

AUTHOR: ROXYIE, Caution,the game about to be selected is deadly. TaKe CaRe. (The happenings and areas in the novel are fake and all made up! ) Do you ever think of acquiring too much? What's the cause? What's the results? Do you ever get caught up in a dilemma? How do you go about it? What's the solution? Choosing between twin like objects, which one will you pick? The assignment? The mission? Jealousy and envy. Convey one's character. When one's character is doomed,so is the person. An exposé on a perfect family that everyone in the city is talking about. An illigetimate child. Abandoned. The goal. The goal is to uncover something unseemly about their background and ruin their reputation. Feeling bad about it? Already? But if this is the price for success in your business. Decided? Deciding that you are willing to pay it. Besides, the public deserves the truth, right? Okay.

Roxyie · Urban
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51 Chs


So this was just one of her schemes to distort the timeline for the operation and make him worry over her and look for her,she was so cunning. It was as if Isla Amelia had fallen off the face of planet Earth and had gone like smoke flying off from fire. Gone and disappeared forever like an atom that has never been there before. For the sake of his grandpa,Raymond Oliver and inorder to conduct the Grandpa's surgery he had to continue with the meaningless engagement and marry against his will and he started looking for Isla Amelia.

Rylee Athena still wearing her duck patterned jimjams,her fluffy bunny white slippers,her hair let down flowing through her shoulders and came out of the kitchen holding two plates with grilled bananas,a healthy meal and then she went to the dining room and placed her food on the table after his younger brother, Mason Asher cleared the table and swept his book away and then Rylee Athena placed the bowl and then took up her glasses and wore them,picked up her chopsticks but before she could start eating,her younger brother Mason Asher started borrowing her some of the food. "I can't believe you are so old and yet you cannot cook for yourself. Can't you cook yourself? What's the point of having a handsome face if you can do nothing like that huh?" Questioned Rylee Athena as she looked at him angrily as she stared at her plate.

'Good for nothing ' she mumbled to herself as she glared at him angrily.

"Eh.... Don't scold him, he's younger and he's a man. Perhaps you're just an adoptee, respect him. Just give him, okay? A tiny bit okay" Said Lily Wyatt trying to protect her son from hunger and starvation while she illustrated with the tiny bit by joining her thumb and her tíng finger together, showing a small amount.

"Then, if he's a man...Then what if he marries a pretty lady,have children and then by bad luck,his wife dies. Won't he cook for his children?" Asked Rylee Athena sarcastically as she stared at her egg noodles and at Mason Asher.

"Uh... Can't you share a bit? Don't be stingy, if not for me and my husband,you would still be an orphan at the orphanage." She said angrily while staring at Rylee Athena with a face that said, ' give it to him you ungrateful so called orphan.'

Mason Asher then took her two leftovers and kept it in his plate while still eating his. "Are you mad? How can you be so selfish and that's mine after all,you have hands to cook but can't at your age, like seriously?" Asked Rylee Athena as she looked upset and full of anger,she was tired of being treated like a servant in her father's house. Rylee Athena then hit the table hardly with her hand and stormed out of the dining room as she stomped, open the door to her bedroom forcefully and slammed it with a loud bang that it left the others in the room shocked beyond words.

"How dare she!" Hissed Lily Wyatt as she stared at the door to Rylee Athena's room while her son was busy eating the food leftover by Rylee Athena.

Rylee Athena was in her room sitted on her bed with a watermelon patterned duvet,a white bedcover and green, white and red pillows on the headrest as she stared out her window at the large oak tree at their backyard that was full of life and birds flying from all directions and nests hanged up there. She remembered how her and her father Lucas Darien with spades, some seeds and a watering can.

Her father, Lucas Darien dug the hole and they planted it together. It had been twenty years and it had sprouted, developed and become a huge tree. It's leaves green and it's trunk brown,it had only symbolised summer and winter. Sometimes she could hear the wind rustle the leaves and some birds tweet and chirp. The water pond behind the tree had leaves floating on the water surface as some ripples grew on the water surface. The reflection of the tree was clear onto the water surface and the blue sky with dotted clouds that floated lazily on the sky as the sun dappled through leaves swaying in the morning breeze.The soothing and calming rhythm echoing it's lyrical flow to morning as light sweet air blows softly and gently scented by sweet daisies and carnations in bloom as delicate pretty petals lifting to dance in harmony.

Her hair dancing in the breeze. The melancholy had taken the best of her and the happy days become her old day song, always and always replaying in her mind. It was soon time for her to go to work,she prepared herself and left,she always carried extra clothes to change after work. So she wore her work clothes and carried her extra clothes and some money to buy some food and then left for work. After alighting from the bus that was fully packed bus. She headed directly to work, she pushed the door open and got in.

She was lucky that day since most of the employees there were her friends except for Jadie Felicity who hated associating with other employees. She felt like she was on another whole new level of life and always saw herself as a different person from others.

Rylee Athena was now on reception desk with Hudson Lincon and Harley Davidson as she wiped the desk as it was one of her jobs in the hotel. "You are the prettiest girl we have ever met." Hudson Lincon praised her as he run his fingers through the curls of her hair.

"Your hair is very different and special. It had curls and it's a mixture of different colors,auburn and strawberry,so cute." Commented Harley Davidson as he looked at her hair. "Thank you." Said Rylee Athena as she looked at strands of her hair that were on her shoulders. Beatrice Clover was busy wiping the other tables the opposite direction as Amber Alicia was wiping the windows and doors and Stacy Williams arranging the tables in the other side; that is after Beatrice Clover had finished wiping them.

