
Hooked on you

Keilani was always already a bit... Different. For saying at least. She didn't belong in the princess world. The fancy dresses, the balls... Everything was too much for her. She wanted to run free, explore, discover... She wanted an adventure... Somewhere out there was a place for her. She longed for it... More as she could tell. But hey, princesses do not dream, right? At least that's what her mother said. Until she met him... He turned her world upside down. And that's no joke!

Kaia_Nova_Doyle · Movies
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11 Chs

The isle

Keilani coughs and pulls herself up to the rocky wall. Her long hair sticks to her back. Panting, she looks up at the dark cobblestones, the bleak air and the stinking smell of rotten fish betraying where she is... The isle.

"Fuck" she mumbles and stands up. She wipes her hair out of her face and looks around. Some mischievous characters hang against poles covered with posters with Ben's face crossed out. Here and there a strange figure passes, looking for something to do. Steam pipes in buildings were broken, causing steam to flow in the air. The Wi-Fi routers have been broken on top of the poles and all in all... the Island is worse than she thought. She lets out a ragged breath, gagging as she steps over a pile of trash. Her hand instantly flies to her nose, blocking the horrid smell as she pinches it shut.

"Hey, you" a voice shouts. She jumps for what feels like the millionth time today, turning on her heel to be greeted by a strangely warm face. Her brows raised at the woman, her body involuntarily cringing at her wicked smile. "You aren't from here" she observes. Stepping closer to her. Keilani takes a step back. Wondering to herself if this lady knows what personal space is. Maybe she just doesn't care. "You are an Auredon girl, aren't you?" she accuses, her finger pointed at Keilani. "No" she lies. "Yeah you are" the woman laughs and squints her eyes at her. "Your dress is made in Auredon. "It is not... I stole it." Keilani mumbles and steps backwards. "That reminds me, got a job to do. See ya later" Keilani hastily says and turns around. "Hey" the woman shouts while Keilani starts to run. Keilani hastily runs into an alley, where she falls over a pair of trash cans. She looks backwards, but the weirdo doesn't seem to follow. Hastily, she jumps up. She bumps into a young guy and falls to the ground. "Dammit, idiot" she curses and stands up again. "Hey, I am not the idiot. You are!" "Excuse me" Keilani" groans and stands hastily up. "I'm sorry I ran into you but dude, get on the side now and then" Keilani curses. "Do you know who my mother is?! I'll have you turned into a lama right here if you don't watch it" the boy rambles. "I'm sure you will" Keilani sneers sarcastically. Let me guess, you are the son of Yzma?" "How you know," he asks surprised. Keilani rolls her eyes. "I would love to chat on, but I have somewhere to be." His eyes locked into hers. "Hey, I know you." "No, you don't" Keilani swallows. "Oh yeah I do, You are princess Keilani" he smirks and walks closer. "I am not" she scoffs and takes a step backwards. The boy sends a wicked grin. He grabs Keilani in her arms. "Let me go" she groans. He pushes her back against the wall.

"Hey" a familiar voice sounds loud. "Mal" she sighs relieved. "Mal" the boy stutters and let's go of her. He hastily runs off. "Mal" she sighs. "What the hell are you doing here, Keilani?" "I... I thought you might need some help. "Well I don't, and now. I have to find a way to get you home. Asap." "Mal I... I am sorry, I just wanted to." "Forget it." Mal sighs and walks off. "Come on, before you draw any more attention. We need to find some cover for you. I can't help asking Keilani but are you insane?! You cannot be here." She pulls Keilani out of the alley. "You are going back right now!" "How," Keilani asks. Mal sighs and stops. "I don't know... Yet" she sighs. "Mal, I... I wasn't sure. I didn't mean to follow you here. I just wanted to see if you were okay." "For the record, I do not feel like dealing with more shit right now, so I am just going to let this slide. For now!" Keilani sighs and follows Mal to a dirty dark square. She looks at a badly painted door with at the top; CURL UP&DYE

Keilani smiles softly. "That's a good pun." "It is really not that funny" Mal sighs and opens the door. "Keilani, Welcome to my part of the isle," says Mal.