

AUTHOR: ROXYIE, Caution,the game about to be selected is deadly. TaKe CaRe. (The happenings and areas in the novel are fake and all made up! ) Do you ever think of acquiring too much? What's the cause? What's the results? Do you ever get caught up in a dilemma? How do you go about it? What's the solution? Choosing between twin like objects, which one will you pick? The assignment? The mission? Jealousy and envy. Convey one's character. When one's character is doomed,so is the person. An exposé on a perfect family that everyone in the city is talking about. An illigetimate child. Abandoned. The goal. The goal is to uncover something unseemly about their background and ruin their reputation. Feeling bad about it? Already? But if this is the price for success in your business. Decided? Deciding that you are willing to pay it. Besides, the public deserves the truth, right? Okay.

Roxyie · Urban
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51 Chs


"What a tragic romantic relationship." Sighed Lily Wyatt as she went back to her beauty tutorials. Rylee Athena was again left on the couch and after the long break,she decided to go to sleep. Her thoughts always lingered on the Love that her adoptive father had given her before he had disappeared from the face of the planet Earth and into another world.

The next day Rylee Athena had planned to go for an interview at Max's restaurant and ask for a job since she was very good at cooking and she believed that the company's small hotel needed her since it was just open and selling easy going food.

The night was very quiet as only cars hooting on the highway that was near their house that they resided in. She had even prepared the clothes to wear, yellow sneakers,a yellow mini dress,a white legging, since she hated wearing short clothes,a yellow leather jacket,a yellow woolen scarf,a yellow leather watch and a white leather chain bag. Her mother had pestered her to get a job opportunity and pay for Mason Asher's tution money and help her in providing for the family since all her mother knew was apparently applying make-up and looking pretty and girly unconcerned about her family.

Her younger brother was busy doing his homework and revising for his upcoming examinations that were tough.

The next morning, the scent of fresh daisies and carnations filled the air as the sound of cars hooting, people chatting and bird's melodious songs could be heard.

The sun rays shone through her curtain and woke her up,they tinted the place where they landed on orange. Light breezes blew giving a refreshing feeling. Rylee Athena woke up and sat down on her bed,prayed and then stretched herself as if she was a rubber band and then opened the window to her room, prepared her bed and then left. She was now in the kitchen preparing breakfast, milk tea, bread with butter and some scrambled eggs. She took a pan,poured in some oil and cooked some scrambled eggs. She then took out six bread slices and smeared two peanut butter and one jam since she never ate butter after that,she placed them in a plate. She did not like it at all. And after setting the table,they all sat down and had their breakfast.

The traffic light was still red and a crowd of people were waiting for it to turn green so that they could cross to the other side. Rylee Athena was still waiting while staring at her watch looking at the time,she then looked up to the sky with some clouds floating by giving some light shadows to the ground. The sun was shining but not brightly. Then all out of a sudden, the crowd started reducing and then she picked her courage up and walked hurriedly over the pedestrian road and onto the other side. She then started walking to the location of the Max's corporation small hotel. Before walking for a very long distance, her phone flip phone started ringing from inside the yellow leather bag,she then stood aside and took it out and picked it up.

"Hello, what is it?" Rylee Athena asked as she responded to the call. People were still passing on the street while brushing their bodies with each other. With different features,fat,slim, pale, dark and even handsome and stunning.

"Are you ready to go the interview? Be confident, happy, extremely interested and prove to be hardworking." Her best friend,Natalia Quinn asked a string of endless questions to help her with the interview."

"Okay,one at a time. I will obey you... I will be confident and do everything professionally." She said with a fearless attitude. She insisted on the word confident by clenching her fist and holding it up high. After the call,she continued on with her journey to Max's corporation small hotel. After arriving at the door,she stared at the sticker at the door and the writings that read, ' Utopia Hotel. '

It was a small branch of their main Five Star Hotel, which had a different name which was, ' Moreish Daydream. Five-star Hotel'

Their president had decided to start it inorder to look for capable people to help him with the upcoming tourism project.

She pushed in the door to the hotel ajar and got in,most of the people going for the interview were actually very good looking in suits and expensive clothes and jewelry. She was very intimidated and she then mooched to her seat and got seated. Soon,the management got in and introduced the upcoming director of the Utopia Hotel, Sir. Benjamin Franklin ,a young man in his thirties. The management explained the skills needed and that they only needed eight workers and two would be taken from the Five-star Hotel to guide them throughout the work. She was then introduced,her name was Jadie Felicity, who was a trained waitress and a young lady in her twenties with a bright, beautiful smile together with the trained chef, Seven Arley,a handsome young man in his twenties with a sweet smile.

