
Fierce battle (2)

This time, luck is really good enough. When Zhao Zhu and Fan Pian returned from the wild to the human activity area, they did not encounter mutants or other dinosaurs. However, when they came to an inconspicuous place When Fan Pian took out the package that had been hidden by himself in the garden, both of them were dumbfounded.

Everything else was fine, and some of the reagent tubes were intact. However, the two dinosaur eggs that Fan Pian had promised were only left with a broken eggshell, and the contents of the eggshell had disappeared without a trace.

Zhao Zhu's observation was also very subtle. He didn't think that Fan Pian was playing tricks on himself, because he clearly found that the broken eggshell did not mean that the little dinosaur inside was born, but was eaten because of the egg. Now, although Fan Pian has a criminal record of eating that mutant flesh, Zhao Zhu still doesn't think Fan Pian will take out a dinosaur egg in advance and eat a dinosaur egg here like an egg.

"Hey... It's a bit of a joke now, what kind of egg did I take out." Fan Pian also smashed his mouth and pointed at the broken eggshell: "One of the eggs disappeared, and Some traces of egg whites were left inside the package, because the person who ate the egg ate before the package was opened, which is what was in the package. What I stole was two eggs, and now there are only two eggs left. Laying a broken egg means..."

"One egg, eat another egg?" Zhao Zhu said.

"Uh... Although it's a bit ridiculous, according to the clues, it's true."

"Okay, let's not think about where the egg went. The original egg is gone now, so we have to go to that laboratory again."

"We still have to face the danger that should be encountered." Fan Pian shook his head in annoyance, "I knew earlier that I wouldn't take out the egg that was isolated and cultivated, it should be that egg. ghost."

"Let's go, go to the laboratory."

Zhao Zhu and Fan Pian had no choice but to continue to move towards the laboratory. The two walked cautiously, because the danger factor of this island was constantly rising. First, the mutants escaped from the place where they were originally detained. Now It is because the intelligence of mutants is constantly upgrading.


When Zhao Zhu and Fan Pian came to the door of the laboratory building, a figure was thrown directly from the building and fell into the fountain on one side, causing a splash of water.


Immediately afterwards, a low roar came from the pool, and a mutant with a dragon head and a human body climbed out of the fountain pool. It originally planned to rush back into the building to fight, but it suddenly turned its head and saw the man standing beside him. Zhao Zhu and Fan Pian, with its long tongue sticking out of its mouth, almost licked its entire face, and then charged towards Zhao Zhu and Fan Pian excitedly.

This is an innocent disaster, it is really an innocent disaster, but when the mutants rushed towards him, whether it was Zhao Zhu or Fan Pian, there was no other way but to choose to deal with it.

Zhao Zhu's willpower was motivated, and he slammed into the mutant's ankle. After that, the mutant fell to the ground. Zhao Zhu also stumbled and almost fell to the ground, just because the mutant's body's explosive force was too strong. When Zhao Zhu's mind force acts on him, he is naturally reacted by the force on his body. After all, the effect of force is mutual.

However, in terms of body flexibility, the mutants have a huge advantage. I saw that their entire spine was almost bent to 90 degrees, and they stood up straight in this way. When Zhao Zhu stood up, The mutant had come to Zhao Zhu, he grabbed Zhao Zhu's neck with one hand, Zhao Zhu also grabbed the mutant's arm with both hands, and exerted all his strength, Zhao Zhu's strength was definitely not mutant It's that big, but it's not too different. After all, Zhao Zhu was able to overwhelm even a zombie to the ground at the beginning. This time, the two sides were so deadlocked.

Fan Pian seized the opportunity at this time, holding two reagent bottles in both hands, he rushed over directly, and smashed at the faucet of the mutant. The two bottles of reagent bottles hit the faucet and shattered, and the liquid inside splashed into the mutant. On the person's head, when the two liquids touched, a terrifying corrosive new liquid formed. The mutant let out a scream, throwing Zhao Zhu away, and then the whole person jumped into the fountain pool again.

Zhao Zhu fell to the ground, coughed and stood up again, while Fan Pian was holding several more bottles of reagents, as if he planned to rush over and melt the mutant directly. Zhao Zhu knew these reagents, he should have It is the combination of several acidic solutions that becomes a more corrosive solution. For example, the combination of hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid will become a more terrifying aqua regia. This fan can create a vigilant bomb and knows how to mix this solution. Reagent, if nothing else, should be a terrible chemical lunatic in the real world, and extremely smart.

It's just that when smart people have bad luck, the mutant who was cleaning himself like crazy in the pool water suddenly burst open, and a sharp tail suddenly grew out, which just turned into a A spear stabbed Fan Pian's lower abdomen directly, and pierced through it instantly, and then his tail lifted up, pulling Fan Pian's whole body to the sky along the way.

"Ohh Ohh ohh..."

At this moment, Fan Pian was speechless, on the one hand because of the severe pain, and on the other hand because his mouth was full of blood foam.

Zhao Zhu looked around and found a string of chandeliers hanging above the fountain. These chandeliers glowed together with the fountain at night, which was very beautiful. At this time, it was Zhao Zhu's only solution. He took out his pistol and pointed at him. The chandelier on the fountain, the mental power and the mind power were released at the same time, and four shots were fired in a row. The four steel wires that were originally connected to the chandelier were all interrupted, and the chandelier fell down, pulling down a large piece of wire.

Although this human activity is almost abandoned, the electric energy inside is still being supplied and demanded. When Zhao Zhu entered the control room, the machine inside was running normally. This should also be a small bug in this horror web world, but right now This bug has helped Zhao Zhu a lot.

When the chandelier smashed into the pool and the wires were also submerged in the water, the entire pool suddenly danced with electric snakes, terrifying electricity raging, the mutant stood up from the pool, and his body immediately burned with **** flames, and then turned into A piece of coke was submerged in the water again, and because its body was stretched straight at the moment of being electrocuted, and its tail slammed violently, Fan Bian was thrown from the air to the ground, so Fan Bian was not shocked by the electric shock. But the lower abdomen was pierced and thrown down so ruthlessly, and it was almost impossible at this time.

Zhao Zhu was bleeding from the corners of his nostrils, mouth, eyes, and even ears~www.mtlnovel.com~ He had overdrawn his mental power and willpower before to ensure that he was able to hit a hundred shots. At this time, his mind was also dizzy, but , Compared with Fan Pian, Zhao Zhu is already very lucky.

When Zhao Zhu walked up to him, he stretched out one hand and held Zhao Zhu's foot, "Save...Save...me..."

Zhao Zhu took a deep look at Fan Pian, but he was weighing the pros and cons in his heart. In the end, he bent down and took out a small syringe from the base of his shoe.

"This is the booster shot I exchanged from the group owner. The effect is better than in the real world, but the side effects are greater. It should be useful to you, but it will definitely not last long. I will give you this shot. , and then you find a place to stay, and I'll find two dinosaur eggs to give you and me the task."

Fan Pian listened and nodded, "I...know...thank...thank..."

Zhao Zhu stabbed the needle into Fan Pian's body. After the liquid was pushed in, Fan Pian's complexion gradually turned from pale to ruddy, a bit similar to the meaning of returning to light, but he was able to cover it with his clothes at this time. He struggled to stand up from his wounds, but staggered, obviously he was still very weak, and he was dying soon.

"As long as you can help me survive and survive this mission world, I...I...I will pay you back ten times as much in the future."

"You know, people like us have never been very cold about this kind of commitment."

"But, now, I only have these promises."

"Okay, I'll try my best, and you have to live as much as possible."