Jadie Felicity was busy munching on some skittles in a plate at one of the tables as she listened to their conversation from the distance. It had been two days and some girl had already replaced her diva personality in the hotel. ' How dare you upstage,you little brat!' Jadie Felicity said to herself as she stared at Rylee Athena angrily as she ate the skittles and by bad luck she bit her tongue as she ate angrily,

"Ouch!" She yelled in pain and agony.

Soon enough, Rylee Athena was already done with cleaning and was busy mopping the floors as it was bad manners to let customers in with a dirty environment.

Then Jadie Felicity intentionally threw the skittles on the floor together with the plate. It fell down and broke with a loud voice and then Rylee Athena noticed and came nearer and squatted down to wipe mop off the skittles.

' I'll have fun screwing with you.' Jadie Felicity said as she looked at Rylee Athena.

Jadie Felicity's plans were coming together so nicely, then she took a sip out of the glass on her table that was full of mango juice.

After seeing her,she intentionally and proudly poured the mango juice on her shoulder and then placing the glass back onto the table, staining her clean and pearl sparkling white shirt which would have costed money since it was a special quality and needed special dry cleaning service since it could not be handles by hand,it would need soaking which would take too long. After Rylee Athena noticing the dampness on her shoulder,she exclaimed loudly and in astonishment as she looked up at Jadie Felicity. "Ah! What do you think you are doing right now,are you gone nuts?"

Jadie Felicity then stood up from the seat,rubbed her hands together and then said out aloud, "It's time for work." As she looked pitifully at Rylee Athena, the feeble and weak girl squatted down before her staring at her unwavering in astonishment and full of anger and possible questions.

After Jadie Felicity walking a few steps forward,Rylee Athena woke up from her position and followed her and then asked her, "What did you do that for? What's the big idea? Why are you such a witch?" Still staring at her unwavering as she clenched her fists in anger and taking in and out heavy breaths due to the anger.

Jadie Felicity then stops walking and looks back at Rylee Athena disgustingly as she gazed at her from top to bottom and right to left. What a pity she was not her class to be a competitive person in the hotel.

"You think everybody likes you? Huh? Think twice, nobody likes you,I will tell you that for free. They are just joking around with you and then you get hurt in the end." Jadie Felicity said as she looked at her with her eyes overflowing with jealousy. After staring at her again and again,she then said to her in a loud tersely voice, "Get out of my face!" Her face still needing no clarification to see that she was angry.

"Why? Why do you hate me that much?" Asked Rylee Athena ready to change as for that time the conversation was heading nowhere. Her voice was really sad and devastated,she thought that she was finally ready to make a move in her life and future and make friends other than the ones she had from Kindergarten.

"Because my boyfriend is the manager here. So just do be obedient, okay or with just one single word from me and you will be fired and forgotten?" Jadie Felicity said with authority and control while trying to seek the attention of the others.

The thought of her boyfriend being the manager, gave her a clear picture of being his assistant soon enough and taking control.

Then suddenly and out of nowhere, Beatrice Clover appeared and was in worry as she knew Jadie Felicity was a very bad woman and she wanted to protect her from getting hurt,she had left her clothe on the table and hurried over together with Stacy Williams who has left her job to await. "Rylee Athena, what is the matter with you?" Inquired Beatrice Clover in a sad but authoritative tone as she looked at her in a sad and caring facial expression. She did not want Rylee Athena to misunderstand but also never wanted Jadie Felicity to misunderstand her intentions too. "How could a newcomer like you argue with an old time employee? Do you not know your league?" She was a bit harsh,just too harsh but it was all of Rylee Athena's benefit after all the hard work.

"But she was the one that....." Rylee Athena tried to speak but could you since she could not just understand why everyone was now suddenly on Jadie Felicity's side.

Stacy Williams then grabbed Rylee Athena arms and asked bravely with no interruptions. "Just because she is an old time employee does not ensure her the right to ridicule others over her bad and stupid intentions." She then looked back at Rylee Athena after finishing and comforted her by saying, "Don't worry,the bad people always get punished." She paused "Always." She insisted on the point.

"When in Rome, do what the Romans do, don't change the rules just because you are new." Jadie Felicity said angrily.

"You witch.... You animal!" Screamed Stacy Williams as she looked at her unwavering and angrily as she clenched her fists.

"All of you stop trying to make up stupid excuses to frame her. Leave now, just go,go deliver this!" Shouted Beatrice Clover and handed Rylee Athena a box and pointed out the door and in the other direction instructing Stacy Williams to go and continue with her work. Stacy Williams was out of words and she gave Beatrice Clover a last full of fire and ice glare before she stomped out of the scenario while Rylee Athena stormed out of the hotel and shut the door with a loud bang and then disappeared into the busy street walks.

And she then turned to Jadie Felicity and said in a sweet and caring voice, "Jadie Felicity, don't be mad over such a small matter,I will make sure I handle it carefully with strictness." Started Beatrice Clover as she tried to cool Jadie Felicity's anger down as one word from her, and it would be the end of her career. "The manager will surely scold and reprimand me if he sees you like this. Be happy,okay? Just try to forget about it." Beatrice Clover finished her sentence and after that Jadie Felicity walked away full of anger as she was very angry about a new employee who thought that she would be able to replace her position in the company. "Hey Jadie Felicity!" Were the last words Beatrice Clover said before Jadie Felicity had gotten out of her sight and sound.

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