Then the interview started,each person was invited to a private room and then came back to their sitting position,each scared but confident at the same time. Rylee Athena was busy texting her best friend asking her how to behave and act. Soon it was her turn but she was busy and was stunned and shocked and hurriedly went to the room. She sat at the seat in front of the management team,her heart throbbing extremely hard and her breath visible and that could be heard. She then handed the team her certificates, CV attached to a copy of her national ID that is before they had asked for them so as to seem intelligent than others.

"What is your previous job opportunity?" Inquired one of the management team member who was a young lady.

"Umm... I was working at a normal small hotel as a waitress and I could also sometimes cook at the place. "

"Oh... Then what do you prefer to do? Cook or serve food as a waitress?"

"I prefer to..." She paused as she thought her answer through since it was a bit of a hard question to answer. She liked serving and cooking but since her training only varied on normal dishes and she did not know how to cook expensive and luxurious dishes. But serving was very easy and if she decided to choose cooking then she would either loose the job or go to training which was impossible since it was impossible for her to do that. So she decided to choose serving because she would not loose the chance and also because she was very good at interacting with others and also had a good temper management skill. So her answer was definitely Serving as a waitress.

"I would prefer serving as a waitress over cooking." She then continued after the short break of thinking thoroughly.

"Why?" That question struck her confidence and was all out of the blue. 'why?' was that even a reasonable question that one would ask in an interview? So sudden and that it did not even concern the topic ' hiring workers.'

Even the other people she was with looked at her with their eyes popped out in astonishment. One of them who was a young man got closer and whispered something in her ear and then she whispered back. The answer made man satisfied and concentrated to her work and as well as the other young lady after she got an answer from the young lady who had whispered into her ear.

"Mainly because I have not undertaken a course at University of such type and cannot cook Five-star Michelin foods so," she bit her lower lip as she paused and looked at the floor, "I've decided to choose serving as a waitress. What I can do best."

"Wow! Honesty is really the best policy. You've got the job. Only a few people told us the truth about their background and experience in some specific areas." The young man said as she woke up and shook Rylee Athena's hand. She was very happy and it was evident on her face because she wore an heavenly smile.

After leaving the private room,the winners were announced as follows: Micheal Aiden hired as a chef,Hudson Lincon hired as a chef,Kiara Octavia hired as a chef, Winifred Williams hired as a chef, Harley Davidson hired as a cashier, Iris Evangeline hired as a cashier, Rylee Athena hired as a waitress,Beatrice Clover hired as a waitress, Amber Alicia hired as a waiter and finally Stacy Williams hired as a waitress.

"Thank you for all those who came, congratulations to all those who won and try again to those who lost. My name is Claudette Jackson,a worker at the headquarters of Max's corporation, doing a good work will earn you a promotion, let's do our best so that this branch can be chosen to be in the upcoming project." Said the young lady who was in a black strapless dress and white mules with a white fluffy scarf around her neck,she was the one who was asking questions in the interview. She seemed to be the boss of the two who were with her there.

"Hoping to the best and also preparing for the worst is one of the ways of preparing in a competition, it's like a lucky draw or a lottery, even if you loose,you will still want to try and try again. Let's not give up and try again and again,be persuasive. My name is Becky Jones also from the headquarters of Max's corporation. Try your best." Said the young lady next to Claudette Jackson who was clad in a magenta jacket and a white plaited skirt, white ankle boots and a magenta shirt.

"I have nothing else to add but I can only tell you that my formal name is Kai Jimmy from the headquarters and Max's corporation. Thank you for your time today and also bye bye." Said the young man next to Becky Jones who was dressed in a black suit and black sharpshooters and a black tie.

After the meeting,we were handed our contracts and I personally read through it and then signed. The rules were that no one should miss a day without permission.

No revealing secrets to the public.

No lying about anything.

Always respecting the authority.

And that if one had any issues, contacting the management would be the best choice.

She was so happy that I texted my best friend. She decided to take me to party with her friends as a celebration that she would have paid no cent nor shilling.

