
Horrible Fanfiction ideas

These are ideas that wont get out of my head for no reason. Read if you want but i doubt that anyone would care. Also if someone would like to know, I have absolutely 0 experience with writing a story and these are just ideas with my thoughts on them. (Cover not mine, it's from twitter)

some_random_guy_7218 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

List of characters I want to see used more often (some spoilers)

Since I don't have full ideas, I will just write characters that I find should be used more often generally. Also note that some of these text were directly ripped from the Wikis.

Saxton Hale (Team Fortress 2)

My favorite Australian enters the scene! Has notable achievements. Examples from wiki: Purchasing England, fighting off a lion while simultaneously having a haircut, eating a whole ostrich, 'Manslaughtering' 1,593 physicians, etc.

He would be one hell of a character to use in a multiverse group chat fic, considering he likes fighting and pretty much made yetis extinct.

Miles Edgeworth (Phoenix Wright)

The main prosecutor of the series. Had one hell of a redemption arc and made pretty much everyone that knows the series like him. Socially akward, calm, level-headed, a menace in court. If you haven't played phoenix wright for some reason, please do. It's one hell of a franchise.

Franziska von Karma (Phoenix Wright)

I know that I should probably mention other franchises, but man does Franziska steal this spot. Quick description: became a Prosecutor at the age of 13. Cold, unrelenting and competitive in court. Mostly a perfectionist, only losing a "perfect" record to phoenix wright. Also had one hell of a character development.

B J Blazkowicz (Wolfenstein)

Canonically Doom guy's father, fought against high tech nazis. Basically, they won the world war and now Mr B.J has to rise up against them. He is strong I can tell you that. Also hilarious character, many great scenes.

V1 (Ultrakill)

A fighting machine designed to heal using blood. Has a rocket launcher that can bring the speed of a rocket to 0 and make it like time has stopped on them. Punches shotgun pellets to make them explode and go faster, throws coin and shooting the coin in the air makes it ricochet to the nearest enemy's head. There are tons of things you can write with this character.

Well that's it for now, maybe I'll make an another one if I find cool characters or something.


Man, we really will never get silksong huh? After waiting all this time Unity decided to make their game engine cost the devs per install.(Stupid move) Oh well, I feel bad for indie devs and any devs that made a game with unity.