
Honkai Star Rail: Lonely wind

Forheim a world forsaken by the preservations walls trapped alone this world once full of bright sand and sprawling mountain ranges now sat alone. On the frozen peak of one of Forheim's mountains sits Val a forsaken who is this worlds only habitant sat alone on the brink of extinction, his eyes darkened like the sun can only stew in his nihilism.

Korve · Video Games
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What a (not) wild place

Marble POV

Slate and I quickly made our way to the ships exit as soon as we landed, from what premiminary reports have shown us, the stelleron on this planet has been running rapant for around a hundred years, this means this world is highly dangerous. 'I just hope nothing too unexpected happens' Marble couldn't help but hope for the best, she knew in this kind of work you shouldn't jinx it but with how new her current team is, she doesn't know why they got sent to a planet this far away from the closest outpost and with an old stelleron, stellerons are clasified based on the path they gain their power from and how old they are most times, stellerons are dealt with and sealed away quickly within five years but stellerons above fifty are adults, above a hundred to five hundred old or elder, and five hundred and above anchient while this does not collerate strength as many factors affect that but it gives a decent indication of it's strength and experience.

Forheim she had to admit looked better than Byfen-I, while Byfen was completely indrustrialised Forheim was untouched, Byfen-I was suffocated by a continous smog due to centuries of industrial evolutions but Forheim was blanketed by a layer of snow, Byfen-I also was constantly covered in eternal artifial light it was very rare to have pure darkness on the street but the most facinating thing about this solar system is the fact that the sun had gone out covering the entire place in eternal darkness and the world suffers from a constant below freezing temperatures if it wasn't for the stelleron this world could be made into a tourist attraction but after this stelleron crisis is dealt with she doesn't know how much of the planet will be left to open up, it will either be mined dry or used for an outpost.

Trudging their way through the snowy desert they found themselves on, herself, slate and a team of about twenty IPC workers only ten of which where combat specialist currently with the end of the amber age the IPC is not very popular and only vagrants who left their old planets joined for the free living space. Standing on a mound with their night vision goggles if it wasn't for the fact this was not her first time exploring a world without a sun she would have been terrafied but spotting a mountain in the distance, she planned on using it to contact the closest outpost to gain backup and report any signs of a civilisation for her top secret mission.

 Ten hours later-

After finally making it to the base of the mountain they were about to set up camp when they saw what looked to be like a frozen staircase that led up the side of the mountain deciding to follow it up to find some place else to make proper camp. Making it up to the top of the staircase they saw and old and rusted fence it croaked and creaaked with every tiny movement, nodding to her team they made their way up to the gate and pshed it open.

*Crack* *Thud*

As she pushed open the gates both of them broke at their hines and fell hitting the ice below, they noticed perfectly perserved plants stuck in the ice beneath their feet, continueing on they found they are on a plateu that led to a giant cavern deciding to go into the cavern and get some rest for the night...day...time? sure, as they ezplored the cavern they found doors semmed to inbuilt into the wall and when they tried to open them all seemed locked deciding to set up camp in one of the corners of the cavern they went to sleep.

Slate POV

Slate could not sleep she was so excited like it's not everyday you go to a ice covered world at the edge of the universe with no sun especially for her, for she had only joined the IPC a year ago as she explored the more doors as she was wandering around he found a door that seemed to be differnt than the others she noticed a indent in the door from what seemed to be a heavy impact. Suspecting that an IPC worker wanted to really get in she noted that impact had caused the lock to band in a way that the door simply opened by pressing the handle.


She peered inside the empty single storried house. The layout was simple a door to her right that led to the bedroom, a door to the left that led to a bathroom and infront of her sat the living room with the kitchen and living room being connected. Exploring the house she noticed that there were very few pictures most of them depicting an eleven year old boy with dark blue hair and green eyes with the sun behind him. Slate smiled 'cute' she thought with a smile before taking the picture and continueing her exploration, she didn't take it for herself, definitly not as a sovineir for this crazy planet, she took it to show to Marble later.

After finishing her exploration, the only weird thing being that there where clothes for someone around her age inside the bedroom however not thinking about that and more about how she is going to explain this to Marble. She left back towards camp and fell asleep qucikly. 

That is Nihilistic ice close to finish, and we will start to have some action as Val is about to awaken the sterlleron(?) that found their home on this planet and what made the sun go out hmmmmm

Many Thanks


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