," I protested. "Things happen."

"You and our baby are the most precious things in my life. I'm buying you a car with armor to protect you both."

I wanted to laugh at the silly idea that he'd do this, but what walls were left around my heart crumbled away at that moment.

"There's something I need to tell you," I said, wanting to declare my love for him.

Before a word came out of my mouth, Kenton leaned down and kissed me sweetly, licking my bottom lip. That small touch was enough to turn me into a horny mess. Maybe the adrenaline was still coursing through me, and now instead of crying, it made me want to fuck.

I moaned into his mouth and threaded my fingers through his hair, pulling him in and deepening the kiss.

"What'd you wanna tell me?" he asked against my lips.

"Later," I said, pushing a hand into his pants.

Before I knew what was happening, Kenton picked me up by the backs of the legs and turned us around, slamming my back against the door. His thick erection pressed between us, and I rubbed myself on him, like a teen dry humping for the first time. It was embarrassing, but I didn't care.

"Fuck, Pris, I can't take this anymore. You undo me."

"How 'bout you undo your pants and make us both happy."

My man didn't have to be told twice. Before I knew it, both our pants were out of the way, and his thick shaft was spearing me over and over, filling me.

"Yes, oh yes," I moaned. "I need you."

It didn't take much to have me coming apart. As soon as Kenton put his finger to my pleasure point, stars danced in my vision, and I came close to blacking out. I might have screamed too but his mouth covered mine, swallowing the noises escaping it.

I wasn't sure I could take any more, but he hadn't finished yet. I wouldn't get off and make Kenton walk around with a raging boner. It'd make everyone take notice for sure, him sporting that in his scrubs. So I clinched my legs around his waist and started to move myself up and down his shaft.

Kenton faltered and then stumbled backward, hitting the shelves behind him. I slowed, but when he put his hands under my ass to spur me on, I doubled my efforts. There, in that supply closet with catheters raining down on us, I knew our lives would never be boring.