The bright Disco lights shone as they changed colours. We refilled each glass after drinking the alcohol. She only remembered drinking my last glass and only found myself waking up in my bedroom confused about the previous night. She woke up , stretched as usual and looked at the time. It was her first day at work and she needed not to be late and make a good impression so she left home early when my younger brother and mother were still asleep,she was lucky that day. She had worn black tight jeans and a white top,a black jacket and my usual white sneakers and my white shoulder bag and her usual high ponytail and a white leather watch. We were supposed to be given our uniforms on that specific day.

She arrived to her work of place and was given her uniform,a black apron and a white dress and white sneakers for ladies and for men a white shirt and white trousers and white sneakers too for waiters and waitresses. The work had been going well for her and the people treated her well.

Six months later:

"Miss. Isla Amelia has recently disappeared after Max's corporation has recently announced after Ali Maddox announced breaking off of the engagement and that the wedding date of Isla Amelia and Ali Maddox six months after Isla Amelia suddenly disappeared has been postponed indefinitely for unknown reasons." Announced a news caster from the channel that the small hotel, Utopia Hotel was announcing. It was all a disaster since she had gone at a strategic situation since Max corporation was rising up and up. Rylee Athena was busy wiping the tables that was early before the customers had come in. Jadie Felicity ,the diva of the hotel was busy applying her make-up,she seemed like a full matured hypocrite who only knew of how to look good. Mr. Seven Arley was a very responsible person and was busy showing his trainees how to cook different food and how to dress them.

Being a waitress mostly rotated around manners and responsibilities that their role model Jadie Felicity lacked. Stacy Williams then approached Rylee Athena and introduced herself as she stretched out her hair ready to greet her, "Hello,my name is Stacy Williams ,I'm your fellow colleague. " She paused, pointed at Jadie Felicity and then continued, "How good our role model is, it's a great relief she is not strict." She said with her voice full of dissatisfaction and disappointment. She then sighed,pulled out the chair and sat down. "Why are you always this serious in your business?" Questioned Stacy Williams while looking around the room.

"I like work,I have always worked since I was young, so I'm kind of used to it." Answered Rylee Athena while placing a jug of water and some empty, clean and upside-down glasses around it, a pot of fresh,sweet smelling flowers inside a vase full of water and onto the table and a menu on the table too.

"Oh,I get it, you were introduced to this kind of work when you were young, but why? Isn't that basically child abuse?" Inquired Stacy Williams as she stared at her reflection on the sparkling clean floor.

"I am an adoptee,why would I be in a position to argue or complain about anything?" Rylee Athena instead of answering asked as she stood aside the table looking outside through the glass wall that connected the outside world with the inside,like a television.

After the long talk, both returned to do their work in their respective places.

In the Max's family mansion:

Ali Maddox's grandfather Raymond Oliver was in his wheelchair with his white hair and a blanket on his legs as he was being pushed by Ali Maddox's secretary, Assistant Theo Kenji.

He seemed very sad and devastated as he pushed him,his master was very sick and needed a surgery as soon as possible but he insisted that Ali Maddox should go and look for the suddenly disappeared Isla Amelia and fulfill the promise he had agreed with his friend.

"Sir,in the last six months, your illness has gotten even worser than before. You should just go ahead and get the surgery." He paused and looked at the portrait hanged on the wall of him and Ali Maddox. " The chairman is worried sick about you. Do you even know that or you just don't care?" Questioned

Assistant Theo Kenji in a caring manner.

Then suddenly, Ali Maddox rushed in the room and squatted down near his grandfather's wheelchair and said to him sweetly and his voice full of care, "Grandpa,the surgery cannot be delayed any longer. It might cause serious problems if your decision is delaying it."

"Bring Isla Amelia back! Otherwise I won't promise you anything!" Shouted Raymond Oliver in an angry manner without any care rather than of Isla Amelia's welfare.

"Grandpa!" Ali Maddox tried to tell his grandpa something else but got shut down.

"Go away!" Raymond Oliver interrupted him and then told Assistant Theo Kenji to push him to another place as he was confused and full of worry. Ali Maddox was left in worry and sat down on the couch and held his hand on his forehead. Then a sudden flashback arouse in his mind. He remembered the time he was with Isla Amelia at the hotel when she had asked him.

"If I disappear like that ring to an unknown destination,will you come looking for me or will you just assume that I had never existed before?"

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