
Horrible Fanfiction ideas

These are ideas that wont get out of my head for no reason. Read if you want but i doubt that anyone would care. Also if someone would like to know, I have absolutely 0 experience with writing a story and these are just ideas with my thoughts on them. (Cover not mine, it's from twitter)

some_random_guy_7218 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

18: Not a fanfic 1

(Warning, brainrot ahead) This might have been done before, but I was thinking about those sentient system things. I wonder if they actually learn how to be systems. I mean, being created out of nowhere is kind of boring no?

I was thinking something like an academy. The sentient system can choose what features it'll have (example: Shop, Daily rewards, Pay2Win, increased stats, etc.) But it should have limited options to choose (choosing one restricts other). Honestly maybe systems can have interactions when system users meet each other. Or systems can fight for a good host (or share and have multiple systems)

Honestly a really bad idea, but considering my other horrible ideas this ain't that bad.


Splatoon 3 Side Order dlc looks fucking amazing.